The next morning, Huang Guoda's company was surrounded by people, and there were even some reporters.

However, Huang Guoda happened to arrive at the company at this time. When he saw the scene in front of him, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Perhaps because of being targeted by the Lin family for so many days, Huang Guoda couldn't help but tense up at this moment.

So he walked forward quickly and pushed away the crowd of onlookers.

However, when he saw the person clearly, his face sank.

In the middle of the crowd at this time, Su Zijin was sitting in a wheelchair with tears on his face.

Then he pointed at the cameras of several reporters and complained about Huang Guoda's faults with a wronged face.

"Please help me, I was kidnapped by human traffickers when I was young, and then I was sold to the Su family.

I have suffered a lot of grievances in the Su family over the years. I finally found my biological father,

who is the chairman of the Huang Group, Huang Guoda, but he refused to recognize me.

Blood is thicker than water, everyone. Even if he is a beast, he can't be so cruel, right?

But he didn't care about the father-son relationship at all. I went to find him several times, but he drove me out.

I didn't ask for much, I just wanted to be with my father, that's all.

But he didn't even want to meet this only request. Please help me contact my biological father and tell him that his son misses him and wants to return to his side..."

Su Zijin said with tears in his eyes, as if he was really a victim.

However, after hearing this, some of the onlookers were filled with righteous indignation and began to accuse him:

"This Huang Guoda is really not a human being. It's fine that he went to look for his son after he lost him for so many years.

Now that his son has returned to him, he still refuses to recognize him. What's the difference between this kind of person and a beast?"

"That's right, he looks bright and beautiful on the surface, but he is so cold-blooded behind the scenes."

"Fortunately, our family didn't buy his products at the beginning. If he can't even do the most basic things, how good can his products be?"

"Come on, come on, let's work together and block the door of his company.

I want to see how long this scumbag can hide?"

Faced with the accusations of the crowd, the scene exploded instantly, and the scene became more and more intense.

And many reporters also recorded this scene one after another, and some people even started live broadcasts in public.

Trying to expose all of Huang Guoda's actions on the Internet and ruin his reputation.

Seeing this scene, Huang Guoda in the crowd turned pale, and he looked at Su Zijin with eyes that wished he could kill him.

"Chairman, Su Zijin is simply too much. You have done so much for him,

but he is still not satisfied and even ran downstairs to the company to make trouble."

Seeing this scene, even the secretary beside Huang Guoda couldn't stand it anymore.

Hearing this, Huang Guoda took a deep breath, then with a gloomy face, he pushed through the crowd and prepared to personally stop this farce.

There was no way, he couldn't do it if he didn't show up in this scene.

During this period, his company had been hit by the Lin family one after another and had reached the brink of collapse.

If this matter fermented quickly on the Internet, there would be no need for the Lin family to take action.

The public opinion on the Internet alone could bring down his company.

Therefore, Huang Guoda would never allow such a thing to happen.

He could lose to the Lin family, but he could never lose to Su Zijin and these online public opinions.

"Okay, okay, everyone, be quiet."

At this time, Huang Guoda had already stood in the middle of the crowd, and then waved his hand to signal everyone to stop.

Seeing this, the crowd of onlookers stopped one after another, looking at Huang Guoda with puzzled faces.

When Su Zijin saw him, he was immediately delighted, and a hint of pride flashed across his face.

Yes, this was his plan, the purpose was to force Huang Guoda to show up.

Only if Huang Guoda showed up, he could use the hands of this group of onlookers and some reporters to force Huang Guoda to take him in.

In this way, he would not have to continue to be under house arrest.

And he could stay by Huang Guoda's side and plan to take away half of the property promised to him.

In short, as long as he was not imprisoned in that villa for the rest of his life.

Even if he returned to Huang Guoda and suffered some abuse, what would happen?

However, just as Su Zijin was thinking, a bystander pointed at Huang Guoda with a puzzled face and said:

"Who are you?"

Hearing this, Huang Guoda glanced at Su Zijin, then suppressed his anger and spoke slowly:

"Let me introduce myself. I am Huang Guoda, the chairman of the Huang Group."

As soon as Huang Guoda said this, the crowd began to get angry, and the onlookers exploded again.

Pointing at Huang Guoda, they said angrily:

"Okay, so you are Huang Guoda, and you really look like a man."

"How dare you come out? Look at what your son looks like now? As a father, don't you feel sorry for him at all?"

"That's right, I tell you, we have made the decision for this child today.

If you don't give him an explanation, we will block the door of your company. I don't know how you can do business."

Everyone looked like they were watching the fun, and they accused Huang Guoda one by one.

Looking at Huang Guoda's expression at this time, it seemed that it was no longer ugly.

However, Huang Guoda also knew that he could not offend these people, otherwise his business would not be able to continue.

So he adjusted his mentality, then looked at everyone, and said calmly:

"Don't quarrel, you all misunderstood, in fact, he is not my son,

Just seeing that I am in the limelight now, so he wants to use this to blackmail me, everyone, don't be fooled by him."

As soon as Huang Guoda said this, everyone showed incredible expressions.

Obviously, they were moved by Huang Guoda's words.

At the same time, he couldn't help but look at Su Zijin on the side, as if thinking about something.

With the gradual development of the Internet over the years, people often reveal the truth of some things on the Internet.

It is undeniable that this has indeed helped many people.

But there are also some people with bad intentions who rely on turning black and white on the Internet to gain traffic.

When the world finally discovers the truth, they have already made a lot of money. There are many people who do such things.

That's why everyone hesitated. They were afraid that Su Zijin was also the kind of person who would sell his misery in public to gain benefits.

If that was the case, then they would be sinners, so this time everyone didn't speak.

Instead, they chose to look at Su Zijin quietly to see what else he would say.

If he could produce evidence to prove that he and Huang Guoda were father and son, then it would prove that he was not that kind of person.

On the contrary, his move today was just as Huang Guoda said, trying to take this opportunity to blackmail.

On this side, Huang Guoda saw that everyone had turned their spearheads, and he couldn't help but feel relieved.

Then he looked at Su Zijin like everyone else, but the look he gave Su Zijin was full of murderous intent.

On the other hand, Su Zijin was not panicked at all when facing such a scene.

As if he had been prepared, he took out a piece of printing paper from his pocket, and then shed tears again.

Then he looked at everyone with hope, wiped his tears and sobbed:

"Everyone, look, since he said that his father doesn't want to admit it, it doesn't matter, but I don't want to be misunderstood by everyone."

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