Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 163: Imperfect fresh lamb with mushrooms

This Zhao Tian, ​​the score obtained is actually a lot less than Qin January!

You need to know that the three judges who performed the evaluation have a perfect score of only 30 points.

The score difference is so big!

Zhao Tian ’s original self-confidence disappeared without a trace. He could even be said to have been circulated directly. Seeing that Qin Yiyi easily got a high score of 27 points just now, he thought he could do it, and the result turned out to be With only 17 points, there is still such a long distance between Qin and January ...

On the seat next to it, the audience was also a little surprised. The people who felt that the judges were not good enough also closed their mouths.

Children Wang Shiyu sitting next to Ye Cui stretched his neck to look at the fried crispy lamb, and couldn't help but said to Ye Chui: "Brother, it looks like this dish is delicious, why only 17 points."

Dong Youyou, Han Yuyan and others also looked at Ye Chui somewhat puzzled.

The exact taste of this dish, but with his rich and necessary gastronomic experience, he can vaguely "guess" what the dish tastes like, and can find out the problems.

"The goat ’s lamb is tender and rich in fat, which is not suitable for deep-frying. The method of deep-fried lamb sirloin has already fallen down. The most important thing is that this master Zhao is to ensure that the lamb is crispy. , Using rolling oil, the moisture in the meat of the mutton has been completely dried, and the taste will naturally be greatly reduced. "Ye Chui said softly, saying this as if he had already tasted the taste of this dish in person.

This naturally made the people sitting next to them look surprised. They subconsciously felt that Ye Chui's words seemed reasonable, but the teenager obviously didn't eat these dishes. How did he know so much?

And at this time, the host had already started to ask several judges for the specific evaluation of this fried beef brisket.

The first answer to the host is Ye Wenhua. He Shen Sheng said: "After deep-frying the East Goat, the East Goat completely lacks the fat and not greasy characteristics. The most important thing is that this dish is too dry, which makes the taste greatly reduced."

This evaluation is almost exactly what Ye Chui said.

The remaining two judges, Hou Yang and Xiang Liping, also have the same meaning, but Xiang Liping suggested that the overall taste of this dish is too greasy, lacking the deliciousness of lamb, and it does not reflect the eastern goat meat. Qualitative characteristics, this is the most failed place. So she only gave a five-point evaluation.

After listening to the judges' evaluation, Zhao Tian nodded with frustration. Enron left the examination room and went to the lounge specially prepared for the players. His score will definitely not have any good ranking.

And the people in the audience who heard Ye Cui's comments already showed Ye Chui a "damn" expression. Where is the contempt and disdain for Ye Chui?

Ye Chuideng didn't care much about the change in the attitude of everyone around him. Those comments were intentionally made before, and it was only because I saw that Han Yuyan and Lin Wei were a little unhappy, and replaced them with only him, so he was too lazy to take care of these people.

Not long after. The other chef stood up again. It was the female chef named Liu Qin. The dish she made was plum and mutton soup, a soup. Sheng was in a porcelain jar and was brought to the front of three judges.

When this happened, the people around Ye Chui couldn't help but hurriedly turned to look at Ye Cui, hoping to get "spoilers" in advance from Ye Chui. But to their disappointment, Ye Cui didn't say much, only a faint sentence: "This dish is good, but unfortunately it is not good enough."

Plum mutton soup This dish focuses on plums, seasoned with plums, so that the lamb brings a light sweet fragrance, the taste of the boiled soup is still very delicious, this Liuqin can think of this already very powerful, but in the end It's still a bit short-ordinary lamb is definitely good to cook like this, but the eastern goat is different from other people's lamb, the taste is more unique, and the seasoning of plums seems to be a bit more addictive.

Finally, Ye Wenhua gave the dish seven points, Hou Yang gave the dish six points, and Xiang Liping also gave the dish seven points. The overall score is 20 points, temporarily ranked second.

The chef who completed the dishes immediately after Liu Qin was the oldest of the eight chefs, Xi Shufen. The dish prepared by this old lady is a yam lamb pot.

After an hour of cooking, the old man's physical strength was not enough. At the suggestion of the host, someone moved a stool for her to sit down. At the same time, the host smiled and said to the old lady: "I don't know what you say What is the name of the dish? Cooking with mutton and yam seems to be unique. "

"Oh, when I was a kid, my grandfather mentioned that there was a dish called yam mutton clay pot. I was inspired by this dish, so I deliberately made it." Xi Shufen explained with a smile.

The yam used in this mutton yam pot is Huai yam, and it is indeed a classic delicacy, and it also belongs to the category of medicinal diet. To strengthen the spleen and stomach, the mutton is boiled with Huaishan medicine, which tastes mellow, but the medical diet is after all a medical diet. For pure pursuit of delicious food, the taste is still lacking.

What's more, Ye Chui can see that this yam mutton pot is still somewhat flawed. When cooking, Xi Shufen is somewhat at a loss. After all, she is already a white-haired old man. The last three judges gave The score is "six points", "six points" and "seven points", and the overall score is 19 points, temporarily ranking third.

Xi Shufen probably knew that her dish was not very good. I ’m afraid this 19-point score was also a consolation score given to her by some judges, so she smiled and nodded to the three judges. Examination room.

