【2005 CUHK Person of the Year – Hao Qiang】

【Hao Qiang, a sophomore at CUHK, was born on January 1, 1986. He scored full marks in classical Chinese essays in the 2004 college entrance examination. His average GPA was 4.76 in his freshman year and 4.81 in the first semester of his sophomore year. He is a national scholarship winner and the first prize winner of CUHK Excellent Scholarship. He scored full marks in the CET-4 and 707 in the CET-6.

In terms of scientific research, he has five invention patents, three utility model patents and three appearance patents.

In terms of literature and art, the sales of the three songs “Yu Xi Tan”, “Has Anyone Told You” and “Cao Cao” reached one million records.

In terms of business, he started from scratch and founded Future Technology Group, which has more than 1,500 employees and generated about 15 million yuan in taxes in 2005…

In terms of charity, he donates more than one million yuan to CUHK every year…】

At CUHK, everyone knows the name Hao Qiang.

However, most teachers and students do not know his specific deeds, they are scattered, or the information they get is relatively backward, anyway, they know that Hao Qiang is a great person.

Just like Hao Qiang’s classmates, they don’t know that Hao Qiang is the winner of the classical Chinese essay with full marks in the college entrance examination, nor do they know about his patents.

Until the school announced his achievements in detail, countless teachers and students were shocked.

In terms of learning alone, Hao Qiang’s grades directly beat the second-ranked students in his major.

The GPA of most majors is around 4.55, which is equivalent to an average score of 95.5 points;

And Hao Qiang’s GPA is as high as 4.8, which means that he has many subjects with full marks, and if it is lower than 95 points, it is considered a poor test.

Especially for college CET level 4 and 6, the results are even more abnormal.

With his learning and scientific research results, not counting his achievements in business and literature, as long as Hao Qiang is willing, it is not a problem for Qingbei to go directly to a doctorate.

Of course, the pressure on his tutor is also very high, after all, the students are too excellent, and the students are more famous and outstanding than the teachers.

Hao Qiang’s deeds soon spread to various universities in Guangdong Province, and even through the Internet, to various universities across the country, and more teachers and students knew about his honor.

Some students from top 985 universities would also compare their own top students with Hao Qiang.

Although the GPAs are difficult to judge horizontally due to different universities, the CET-4 and CET-6 scores are a fair comparison.

Moreover, Zhongda is also a very powerful 985 university.

Even the top students in Qingbei have to admit in terms of learning: I am not as good as Hao Qiang!

As for others, they can’t compare with Hao Qiang.

A well-known doctoral supervisor at Qinghua University publicly said: “If Hao Qiang is willing to come to Qingbei for postgraduate study, he can be exempted from my postgraduate examination and can go directly to doctoral studies.”

This well-known doctoral supervisor is an outstanding young scholar, not an ordinary doctoral supervisor.

Once this news was exposed, it immediately attracted widespread attention on the Internet.

Soon, many media also reported on it, once again focusing on Hao Qiang’s deeds.

[He is not only a top student, but also a business genius! 】

[Hao Qiang: Multi-talented, rich and powerful]

[Qinghua: Hao Qiang, come to Qingbei!

Hao Qiang: What did you do when you took the college entrance examination? 】

Some media reports have interesting headlines, and many are just random, just to attract attention.

Even if Qingbei was willing to recruit Hao Qiang in the college entrance examination, he might not be willing to go to Qingbei, mainly because he might not adapt to the living habits there, not to say that it is bad.

Qinghua University’s olive branch to Hao Qiang also put a lot of pressure on Zhongda.

Zhongda Vice President Xu responded on behalf of the school: “Thank you for the favor and recognition of Liang Bo of Qingbei to Hao Qiang. Zhongda has many academicians and outstanding young scholars. If Hao Qiang plans to study for a master’s degree, he can freely choose his favorite mentor.”

Well, taking academicians and outstanding young scholars as an example, let’s just put aside the school itself for comparison.

To a certain extent, at the level of outstanding young scholars, it is no longer limited to the background, but the scientific research results and honors are what count.

Zhongda also seized this news trend and vigorously promoted the school’s comprehensive strength, hoping to attract more outstanding students to apply.

Zhongda’s strength is not inferior to those top 985 universities. For example, there are outstanding students like Hao Qiang.

Hao Qiang, who is caught in the spotlight of public opinion, walked on campus and clearly felt that the enthusiasm of the students around him was different from the past.

“Brother Qiang, a well-known doctoral supervisor in Qingbei invited you to study for a master’s degree. Do you want to go?” A student asked enviously.

“I’m staying in Zhongda, why do I have to go so far.” Hao Qiang has been focusing on the lithium battery production line and electric motorcycle sales these days. Where can I pay attention to media reports.

“It’s good not to go. Our Zhongda school has responded. As long as you want, you can choose the academician and outstanding young scholar of Zhongda. It’s great.”

“Uh, it’s”Hao Qiang seemed a little surprised.

“Of course, Vice President Xu responded on behalf of the school, and it was on the Tianya Forum.”

Hao Qiang smiled and waved away.

When he came to the classroom, some classmates discussed this matter with him and asked him if he planned to go to graduate school.

They are already in the second semester of their sophomore year, and they must consider going to graduate school.

The admission rate of Zhongda University is as high as one-quarter, so it is certainly not a problem for Hao Qiang to be admitted to graduate school.

In the first semester of the senior year, the school will introduce the scores and other requirements for admission to graduate school, and as long as you meet the conditions, you can apply for a supervisor.

If you don’t want to be admitted to the school, you can apply to other universities. It would be best if they are willing to hire you, otherwise you can take the path of postgraduate entrance examination.

