Just one day later, on March 11.

The registration of 20 pilot companies ended and they signed contracts with Future Motorcycle Company.

With such a good thing, many people are willing to try.

The company sent the contract and training materials to these store owners. They only need to sign the contract and send the copy of their ID card and the contract back to the company.

At the same time, the company started to lay out the Taobao flagship store and recruited technicians to be responsible for the operation of the online store.

Compared with physical stores, Hao Qiang attaches more importance to the development of online channels.

In this era of rapid development of the Internet, online sales will undoubtedly become the main growth point in the future.

Therefore, Hao Qiang decided to focus on the layout of the Taobao flagship store, hoping to achieve a new breakthrough in product sales with the help of the traffic advantage of the e-commerce platform.

Although the opening of offline physical stores is also being promoted simultaneously, Hao Qiang is clearly aware that the main battlefield of competition in the future will gradually shift to online.

Therefore, the company will appropriately tilt its resource allocation towards the online store business in order to seize the opportunity.

On March 15,

Hao Qiang’s uncle rented a shop in the town. The indoor area of ​​the shop is 40 square meters, and there are dozens of square meters of public areas in front of the shop. The annual rent is 6,000 yuan, and there is no transfer fee.

No need to decorate, just make a sign, and then paste the posters of Future Motorcycle on the wall, and then according to the flyer sample of Future Motorcycle Company, let the computer shop make and print, distribute flyers on the street, post posters on the town’s bulletin board, and familiarize himself with sales talk materials.

That’s all he has to do, and then wait for the goods to arrive.

After renting the shop, he called Future Motorcycle Company to ship.

Just one day later, a truck arrived with a full load of electric motorcycles, and the goods were delivered after verifying the information with the driver.

On March 18, the “Lujing Town Future Motorcycle Authorized Store” was officially opened, and many passers-by came in with curiosity to take a look.

The uniform price is 3,500 yuan!

Direct sales from the manufacturer, export products, no bargaining, one-year warranty!

There is no electric motorcycle store in this town, and you have to go to the county town to buy one.

Therefore, there are a lot of people watching, especially when people know that this is the product of the company opened by Hao Qiang in this town, more people watch.

“3,500 yuan a car, so expensive, who can afford it.”

“You get what you pay for. There are electric cars that cost one or two thousand yuan, but they fall apart after a short time. Do you dare to ride it?

This is an export product, the quality is excellent, otherwise foreigners will not buy it.” Hao Qiang’s uncle Liu Xiang explained to the people who were watching the car according to the speech materials provided by the company. He was hesitant and not very smooth.

When his sister asked him to open a store, he was reluctant because he was afraid of losing money.

Then he was scolded by his sister, saying that it is difficult to achieve great things if you are afraid of this and that. This is the task given to you by your nephew. You have to do it even if you don’t want to. Losing money is not your loss.

In the end, Liu Xiang still listened to his sister’s arrangements honestly.

The new store opened, both nervous and looking forward to it.

Today is the market day, and there are crowds of people. Although many people are interested in motorcycles, they generally think that the price is too high.

But there is no way, the price is fixed, not a penny less, so they can only give some gifts to make customers feel that they have made a bargain.

At five o’clock in the afternoon, one car was finally sold, which made a good start for the opening.

He needs to report to the company how many cars were sold that day.

Selling one car makes a gross profit of 600 yuan. Liu Xiang is very happy and immediately sends a message to the sales connection number of Future Motorcycle Company: “Sell one car.”

At the same time,

There are 12 “Future Motorcycle Authorized Stores” that have been opened, and the sales volume on that day was 10 cars.

When Hao Qiang and Lin Yan received the message, they felt pretty good.

The next day, three more stores opened.

The sales volume on that day was 15 cars, and Liu Xiang sold another car.

The store has been open for three days, and it has sold two cars in three days, which makes them extremely excited.

These store owners have already dreamed of getting rich. As long as they can sell 20 cars a month, the gross profit will be as high as 12,000 yuan.

The expenses such as rent and water and electricity bills add up to less than 1,000 yuan.

