After Huang Guoda's words, the secretary understood what he meant, and then nodded respectfully: "I understand, I'll do it right away..." On the other side, Su Xiaoyao was carefully arranging a candlelight dinner for him and Lin Wanxia. In order to make it look more ceremonial, Su Xiaoyao also got two candles. It was already evening after all this, but at this moment, something strange happened. Lin Wanxia, ​​the heroine of the night, disappeared, and Su Xiaoyao searched the entire manor but didn't see her. Suddenly, Su Xiaoyao seemed to think of something, and then ran out of the manor without stopping. Two minutes later, Su Xiaoyao appeared in the Lin family's manor, panting.

His face was extremely dark at this time, watching Lin Wanxia sitting on the sofa and talking and laughing with Li Jingwen.

Seeing that the person coming was Su Xiaoyao, Li Jingwen immediately spoke and asked Su Xiaoyao to sit down.

Helplessly, Su Xiaoyao had to go over, but his face was still full of black lines.

"Xiaoyao, I heard that you also bought a manor nearby?"

Seeing Su Xiaoyao sitting down, Li Jingwen hurriedly asked.

Hearing this, Su Xiaoyao smiled and nodded, then looked at Lin Wanxia and said meaningfully:

"Isn't this just moved in today, so I want to celebrate with Sister Wanxia."

After listening to Su Xiaoyao's words, Lin Wanxia blushed and lowered her head.

How could she not know what Su Xiaoyao was thinking.

It was precisely because she guessed what Su Xiaoyao was thinking that she ran here in the middle of the night to chat with Li Jingwen.

However, after listening to Su Xiaoyao's words, Li Jingwen instantly understood what was going on, so she immediately said:

"If that's the case, then hurry back to celebrate."

Hearing this, Su Xiaoyao smiled, looked at Lin Wanxia with a smug look on his face, and then said softly:

"What are you waiting for, let's go, wife."

"I... I want to talk to mom, you go back first."

"Mom should go to bed."

Faced with Lin Wanxia's excuse, Su Xiaoyao didn't fall for it at all, and even found a good job for Li Jingwen.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Li Jingwen yawned immediately, and then said to Lin Wanxia:

"Yes, mom is sleepy, you go back with Xiaoyao first."


Just like that, Lin Wanxia followed Su Xiaoyao out reluctantly.

On the way, Lin Wanxia wanted to make an excuse to go back to Li Jingwen, but Su Xiaoyao didn't give her this opportunity at all, and just carried it and left.

"Ah..., let me go."

Facing Lin Wanxia's struggle, Su Xiaoyao pretended not to see it. As the saying goes, what's the use of having face for men?

"Young people, you are so energetic."

Behind him, Li Jingwen looked at the backs of the two people leaving and couldn't help but sigh.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night, but the strange thing is that there is no sound at Su Xiaoyao's manor. Isn't it strange?

At the same time, Su Zijin was alone in the room and felt like sitting on pins and needles.

Although he didn't have to worry about food and clothing here, he was still not satisfied and always wanted to escape and settle accounts with Huang Guoda.

To be more precise, he was still thinking about half of Huang Guoda's property.

However, when he looked out the window, he suddenly thought of something, and then quietly came to the utility room on the second floor.

After a long time, he was seen holding a rope and returning to the room again.

He fixed one end of the rope to the foot of the bed, and then wrapped the rope around his body twice, and tied the other end of the rope to the wheelchair.

After doing all this, he slowly climbed up to the windowsill with the help of the height of the wheelchair.

Then he opened the window, and then slowly lowered the rope with his only hand.

Perhaps because he was afraid that one hand would make a noise, he bit one end of the rope with his mouth and slowly lowered it.

Yes, he wanted to use the window to help himself escape.

If this scene was seen by outsiders, they would probably be shocked.

Although this is the second floor, if you fall from here, there will be basically no life-threatening danger.

But this is enough to make Su Zijin, who is almost disabled, drink a pot.

However, he wanted to escape from the second floor without any protective measures, which was simply taking a risk.

It was also fortunate that Su Xiaoyao didn't see it, otherwise he would inevitably sigh.

I thought Su Zijin would stop here, but I didn't expect him to be the same as always.

On the road to death.

You really took great pains to escape. You were locked up on the second floor, and you still had a way.

It seems that there are not many things in this world that can stop you...

However, the fact is indeed so. I don't know whether to praise Su Zijin's good luck or his perseverance.

At this time, Su Zijin had safely put the wheelchair on the ground, and it didn't make much noise.

After doing all this, Su Zijin was relieved, but he didn't continue.

Instead, he held his breath and tried to listen to whether there was any movement downstairs.

Once there was any movement, he would immediately take the wheelchair back.

Since he found this method, he would have many opportunities to escape.

If he was discovered by the man, then his only chance to escape would be ruined.

However, when he didn't hear any movement, Su Zijin secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Now he only needs one step to escape from here completely.

He took a deep breath and then slowly climbed down, but this time it would not be as easy as the last time.

Because his body weight was far greater than the weight of the wheelchair, the two were not at the same level at all.

Moreover, he could still use the resistance of the bed legs and the window sill just now, and he was also controlling everything.

Now he was going down by himself, and except for the support of the bed legs, the rest could only rely on himself.

Sure enough, as soon as Su Zijin went down, he began to fall rapidly, even with a hand to assist.

If he continued like this, he would definitely fall to the ground. Regardless of whether he would be injured or not, the noise he made would definitely alarm the man.

When he was discovered, he would definitely be beaten by the man, and his escape would be more difficult.

In other words, he only had this chance to escape smoothly. Once he lost it, it would be difficult to have it again.

Thinking of this, Su Zijin simply gritted his teeth and then held one end of the rope with his mouth, trying to reduce the speed of falling.

But who would have thought that as soon as his mouth touched the rope, two of his teeth broke out due to the inertia of falling.

But even so, Su Zijin still bit the rope tightly and refused to let go.

However, his method was still very effective. Although he lost a few teeth, his falling speed slowed down.

In the end, Su Zijin landed steadily on the ground. Although he made some noise, it was not loud in general.

However, this time he did not stop immediately to observe whether the man woke up.

Because it was already this time, even if the man woke up, he had no way out and could only go all the way.

But fortunately, the man was not awakened, and Su Zijin quickly opened the rope tied to the wheelchair.

Then he climbed onto the wheelchair with all his strength and sat down, and then quietly left here...

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