“There is still more than a year, and I haven’t thought about it yet. ”

Hao Qiang replied that he was not considering studying for a master’s degree for the time being.

In fact, for the sake of free attribute points, he would definitely study for a master’s degree, but he could not come to school as often as he did during his undergraduate years. He would only come to school to ask questions to teachers when he had academic problems.

If he could get a doctorate, he would also want to.

In the past, his colleagues called him “Boss Hao”, which he did not like very much;

If they called him “Dr. Hao”, that would be the best, and it would instantly raise the level of his peers.

It is easy to get a doctorate directly, but it is too difficult to get a doctorate smoothly. Most of the doctoral students cannot get a degree certificate.

The review of graduate students is decided by the supervisor of the school.

But the assessment of doctoral dissertations is conducted by doctoral supervisors of several universities at the same time, which is very strict.

So, it is very smooth to get a degree certificate after three or four years of doctoral study, and five years is not a small amount.

Many universities in Germany still exempt doctoral students, but it is difficult to get a doctorate smoothly.

March 10, Friday.

Hao Qiang held an electric motorcycle sales meeting at the company .

The participants included senior company executives and front-line sales staff.

The company spent several million yuan on advertising, but the effect was not great, and Hao Qiang was a little anxious.

In the second half of last year, in the motorcycle industry, Haojue, Longjin, Jialing, Jianshe, Lifan, Zongshen, Qiantangjiang, Beifang, Chongqi and Xincheng, the above 10 companies sold 1.065 million, 700,300, 643,600, 623,400, 617,600, 594,300 and 590,100 vehicles respectively. , 580,200, 462,900 and 447,000 motorcycles, with a total export of US$1.751 billion, accounting for 57.90% of the total export of motorcycle manufacturing enterprises.

Future Motorcycle Company is just a small one compared to these large motorcycle companies.

The motorcycle market is very large, especially the emerging electric motorcycles.

“This meeting is to find everyone to discuss how to sell our products. Everyone can speak freely.” After the meeting started, Hao Qiang kept a faint smile, and did not seem to be very angry about the poor sales.

Sales Manager Chen Yiwei looked heavy, glanced at Hao Qiang, and reported the situation: “Sales are not good. As the sales manager, I bear the greatest responsibility and I am very ashamed.

The company invested 5 million in advertising, which also attracted the attention of the audience and knew our brand. Many customers think that our F1 is better than its peers.

But if you want to convert it into performance, it is mainly stuck in terminal sales.

We do not have our own sales channels. Currently, we mainly rely on our 10 sales staff to promote our company’s products to stores, but the effect is not good.

In the past month, only 35 stores have been successfully recommended, and the purchase volume is less than 300 vehicles.

According to the observation of our front-line sales staff, these cooperative stores did not focus on promoting our products when promoting products to customers, but preferred branded cars with large profit margins, which had a certain impact on customer choices.

The actual sales volume was only 165 vehicles in one month. ”

This is just like the salesmen in the supermarket. The products are obviously not good, but they still recommend them to customers, saying that the products are good. In fact, these salesmen have never used them.

Hao Qiang and the company’s vice president Lin Yan nodded to show their understanding and signaled him to continue reporting.

Chen Yiwei continued: “Many store owners are reluctant to add our motorcycles to the sales catalog when they hear us promote them.

I think there are several reasons. One is fame. Many store owners have not heard of our brand;

Although we have run TV commercials, many store owners still don’t know.

Second, they are unfamiliar with our products and are afraid that they will not be able to sell them after purchasing them;

Third, the price factor. The ex-factory price of F1 is 2,900 yuan, and the selling price is 3,500 yuan. The gross profit margin is 600 yuan, which is less than the profit margin of some mid-to-high-end brand cars.

Fourth, the risk of purchasing is too great. The store owner said that the risk is too great to invest so much at once, requiring a minimum of five cars.We asked for small batch shipments to reduce transportation costs.

Of course, if they were paid after delivery, they would be happy. ”

After his analysis, he said, “However, if we deliver goods first and pay later, our company will face great financial pressure, and those stores are not our specialty stores, so they will not actively promote our cars unless we make concessions.

Store owners only care about profit margins, unless this product is very popular and customers only want to buy our products. ”

After listening to Chen Yiwei’s report, Lin Yan also analyzed it himself. It costs too much to spend 5 million on advertising, and the publicity is not strong enough.

Unless, we advertise on YTV, but the cost is too high, the company can’t afford it, and the profits earned are eaten up by the publicity.

“Chairman, I think it’s not worthwhile to continue investing in TV advertising;

Unless, our annual production capacity reaches more than 500,000 vehicles, and the advertising costs are spread out.

At present, our company is really not suitable for investing in TV advertising. ”

Hao Qiang heard this and agreed with Lin Yan’s analysis.

Now the cost of TV advertising is very high. If you invest 100 million yuan in advertising in YTV, if it is 100,000 vehicles, the cost will be 1,000 yuan after amortization, which is not cost-effective.

If it is 500,000 vehicles, the cost will be 200 yuan after amortization.

It is only cost-effective if the annual output is more than one million vehicles.

Moreover, if you want to win the bid in YTV, 100 million yuan is far from enough.

The year before last, Mengniu spent 385.15 million yuan to win the bid, and its revenue in 2005 was 10.8 billion yuan.

So, it is not cost-effective to win the bid in YTV.

Hao Qiang pondered for a moment, turned to Chen Yiwei, and asked: “Manager Chen, tell me if you have any solution?

Other colleagues, if you have a good method, please speak freely.

Our meeting is to solve the sales problem. “

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