One month’s income is equivalent to the annual income of factory workers. Naturally, they feel extremely happy.

On March 17, the last five authorized stores also opened.

On this day, the overall sales volume climbed to a new high of 18 vehicles.

In Tiansheng Building, the chairman’s office.

Lin Yan sat opposite Hao Qiang, and the two discussed the situation of the authorized stores in the past few days.

Hao Qiang said calmly: “The data is okay, it depends on whether the sales are stable or not. Maybe it’s the early stage of opening, and the sales will look good temporarily.”

“Well, then observe for a while and let the store owners increase their publicity efforts. Maybe it’s just opened, and the local people are not aware of it yet.” Lin Yan nodded in reply.At the current sales speed, if the funds are recovered for every five vehicles sold, the capital turnover cycle is about one week, but only the cost of five vehicles can be recovered.

Taking into account the comprehensive cost of about 2,000 yuan and the transportation cost, the gross profit margin is compressed to about 700 yuan.

In the next few days, the shop owners stepped up their publicity.

After the local people knew that an electric motorcycle shop had opened in the local area, sales quickly climbed, with an average of nearly 2 vehicles sold per store per day.

The outstanding performance of the future motorcycle, such as smooth and comfortable driving, good braking performance, and strong endurance, coupled with the fashionable and beautiful body design, has been well received by consumers, and word of mouth has quickly spread in the local area.

As Hao Qiang analyzed, in the early stage of opening, if the publicity keeps up, sales will usher in a wave of peaks.

Some salesmen who did not sign up to open a store at the beginning regretted it.

Some stores have sold more than ten cars in a week after opening, and have recovered their investment costs.

When the registration is released next time, you must grab it.

As the company’s sales staff, they are well aware of the performance of the future F1 electric car, and they are convinced that as long as the product can be launched on the market, it will win a good reputation and attract more and more people.

However, when they promote, the store owners often do not pay much attention to the performance of the vehicle itself. They are more concerned about the fact that as the local exclusive dealer, they naturally have to choose to sell brand models with greater profit margins, and they also have to appropriately increase the price.

Of course, there are also some far-sighted store owners who are willing to make moderate profits and will give priority to selling well-known brand models with superior quality.

A few days later, on March 31.

Since its opening, the 20 authorized stores have sold a total of 550 F1s.

And the sales volume of the 50 cooperative stores is less than 200 cars in half a month.

The promotion cost is too high. Of course, these cooperative stores pay first and then deliver goods. The company has no financial pressure, but the company’s transportation costs are high.

Some stores also found that F1 is easier to sell, and they sell it at a higher price privately.

The company’s online store was also officially opened on this day.

That afternoon,

Hao Qiang convened a meeting of Future Motorcycle Company again, and all management attended.

At the meeting, Hao Qiang said: “Some time ago, we authorized 20 stores to conduct pilot sales, and the sales effect was very ideal. We sold 550 F1s in half a month, and received unanimous praise from consumers, which shows that as long as the product is good and the sales method is appropriate, there is no need to worry about sales.

The original plan was to try it out for one month, but after analysis and research, we decided to formally deploy sales outlets in an all-round way.

The second batch will add 80 authorized stores, and the quota will be given priority to relatives and friends of company employees. Each employee can guarantee a store at most.

Of course, if you expand the store by yourself, you need to adopt the model of payment first and then delivery, but you need to apply for sales outlets in advance to avoid vicious competition among the same brand.

At the same time, the company will also expand its production capacity and increase its annual output from the current 30,000 to 40,000 vehicles.”

One hundred stores, an average of 30 to 40 vehicles per store per month, the company’s current production capacity barely meets the requirements.

As soon as Hao Qiang finished speaking, more than a dozen people participating in the meeting applauded enthusiastically.

The boss made the sales data public and strongly supported the family members and friends of the employees to open stores, so that everyone could make money with him.

On the same day, employees signed up to apply, regardless of whether there was anyone in their family willing to run the business.

The 80 places were quickly taken.

The first batch of store owners have already thought about expanding their stores, even if the motorcycle company is unwilling to sell on credit in the future, they can pay first and then receive the goods.

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