Salesman Chen Yiwei had an idea long ago. He said, “I think we can take the initiative to control this market instead of relying on those store owners.

However, I am not suggesting that our company open direct-sale stores.

Of course, I do not deny that opening direct-sale stores is a good marketing method.

For example, Henan Province Xinfei Electric Company, in February, their company’s 10,000th electric car rolled off the assembly line, and the 100th flagship store was also opened, and sales were very optimistic.

According to our investigation, the business of opening electric motorcycle stores is very good now, and many store owners have made money and increased their investment.

However, when others see that others are making money, they will also join in opening stores. When the number of stores increases, the profit margin will definitely be compressed.

If we open so many direct-sale stores, once the subsequent business turns bad, the placement of these personnel will be a heavy burden.”

Lin Yan reminded: “It is not very practical for our company to open direct-sale stores. We cannot put the cart before the horse, unless we can monopolize this market and the business is very good.”

Hao Qiang did not express his opinion for the time being. What Chen Yiwei and Lin Yan said made sense.

If the market is monopolized and the products are easy to sell, it is of course best to open your own store, and you can get the most profit.

For example, Renjian Fireworks does not have franchise stores, and neither will Hidilao in the future.

Opening franchise stores makes it difficult to control the service quality, which will only damage the brand image.

Many franchise stores have ruined their brand reputation because they opened franchise stores.

However, opening an electric motorcycle is different from opening a hot pot restaurant, and the product has been finalized.

Chen Yiwei also has a point. Now opening an electric motorcycle store can indeed make money, and the business is very good. A store can easily sell hundreds of electric motorcycles a year and make more than 50,000 yuan a year.

It is not an exaggeration for a store with good business to sell hundreds of electric vehicles a year.

Like Hao Qiang’s hometown, the town has a population of 100,000 people and about 20,000 households, but there are no stores selling electric motorcycles, and you need to go to the county town to buy them.

In the next ten years, there will be almost one electric motorcycle per household, which means a demand of 20,000 vehicles.

So, this business can be done, and the sooner you do it, the more money you can make.

There are no shops in their town, mainly because there are too few bosses who have the money to invest in opening shops.

For twenty electric motorcycles, the investment alone would be tens of thousands of yuan.

The villagers in the countryside have no idea of ​​doing business and no capital.

The only ones who have this capital are the bosses in the town, but they all have their own businesses and don’t change careers easily.

About three or four years later, when there are more electric motorcycle shops, competition is fierce, and shop rents also rise, business is not easy to do.

Especially after the rise of online shopping.

Hao Qiang probably knows the future situation, and he is confident in making such a layout.

Chen Yiwei can guess the future trend, but he can’t guess how long it will take to make money by driving an electric motorcycle.

Chen Yiwei continued, “It is not practical for us to open a store, but can we let someone we trust open a direct-operated store?

For example, our relatives and friends, let them earn this money, as long as it is better than working, they are very happy.

Of course, they don’t have much money to open a store, so they need our company to buy on credit, first the goods and then the payment.

In this way, we turn the passive situation into active control.

However, this method still relies on the financial strength of our company.

At the same time, there are some potential problems and risks.”

After speaking, he looked at the reactions of the boss and General Manager Lin, mainly to see what their opinions were.

Lin Yan nodded and said: “Manager Chen’s idea is good and worth considering. It can indeed allow us to take the initiative to control the market.

But the key is to choose trustworthy people and develop reasonable cooperation models and risk control measures.”

Chen Yiwei said: “Opening a motorcycle shop does not require a good decoration, simple decoration is enough, and the biggest investment cost is the purchase cost and rent.”

Lin Yan pondered for a moment, then turned to Hao Qiang: “Chairman, I think we can open a few stores for pilot.

Unify the decoration style, employee training, sales talk, publicity and promotion, and network layout.

If Manager Chen’s method works, the layout can be gradually expanded.

