Rebellious Path

Chapter 15 - Mock Battles (2)

As the battle started, the frail-looking guy in front of me turned bulky like hulk? Well, he is almost like hulk except for the skin color. He grew big and as if he went to a frenzy, launched himself to me. Not gonna lie, a not green-colored hulk looks ugly so goodbye.

I didn't even dodge his attack causing the teachers except for Eliada to furrow their brows. And some certain people in a certain room couldn't help but also furrow their brows as the looked at me. They seem to think that my physical strength is near to zero. F.u.c.k them, I'll show you how strong I am.

I only extended my hand while the big guy jumped up and tried to smash me with his fists. But as soon as his fists descended and landed at mine, it got stuck and he couldn't move, causing him to land with his feet and looked at me and it was clear what he was thinking, "What the f.u.c.k are you?"

I could only think, 'Me? I'm superman, hahaha!', I laughed in my mind as a smile crept to my face as I pushed the big guy throwing him back maybe a couple of meters. The stage wasn't that big and boy, was he heavy.

He then looked at me as if I was a monster, and so did the teachers, and I can't stress this enough, Eliada is not included. Well, it's nice to see some amazed faces sometimes so, yea, I enjoyed it

Without further delay, I stepped forwards and sent out a punch, I do hope that he won't die with this punch. I completely hit his head just because I was too fast for him. It was as if his brain was shaking as his vision became blurry and blood started to flow down his nose while he got knocked down.

Surprise filled every teacher and so did the students who were fighting except for a few. Though, the teachers were even more surprised at why he didn't heal in a flash but in fact a few seconds past first before he started to heal.

Never mind that, at that moment, the guy turned back to his original form, the frail one if you can remember and was suddenly teleported out of there. Then screams of pain suddenly sounded out throughout as some of the freshmen lost their battles and also got teleported.

Well, they also got teleported to another stage by pair and the freshmen who lost faced each other just as Eliada said. Then suddenly, I felt something pull out my consciousness and my vision became dark and I felt a surge of mana covering me up as I got teleported somewhere else with another opponent. And this time, the opponent was... the girl with flames earlier.

Well, this ought to be interesting, not gonna lie, I rubbed my hands as the effect of the sudden teleportation made me a little bit dizzy and it hurts quite a bit. But as if there was a timer, a beeping noise suddenly sounded causing me to look at the girl who was already booting her fire. She then said loudly, "I'm Mika Fujuki, and you are?"

Seeing that she was prepared, I smiled widely and said with a friendly tone, "I'm Riku Akatsuki, nice to meet you", Suddenly. Miku rushed away from her place as her previous brown hair with scarlet tips, turned fiery red as small horns protruded from her head. She then raised her right arm up causing a strong flame to spurt from the grounded melting it as the flame was aimed at me.

I only smiled as I dodged the attack with a jerk and sprinted towards here readying my attack. This girl was strong, I couldn't help but compare her to the girls and thought that Miku might be as strong or maybe stronger than Aerin, Anna, and Lala altogether. I couldn't help but feel excited.

As if sensing my fist, Miku then smirked as a shield made of fire appeared on her arm and completely covered her. As my fist arrived, I felt a burning sensation that was quite uncomfortable and made me surprised by how strong her flames are. I smiled as a layer of ice formed in my hand and pierced through the fire shocking Miku.

But as if seeing a challenge, Miku didn't give up as she continued by creating a spear of fire. She tried to pierce me with it but I caught the spear and turned it to smoke with water. After all, water beats fire. Miku's face twitched as she saw me use water but in fact, she was happy for the challenge. I'm guessing that this girl's a musclehead but who knows.

Her scarlet eyes then glimmered as she twisted her body and summoned flames all around. Well, all I'm glad is that Miku doesn't chant, unlike the other stupid idiots. They sound like f.u.c.k.i.n.g ten-year-olds. Well then, time to get a bit serious eh? This battle is going nowhere after all.

I then raised both my arms as flames covered my whole body shocking Miku as she thought, 'How can he use opposing elements!? no, how can he use a lot of elements and be so strong at physical prowess? He'd amazing! I wish I can catch up to him!'

The flames then started to cover us all around as if it was a tornado, well it did become a fire tornado as I added wind on it causing the fire to scatter. Miku was indeed shocked, she couldn't believe what she was seeing, but hen she flicked her forehead and knew that everything was real and not just a dream.

I then focused all the fire to a spot creating a huge ball of fire that seemed as if it was a Sun. I guess this was a bit too cruel, but then I have to show how strong I am after all. I'm not afraid to show my powers and never will be. Without any further ado, as if a lion descended from the skies the massive ball of fire rapidly descended to Miku. (A/N: I made a clear reference here, tell me what it is. ;D)

Just as the massive ball of fire arrived, Miku felt pain all over her body as she kneeled down. The flames were just too strong causing her to look at me with pure admiration in her eyes. She couldn't believe that she was bested at her own element which came by a surprise for her but she indeed enjoyed the fight.

Miku's body was filled with burns but she seemed as if immune to it as the burns were only slight but she was completely exhausted from keeping the fire at bay. She then started to heal as the burns slowly disappeared from her body and once again, we were teleported elsewhere. But then I'll say it repeatedly, I cant get used to the teleportation process.

My vision then became clear and left me with a headache as I saw my next enemy. It was one of the students and that one seemed awfully familiar and looked at me with hatred. I knew it... It was the guy who beat me up just because I was with Ruri. Now he can't take it because I'm too handsome and he's sure that Ruri would fall to my grasp.

But this was the time for revenge. You may be above average last time, but now, you 'above average' bullshit won't work with me anymore. Its time to beat you up to the pulp. And you'll be healed after the battle anyways.

As soon as I heard a beeping sound, I disappeared from my pot and appeared behind him and talked giving him a fright, "Well hello there. What was your name again? hmm... Oh, right you were the c.o.c.ks.u.c.k.i.n.g bitch. Rember how you beat me up you f.u.c.ker? I'm gonna pay you back this time."

With a strong kick, I hit his balls causing his face to turn violet in pain as he gasped for air. Now, who looks like a little bitch. Payback is payback and I'm gonna do it tenfold. I then grabbed his arm and twisted it until it looked like a spring causing him to scream in pain. No, he didn't just scream, he screamed as if he was getting tortured. Well, he was getting tortured.

Sparing no time, I made a pointed cone at my foot made of earth magic and once again, kicked his balls, and this time, it completely bled. The others looked at me completely frightened. They looked at me as if I was a psychopath. Just then, a teacher shouted, "You! Stop!"

Of course, I didn't listen, why would I? I control my life and they can do nothing about it. I continued to kick and kick causing blood to gush out and screams sounded throughout. Now I looked like a total madman, but I wouldn't care less. I mean, why would I care?

Even the girls and Naomi looked at me as if it doesn't matter, Miku, on the other hand, only furrowed her brows and as if realizing a possible answer, she just shook her head and continued with her fight. Well, it's not as if it was fun to bully a person who's like an ant so I finally stopped after his mouth started foaming.

I let go of him and he disappeared without a trace. He was possibly sent to the infirmary. Eliada then whispered to the other teachers,"He was extremely injured so he's out", another teacher then had veins bulging on the head, "You should disqualify that kid!"

Eliada only looked at him as if ready to kill, "Villains are far worse than that, he only did something small", the other teachers just gritted their teeth as they continued to spectate. I, again, disappeared from the stage and got teleported elsewhere and this time, my enemy was... Naomi.


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