However, the situation is different for the young prince. The eldest princess is a very open-minded mother-in-law. Although she can fight her way out of the siege in the harem, she is very tired of the harem fighting.

Since King Jin does not want to take a concubine, she certainly agrees, so there will be less right and wrong.

Of course, there is another point. As a woman, the eldest princess has also made a lot of contributions. He does not think that women are so so, so she will not think that there is no boy after giving birth to two granddaughters.

But Feng Chenjiu is different. He is the emperor. He should have three palaces, six courtyards and seventy-two concubines, and he also needs the support of the aristocratic family to consolidate his power.

If it were not for the temperament of the late queen, the emperor would probably have more than just those concubines in the harem.

In addition, the late queen died when he loved her the most, so he no longer pursued love and only wanted to do business.

When she chose the prince, she never expected that Feng Chenjiu would only have her as a woman.

But to be honest, Wan Ge felt very uncomfortable when she said that. After all, she had fallen in love before getting married. How could she not feel uncomfortable saying these words now?

She had only been reborn once and had the experience of her previous life. She had not put feelings first in this life.

But Wan Ge never expected that Mr. Feng Chenjiu would be angry.

Feng Chenjiu slapped the stone table beside him, and the stone table instantly split in two.

Feng Chenjiu pointed at her with his fingertips trembling, as if he was very angry: "You, what did you say?"

Wan Ge looked confused: "What's the problem?"

At that moment, countless scenes appeared in Feng Chenjiu's mind, and he instantly sorted out the things that happened over the years.

He gritted his teeth and asked: "Jiang Wan Ge, have you still treated me as a tool all these years? You don't love me at all, you just want me to help your Jiang family find a way out."

Prime Minister Jiang was a man who was above everyone else. He had reached the highest position among civil officials, but he abdicated after becoming the father-in-law of the emperor, but his son did not.

Wan Ge's elder brother, because he is the elder brother-in-law, and his ability is indeed outstanding, not worse than his father, he is rising step by step, and now he is standing in his father's position.

Of course, in addition to this, Wan Ge's cousin has also become a general.

Including Jiang Wanyin's two daughters, it was because Feng Chenjiu saw that she was worried about the two nieces and didn't want to make her sad, so he directly conferred the titles of princess on them.

Now think about it, it seems that since I gave her a reason to marry me, she has been using him.

"Ah?" Wan Ge was confused by his words, what is going on?

Seeing that she didn't refute, Feng Chenjiu's eyes were red: "I knew you had nothing to say, right? You have been using me all the time, you don't love me at all. No wonder you never take the initiative after the courtyard."

Before the marriage, she took the initiative to invite him to take a hot spring bath in the courtyard. Except for that time, she never took the initiative.

Wan Ge thought to himself: Is it possible that you didn't give me a chance to take the initiative?

Wan Ge opened his mouth, and Feng Chenjiu shook his sleeves and said, "I'm angry, and I don't want to talk to you now."

After saying that, he turned around and was about to leave. Wan Ge quickly grabbed his sleeve and hugged him, "Your Majesty doesn't want to choose a concubine, right?"

Wan Ge seemed to understand what he meant. He didn't seem to have thought about choosing a concubine. He said maybe he just wanted to make her jealous?

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