Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3198: restructuring

Chapter 3198 Restructuring

Everyone looked at Sun Dawu, and the decision to transform into a joint-stock system was quickly passed at the meeting of the entire group. Of course, this was all driven by Sun Dawu.

 Sun Dawu insisted that even if others had opinions, there was no way to refute them.

“Okay, now, let’s talk about the second thing, which is related to cross-industry operations, such as schools, hospitals and the like. The hospital’s investment plan is on hold. As for when to resume construction, we will discuss it later.

 As for the school, this year’s funding will continue to be allocated, but tuition fees will be increased appropriately next year...”

Sun Dawu arranged everything one by one. Originally, it was to build the Peach Blossom Land in his heart, build the city of Dawu, and build the world of great harmony in his heart.

But now that the group has been transformed into a joint-stock system, of course it must adapt to the transformation under the current joint-stock system. And although Jiang Xiaobai said that he has not made any follow-up arrangements for the time being, that is what he meant.

 And from the perspective of the interests of the group, it does not say that while giving employees shares, they will also be given free schooling and free medical treatment.

 If welfare benefits have been increased, they will naturally have to be reduced in other places. Otherwise, the group will not be able to bear the burden.

This meeting lasted from eight o'clock in the evening to two o'clock in the morning.

However, this just settled some big things. When the meeting ended, Sun Dawu informed everyone that the meeting would continue at ten o'clock tomorrow morning.

 These many detailed and specific tasks still need to be further arranged.

For example, regarding the shareholding system, the group wants to reform the shareholding system, but how to change this? The current shares are too few and it is appropriate to allocate them. However, it is specific to each executive, how many shares are appropriate.

 How to allocate shares to employees below? How much is more appropriate? What kind of employees should be allotted? Is it employees who have worked for three years, or employees who have worked for five or ten years?

How many shares will be allotted in this round, and how should new employees be motivated in the future...

Etc., don’t ask too many questions. The four-hour conference room in one night just set a general direction for the group’s restructuring. As for the specific plan, it starts from the discussion and formulation, to the briefing, to Once it is announced, there is still a series of things to do.

The entire Dawu Group, with tens of thousands of employees and a market value of hundreds of millions, is also a big ship. Nothing can be done too casually, otherwise, big problems will definitely occur.

 The U-turn of a large ship should of course be done slowly rather than hastily. It should be done slowly.

However, although Sun Dawu informed everyone that the meeting would not be held until ten o'clock the next morning, he got up at seven o'clock and appeared in the lobby of Dawu Group Guest House at seven thirty, waiting to accompany Jiang Xiaobai to have breakfast. .

Jiang Xiaobai didn't know anything about the internal affairs of Dawu Group. When Dawu Group held an impromptu meeting last night, it was already eight o'clock in the evening. By the time the meeting ended, it was already two o'clock in the morning. Jiang Xiaobai had already fallen asleep, and this meeting was The delivery of messages also takes time.

Those who got up early and are well-informed already knew this early this morning, but Jiang Xiaobai is a distinguished guest of the Dawu Group, who dares to spread the news to Jiang Xiaobai.

But Jiang Xiaobai knew Sun Dawu's choice the moment he saw Sun Dawu. After all, Sun Dawu's relaxed look was too obvious.

If Sun Dawu continues to persist, then he will leave today. Sun Dawu should face an uncertain outcome. It is strange that he can be relaxed.

So Sun Dawu should have listened to what he said. Of course, no matter whether Sun Dawu was really convinced by him in his heart, whether he was sincerely willing to listen to his own opinion, or whether he was forced by the situation and forced by I had no choice but to agree. It doesn't matter. Anyway, after such a large group turns around, it is not possible to turn back if it wants to. Besides, as long as the joint-stock system is started, it will be very difficult to come back later.

After all, every executive has obtained shares, the middle-level cadres below have options, and the employees below have hope. These are all benefits obtained, and even if you don’t give them to you, they will take the initiative to ask for these benefits. Woolen cloth.

 Once you give it, it is impossible to get it back.

 So as long as Sun Dawu agrees, the matter will basically be settled.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t know that Sun Dawu had already held a high-level meeting overnight in order to show his determination.

 “Dr. Jiang.”

"I think you have made a decision?" Jiang Xiaobai nodded and walked towards the canteen, asking casually as he walked.

As expected, Sun Dawu nodded: "Director Jiang, I listened to everything you said. The group's high-level meeting was held last night, and the meeting was unanimously approved."

“The reaction speed is not slow.” Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Sun Dawu in surprise. He did not expect that Sun Dawu would be so fast. He held a meeting overnight and finalized the restructuring plan.

 “Dr. Jiang, thank you for the award.” Sun Dawu responded with a smile.

Jiang Xiaobai continued: "But I saw that the meeting passed unanimously, it shouldn't be possible, right?"

Sun Dawu smiled coquettishly when he heard this: "Dr. Jiang, you see too clearly."

“It’s not transparent, it’s human nature.” Jiang Xiaobai said with emotion. In many cases, it is very difficult to transform a family business into a joint-stock company.

Because vested interests will obstruct it, this time the Dawu Group is facing a crisis. Coupled with Sun Dawu's strength, it can smoothly promote this matter to success.

If it were a different time, even if Sun Dawu was willing to promote this matter, various relatives and relatives would definitely stand up and stop it, and they would definitely not think about losing their own interests.

That would be more difficult for Sun Dawu himself. After all, no one can really cut off contact with his family.

Therefore, if some enterprises are family enterprises at the beginning, it will be difficult to change them into joint-stock enterprises later, but it will be much better if they are joint-stock enterprises from the beginning.

At any time, it is very difficult to take advantage of those who have immediate interests, because they will try their best to fight back.

Of course, family businesses are not without any benefits, but the route taken by Dawu Group is definitely problematic. This does not mean that family businesses do not develop well, and many large family businesses have also developed well.

 (End of this chapter)

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