Over time, her mind began to twist and become abnormal. After the first time she attacked a child, the parents who watched him were unaware, and the child did not dare to say anything after being warned by her, and her road of no return began.

Because she was almost caught, she worked harder and harder, and she was very careful every time she tortured, so that others could not find anything abnormal.

Even if some parents felt that their children's personalities were getting more and more wrong, they would not think much about it.

And when the aunt got tired of it, she would find a reason to resign and go to torture the next child.

Bai Yi had a very good temper since he was a child. He didn't like to cry when he was a baby. He felt very good.

But the aunt didn't expect that this child who looked very good would be very scary when he was stubborn. He didn't say a word.

If he couldn't hear what he wanted to hear, the aunt would punish him more severely. Not letting them eat was just a small trick.

But no matter how many tricks he used, Bai Yi never gave in to her.

One time, it was so cruel that Bai Yi fainted because he was too hungry, and he fainted in the school. The teacher took him to the hospital, and when he heard what the doctor said, he immediately called Bai Yi's parents.

Because the teacher knew that the people who had been taking care of Bai Yi were not his parents, so this situation must be told to his parents.

It was at that time that Bai Yi's parents knew that their child was abused.

They also realized that the broken surveillance was not really broken, but was done by the aunt. Even though they trusted the aunt and hardly watched the surveillance later, the aunt still broke the surveillance just in case.

At that time, the surveillance was not as casual as it is now, and it was not so fast to fix it, so Bai Yi's parents were not so anxious.

But they didn't expect...

What they didn't expect was that the child had been abused very early, and when they really found out, Bai Yi was already traumatized.

Especially after fainting from hunger this time, when he woke up again, he began to have some disgusting reactions to food.

The aunt before either didn't give him food or made dishes he hated and forced him to eat.

After the incident of fainting from hunger, he hated eating.

At first, his parents didn't notice this problem. They just didn't want their child to remember sad things, so they hardly asked for details.

It wasn't until things got more and more wrong that they realized that Bai Yi had left a psychological shadow and had anorexia. The older he got, the more he hated it. From being able to eat a little at the beginning, to not being able to eat at all later, and finally wanting to vomit at the smell of anything.

At this moment, it was already extremely serious, so this is why he still has low blood sugar at such a big age.

He really has extremely serious anorexia, and even psychologists can't treat it. If it weren't for his parents asking people to research some nutritional supplements, he probably wouldn't be alive today.

But now, he doesn't even want to drink nutritional supplements. He almost has no desire to live.

Wan Ge felt particularly uncomfortable watching the boy become so thin that he was almost skinny.

"Is there medicine in the system space that can treat this?" In addition to emotional guidance, Bai Yi's psychological problem also needs to be treated with drugs.

Ruanruan replied: "Yes, but he probably won't eat it."

In the past, adults could hide in food, but now they can't.

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