For example, if the family members or relatives of any colleague in the company are willing to do it, they can be recommended. After all, they know each other well and the risk is low.

In this way, the trust cost between us and the store owner is low.

Of course, there are still risks, but at least you are not afraid of running away. Even if you run away, you can find a guarantor.”

Hao Qiang was silent after listening to the two people. He did not agree or object, and asked other sales staff to share their ideas.

At the same time, he evaluated the company’s financial strength to see whether it could support the operation of this model.In fact, as long as the capital turnover efficiency is high, it is not a problem to support hundreds or thousands of stores.

With thousands of stores, the brand of future motorcycles has been established.

There are 1,636 counties and tens of thousands of towns in the country, mainly in counties and towns, with low competition pressure and great market potential.

Next, many sales staff also proposed their own sales methods, such as opening online stores, sales incentives, group purchase discounts, etc.

Finally, Hao Qiang made the final decision: “You can give the method of opening a direct-sale store recommended by Manager Chen a try. Employees’ family members and friends can sign up to participate, including you.

We will first pilot 20 stores. The faster the layout, the better. We will accumulate experience and improve the model.

If successful, we can gradually replicate and expand the scale.

It is recommended that each store can have at least 20 cars, and the company can sell a maximum of 20 cars on credit. The store decoration fee and rent are borne by the store owner.

We require weekly settlement of sales funds and start shipping every 5 cars to reduce the company’s transportation costs.”

“We cancel the investment in TV advertising and instead cooperate with targeted promotion in the store opening area.”

Finally, Hao Qiang added: “As for online stores, it is time for us to layout Taobao flagship stores, and this will become the top priority of our sales channels.”

Since Taobao went online in 2003, about 9 million netizens visit Taobao every day.

In May 2005, Taobao has become the largest shopping website in China, with an annual turnover of 8 billion yuan.

Hao Qiang knows the future development trend of online shopping, and now he must pay attention to online shopping sales channels.

Not just one online store, but multiple online stores should be laid out, so that when netizens see electric motorcycles, most of the stores displayed in front of them are their brand stores.

At the same time, some fake orders will also be operated secretly to artificially create false performance.

After these sales staff heard the boss say that employees’ family members or relatives and friends can also open stores, 6 people actively signed up on the spot.

Other employees are hesitating and waiting. Anyway, if they can really make money, it won’t be too late for them to take action.

Chen Yiwei and Lin Yan also signed up. They understand the market situation, think they can make money, and believe in the company’s products. They plan to let their families open stores to try.

If they can’t sell it, the most they will lose is rent and decoration costs, and the car can be returned to the company.

Of course, they are management, and ordinary salesmen have signed up, so they must set an example.

After the meeting,

Hao Qiang also wanted his relatives and friends to try it, so he opened a store in the town, one store in every one or two towns.

He called his mother and asked her to ask relatives who was willing to invest in a store, and at the same time let his uncle open a store in his hometown town.

Opening an electric motorcycle store does not require a high business mind, no bargaining, uniform sales prices, no credit and no car theft. You only need to understand the structure of the electric car and know how to cash register. Compared with opening a supermarket and other industries, the requirements are much lower.

Hao Qiang’s uncle does not have a talent for business, but he has worked in the city, seen some of the world, and can count.

Give it a try. No one is proficient in everything at the beginning. This is also an opportunity to change his uncle’s life.

At the same time, opening such a small store can not only expand sales channels, but also allow relatives and friends to have a reliable source of income instead of working.

If this method is feasible, he will recommend it to all relatives and friends, even reliable villagers.

Many places do business in groups, such as Kamata Hospital.

Hao Qiang also wants to give it a try to see if he can build such a sales channel.

No matter if it works or not, give it a try, the cost is not high anyway.

For the poor, profit is the biggest motivation.

And for Hao Qiang, what he wants most is to change and control some situations and gain a greater sense of accomplishment.

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