Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3199: Be on guard

Chapter 3199 Preparation

 Family businesses will limit the development of an enterprise to a certain extent. This is indeed a fact.

But for Dawu Group, this is only part of the reason. More importantly, the nature of Dawu Group was unclear from the beginning. Of course, the main reason for this uncertain nature of the enterprise is because of Sun Dawu. Founder.

 It is obviously a private enterprise, but it always relies on the state-owned enterprise model. It is obvious that it has started a business in the new era, but it always has to follow the old path.

It is clear that the first priority of a private enterprise is to make money, because only by making money can the enterprise survive.

 But he just didn’t understand the difference between private enterprises and state-owned enterprises. State-owned enterprises may be able to survive without making money. That is because some state-owned enterprises undertake different tasks and play different roles.

 However, no matter what industry a private enterprise is in, no matter what it is, no matter how many responsibilities it has in mind, no matter what it wants to do, the first priority must be to survive.

If the enterprise cannot survive and make money, then all the talk is in vain. Only when the enterprise survives can we talk about other things.

 So this is the difference between private enterprises and state-owned enterprises.

 Private enterprises must adhere to one principle: if they are poor, they can only benefit themselves; if they are prosperous, they can benefit the world.

You have no money, how poor you are, and you still insist on making a living from a big pot, you can’t handle it.

 Hence, the family business of Dawu Group is still different from other family businesses. Only by correcting its business strategy can it achieve real and healthy development.

“Let’s go, let’s stop chatting and go have breakfast.” Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

After the two of them had breakfast in the cafeteria, it was already past eight o'clock in the morning. Zhang Tingting followed Jiang Xiaobai, waiting for Jiang Xiaobai's instructions at any time. Now that Sun Dawu had made a decision in accordance with Jiang Xiaobai's request, Jiang Xiaobai took action next. It's time to help Sun Dawu settle those troubles.

After Jiang Xiaobai arrived at Sun Dawu's office, he first made a few phone calls to make appointments and find connections.

If you want to ease the tension between the Dawu Group and the local area, you must invite someone to come out to talk, there must be an intermediary to help smooth things over, and you must have someone to help talk things over.

This is when it is necessary to use personal connections. The business of Huaqing Holding Group is so big that even Jiang Xiaobai would not deliberately make friends with him, but he still has a group of connections and relationships. We made several dinner appointments.

Jiang Xiaobai did not shy away from Sun Dawu about this kind of thing. He even took Sun Dawu with him when he went to a dinner date. The Dawu Group would continue to operate and develop on this land in the future, but he could not stay there forever. Dawu Group sorted out this relationship for Sun Dawu.

 He himself used his face and reputation to give Sun Dawu a chance to make amends.

After finishing the phone call, Jiang Xiaobai looked at Sun Dawu and told him: "When it's time to go to the appointment, pick two smart people to follow me."

Jiang Xiaobai is still a little worried about Sun Dawu. He feels that with Sun Dawu's emotional intelligence and character, if Sun Dawu is really allowed to deal with those people, it really may not work, and maybe bad things will happen.

Sun Dawu was originally envious of Jiang Xiaobai's network, but he didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to turn around and say such words, and suddenly looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a dark look on his face.

"Dr. Jiang, what do you mean by being smarter?" "He is someone who understands the world." Jiang Xiaobai spoke without any tact.

Sun Dawu suddenly became unwilling: "Dr. Jiang, are you saying that I don't understand the ways of the world?"

Jiang Xiaobai didn't say anything, just looked at Sun Dawu. Do you really know how to understand the world, do you really not know? Need to ask?

After a while, Sun Dawu himself felt embarrassed, and said with a sly smile: "Dr. Jiang, I can actually do it, but in the past, people didn't look down on me at all. It's useless even if you try to get involved, so I That’s why I didn’t get involved.”

 After finishing speaking, Sun Dawu didn't want to bring up this topic anymore, and took the initiative to change the topic: "By the way, Director Jiang, our senior leaders have gathered today. Please go over and say a few words."

“I’ll forget it, you continue the meeting, I can just sit in for a while.” Jiang Xiaobai refused.

 But Sun Dawu was very persistent.

“Dr. Jiang, say a few words to encourage us to have some confidence.”

Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while and finally agreed. He nodded and followed Sun Dawu towards the conference room. On the way there, Jiang Xiaobai continued to talk to Sun Dawu about what to do next.

"Go back and bring me the list of financial mutual aid societies. Make a statistics of everyone, including the specific amount, the time of deposit, the principal that needs to be paid, including interest and so on. Give me a statistics. accurate figure…"

“Director Jiang, just pay the principal and forget about the interest.”

"No, if you promise to give someone else, you have to give it. Otherwise, you will make excuses for others. This time, including all undue things, you will give them according to the interest due. You must do it in a way that makes people happy. I'm speechless. If someone makes trouble at this juncture, it will be difficult."

“Who dares to cause trouble?” Sun Dawu glared, patted his chest and said, “Don’t worry, Director Jiang, I still have some prestige in the group and the local area, and I will definitely not cause any trouble.

"I definitely believe that, but some things still need to be prepared in advance to prevent some intentional people from making trouble. After all, this shareholding restructuring will also hurt the interests of some people. You must pay attention to this." Jiang Xiaobai looked at Sun Dawu reminded.

Sun Dawu was a little embarrassed when he heard this. This time the shareholding restructuring hurt the interests of some people, but whose interests were hurt? Although Jiang Xiaobai didn't say it clearly, it was clear that it must be his relatives and relatives.

 But Sun Dawu never believed that they dared to do things that would hurt the group and themselves.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Jiang, this kind of thing will definitely not happen.” Sun Dawu said without thinking.

"You must pay attention to it, otherwise, if this matter becomes a big deal, no one will be able to cover it up for you. This financial mutual aid society is not mature yet, and there are a lot of controversies in society. Don't Give people a chance to do something bad.”

Jiang Xiaobai was also very cold at this moment, without any carelessness. Considering the current situation of Dawu Group, if there is any problem with the financial mutual aid society, I agree that it will be pushed to the forefront, and it will be difficult to deal with it then.

 (End of this chapter)

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