As soon as Wan Ge opened the window, he suddenly saw a man in a white shirt jumping into the river.

"Sir! It's a villain! Save him!" A soft voice spoke anxiously.

Wan Ge had just come through, and his brain hadn't reacted yet, but he instinctively jumped out of the window and ran out.

It was March at this moment, and the river water was a little cold, but Wan Ge didn't seem to feel it. Fortunately, he was fast and quickly pulled the boy up.

Sitting in the ward, Wan Ge felt that this scene was a little familiar.

I still remember that when I met him in the first world, he committed suicide by jumping into the sea.

But this time it was a little different. The thin boy in front of him didn't jump into the river because of suicide, but because of hypoglycemia.

He should have just passed by the river at that time, but he had hypoglycemia, and he fell into the river directly because of dizziness.

And what Wan Ge saw when he opened the window was exactly the scene of him jumping into the river, so the first thought was that he committed suicide.

The doctor first asked about their relationship. Wan Ge looked at the doctor and answered that they were just friends at the moment.

After hearing this, the doctor sighed helplessly: "Since we are friends, you have to persuade him to eat well. How can he not eat? Many of his physical indicators can't keep up."

"I know, doctor. I will definitely let him eat well." Wan Ge understood the general situation and said obediently.

After the doctor left, Wan Ge continued to stay by his side and watched him get an IV drip. He was also sorting out the plot of this world in his mind.

The villain Bai Yi in this world was still born in a well-off family.

Originally, a young master like him who was born with a golden key should have been carefree all his life.

But his grandmother and grandfather were very frugal. Even if the family business was big, the house was just enough for living, and there were no servants.

The parents were not in a business marriage, but they were business mentors. They both managed the family business and were usually very busy.

When Bai Yi was three years old, his parents were too busy with work and sometimes they would not see him for a few days or half a month.

So the young Bai Yi was completely left to the care of the nanny.

The nanny looked very gentle and friendly on the surface. She was introduced by a friend, who said she was very experienced and had a way of taking care of children.

So the two observed for a few days and found that she was indeed very similar to what the friend said, so they felt relieved to leave Bai Yi to the nanny.

But no one expected that this aunt was a beast in human form. And she endured for a very long time, and took very good care of Bai Yi in a year.

Seeing the lively and chubby little baby, the couple felt more relieved about the aunt.

The aunt knew it, so she began to show her other side.

The aunt's pleasure was to torture children, especially those rich and powerful children.

She was born in a very prejudiced family and was forced to drop out of school and work early. She didn't know anything, but she had always been doing cooking and cleaning.

Because she cooked delicious food, she got her first job as a nanny.

At that time, she still felt that life was good, but the employers she met later were not very good. She was scolded or on the way to being scolded every day.

When those people scolded her, they scolded her as lowly as an ant, making her feel that she couldn't even lift her head.

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