"This knife yam mutton clay pot looks very delicious, unfortunately only 19 points." Han Yuyan said sadly.

"Nineteen points is probably a few judges saw her playing at age, and gave more points." Ye Chui said with a smile, "Yam mutton pot taste is not excellent, but it is very good for the body, wait back I will do something for everyone to try, nourishing health, nourishing blood and nourishing qi, the effect is very good. "

"Okay. I like to eat the food you made." Lin Wei said with a happy face.

Xi Shufen just left here, and Dong Youyou exclaimed that Dong Qian finally completed her own dish. Her dish is fresh mushrooms and lamb, which is a stew dish that is stewed in a casserole , And place it in the soup bowl when finished.

The whole dish tastes mellow, filled with the rich aroma of lamb and the fresh aroma of mushrooms.

The taste is very rich. The three judges all showed an intoxicating dark color. Dong Qian took out a special small soup bowl. A bowl of soup for each of the three judges.

The soup is also exquisite. The soup in the bowl should occupy one third, but there is no shortage of other seasonings such as lamb and fresh mushrooms. Looking at the three judges to enjoy this dish, Dong Youyou couldn't wait to tell Ye Chui: "How is this dish, sister, can you win Qin January?"

Ye Chui thought for a moment, then shook his head: "I'm afraid not."

"No !?" Dong Youyou immediately showed an annoyed expression, "Why not? The mushrooms used by her sister are all white mushrooms freshly picked from the mountains. For the mushrooms, she personally picked them in the nearby mountains the day before yesterday. , Lamb is also the lamb loin used. It is the most delicious place on the lamb. How can it not be comparable to Qin January's stew? "

These days Dong Youyou also has contact with her sister. Naturally know that many sisters prepare ingredients.

"Whether the food is delicious is not so ..." Ye Chui shook his head with some sweat. "Fresh mushroom lamb, this kind of collocation is indeed very good, fresh and delicious. It is a very good food itself, but it is like Qin Yiyue's. The food is a little bit worse. "

"Where did you go?" Dong Youyou said unhappy.

"This ..." Ye Cui thought about how to explain to Dong Youyou, "The taste of Dong Goat meat is already excellent. To fully develop the characteristics of Dong Goat meat, it is most important to maintain its original taste. Of course, you ca n’t deny that your sister uses fresh mushrooms to match with lamb, which can make this stew taste very good, but it deviates a little from the main purpose of this game. The focus of this game should be the East Goat. Yes, your sister uses superior white mushrooms to match with the goat meat, but this behavior is a bit of a last resort. "

After listening to Ye Chui's explanation, Dong Youyou was a little quieter, and her eyes were a bit worried. She looked at the three judges. The previous dishes of Ye Cui were all commented on one by one, and basically there was nothing wrong. This at least shows that Ye Cui How sharp his eyes are, and now he made this judgment on his sister's dishes, making her a little worried.

Ye Chui patted the **** the shoulder, then said: "Don't worry, I believe your sister's level, the taste of fresh mushrooms will affect the original smell of lamb. I believe she can think of this too. The dishes may not be as good as Qin Yiyue's stewed lamb, but it should be the best among these dishes. "

After listening to Ye Cui's words, Dong Youyou's mood really improved, and during this time, the three judges also gave their own scores-Ye Wenhua gave this dish eight points, Hou Yang gave it Dish seven points, Xiang Liping also gave eight points.

The total score is 23 points.

Although this score is still far from Qin's 27 points in January, it has temporarily ranked second.

After getting this score, Dong Qian ’s face was obviously not very happy. It may be very satisfying to replace this score with others, but Dong Qian was obviously not like this. Originally, she targeted Qin January, even before It has publicly stated its opposition to Qin January.

But the gap of four points obviously made her very frustrated.

Dong Youyou saw Dong Qian's lonely look, and became a little unhappy. She stared at Ye Chui and said, "You crow mouth!"

Ye Chuan rolled his eyes, can he blame him?

Han Yuyan was still protecting Master Ye Chuizheng at this time, and said to Dong Youyou: "Why do you blame my Master, UU reading My Master is just telling the truth!"

Dong Youyou's mouth bulged, some depressed hands on her chest, and her eyes swept over the remaining players, including Tian Xiaodu's cumin lamb, Zhou million steamed lamb with ginseng soup, and Zhao Deguang's crystal lamb, She went on to say to Ye Chui: "According to the theory you said, steaming is the best way to cook goats. Adding extra ingredients and seasonings to the lamb will affect the original taste of the lamb, so this competition The champion is Qin Yiyue. Isn't that no doubt? Look at the three of them, it seems that they all use other condiments to cook lamb. "

"That's not necessarily the case."

Ye Chui's eyes swept over the remaining three people. Zhou million and Zhao Deguang were both cooking, while Tian Xiaodu was using a roasting fork to wear lamb and then being grilled on charcoal. Ye Chui's twilight finally stopped On Tian Xiaodu's body.

There was a faint smile on his face: "If you want to make Dong goat meat, you can choose to match its deliciousness, and cook based on her deliciousness, or you can choose to try to sublimate this deliciousness-just like Xiao Du. Is doing this. "(To be continued ...)

PS: Seeking monthly tickets seeking recommended tickets ~~

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