Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 325: Where did the kid dare to grab his own food?

"This Manhan Building seems to be almost finished, and it's really like the rumor, he is going to open it on New Year's Eve?" The man with a round face in the van continued to look at the decoration outside Manhan Building, he was sitting in the driver's seat Holding the steering wheel with both hands, he almost stuck his face out of the car window and looked at the restaurant. He continued with a little surprise in his mouth, "The owner of this restaurant is really brave."

"What's the courage? Isn't it strong enough to lean against the mountain?" The man in the van's co-pilot's seat was a man with glasses, and said with some disdain, "What kind of leaf is hanging on the bright side of this hotel, but In fact, the backing of the hotel is old Han ... Li Xiuyun, you did n’t get confused in this business on the first day, do n’t you understand this? "

The round-faced man named Li Xiuyun looked at the glasses man: "Brother, I certainly know about those things in the circle, but I did some investigations about the boss of Manhanlou. He first appeared in the public eye for half a year. At the time, Han Lao was eating and eating in Wanlifu in Xizhou City and was hospitalized. At that time, the five-star chef Tian Xiaodu was cooking, but there was a faint shadow in the matter. This leaf drop also made a big difference in the news. In the chef competition in Hainan, he stood out next to Han Lao. Later, it was spread on the Internet. He used a Buddha to jump over the wall to make the monks in a monastery straight. , The thing he wanted to open the Hanlou was to tell people at that time, and then ... "

This Li Xiuyun really did a lot of investigations on Ye Chu, such as several family treasures.

But Brother no longer wanted to continue listening, and interrupted him with some mocking: "Fake, these are fake!"

"This is all real news."

"Li Xiuyun, are you really confused or falsely confused?" Brother mocked, "The news is news, this is clearly the old Han is building momentum for this leaf drop, no matter how great he does, you have to figure it out. This leaf drop It's just a 17-year-old boy. A teenager challenged a seven-star chef to defeat the other party and let the other party retire directly. You also believe this kind of news. I think that Miao Shengsong was ready to resign. , It just happened to add color to Ye Chui from the beginning, and behind them are all old Han operations. "

Li Xiuyun seemed a little angry: "Nine chefs from Shenghuayuan have been handed over to the Manhanlou, which almost wiped out the chefs of Shenghuayuan. What do you say about this?"

"There must be something stupid, maybe the boss of the Shenghuayuan is in the hands of Han Lao." Brother guessed, he glanced at the Manhan Building outside the window. He smacked his mouth a bit, "Huh, Han Han is really fighting for this Man Han Mansion, he is not afraid of problems in this hotel, let him be ruined by his age?"

Ye Chuan is very powerful. Looking at the things he has experienced, every thing is enough to make people wonder for a long time, and these things happened are enough to make him a strange person in the eyes of everyone. In fact, Ye Chuai is not well-known now. . The main reason is that there are many people like the seniors in the media. With their own experience and vision, they do n’t believe that those things are done by Ye Chui alone, and all the credit goes to Han Lao. I think this is that Han Lao is leading everything behind.

If Ye Chui is a young man in his thirties, his reputation may be much greater than it is now.

Li Xiuyun was silent for a moment when he heard this from Brother, but in the end he chose to believe in Ye Chu: "I believe there is a miracle in this matter. This Ye Chuan is a miracle."

"Huh." Brother looked at Li Xiuyun with some displeasure. "That's it, I will give you the interview today. It's just my mother-in-law there is something else. I have to help her buy new year's goods for the New Year. Go to the restaurant to interview. This car will be borrowed from me first, and I will come over to pick you up later. "

"Brother, you ..."

"The opening of the new restaurant, we have to do a series of follow-up reports in the Food Weekly, this is the old rules, this mansion is so loud, it just gives you a chance." Brother said in a hurry, "If this restaurant will be hot in the future You will also rise in popularity after you have done a hotel special. The team leader of our magazine restaurant team is about to leave. You have to do a good job. The new leader in the future may be you. "

These words seem to be the brothers saying "I am all for your own good", but in fact they are **** work, tracking the report of the Manhan Building, and the hotel was also on the day of the official opening of the hotel. Is it a good New Year? Moreover, he was not very optimistic about this Manhan Building. After working in this industry for many years, he saw a lot of restaurants that closed soon after opening. For Manhan Building, Brother thought this restaurant might be In the star rating on the day of opening, you can only get the most basic three-star hotel.

These three stars represent failure.

Li Xiuyun is not a fool. Of course he understands Brother ’s plan, but he is really very optimistic about Manhanlou. After thinking for a while, he nodded: "Well, I will be in charge of Manhanlou in the future. I Will be responsible for reporting on the situation of this restaurant over the next period of time. "

"Hah, that's great, Li Xiuyun, you only get this opportunity half a year after you join the Food Weekly. It will definitely be promising in the future. You can rest assured that this credit will not be taken care of by you for your credit." Said, "That's it, you go down for an interview first, and I'll come back to pick you up."

Li Xiuyun got out of the car with simple interview equipment. The brother sat on the driver's seat and waved at him, and then drove away in a van.

While Li Xiuyun stood on the street for a moment, he felt that Mao Mao Xiaoxue had fallen off, and he quickly reached out and wiped his scalp, and walked into Manhanlou.

Stood at the door, but Li Xiuyun suddenly froze.


A fragrant scent is drifting out of the restaurant. The scent is very unique. At least it is very attractive to Li Xiuyun who is a food reporter. He can't help but take a deep breath and look towards In the hotel lobby, some decoration workers are busy doing the decoration work of the hotel, and several waiters stand on the side of the lobby and whisper.

"The restaurant is not open yet, and I don't know where the scent came from?" Li Xiuyun was a little curious, and the probe entered the restaurant. The waiters didn't find him and were still discussing.

"We're going to have a blessing these days, and we can eat all kinds of food every day."

"I have n’t seen most of the dishes on the menu written by the boss. At first, I thought it was the boss ’s favorite. I deliberately gave ordinary dishes a high name. Now I understand that these dishes are not ordinary dishes. Gee, it ’s been a blessing recently. The boss is teaching the chefs to cook. We can taste every dish every day, which is really happy. "

"Hey, when the restaurant opens these dishes, I am afraid that each dish will cost hundreds of pieces. We can now eat it every day. It is indeed happy. Generally, the local tyrants do not have our blessings."

Hearing these discussions, Li Xiuyun understood in his heart that it was the cooks in the kitchen who were practicing the recipes, and only then could the aroma come out, but he did n’t understand, and he thought to himself: "The chefs in Manhanlou should be all High-star chefs, three six-star chefs, three five-star chefs, and six four-star chefs. This kind of chef camp can't find several restaurants throughout China. I am afraid that each chef will have several special dishes. This restaurant The boss has to teach them specially? And ... listening to these waiters, many of the names on the menu of the Mansion Building have n’t been heard? This is strange, it ’s hard to believe that the restaurant ’s recipes are all unique?"

Li Xiuyun was puzzled.

The opening of a general restaurant is based on the chef ’s specialty menus. Very few leaves drop out recipes for the chef to practice.

He was going to talk to these waiters, but at this moment a figure came out suddenly from the direction of the kitchen on the side of the hall.

This is a tall girl, twenty-five to five years old. Although she wears thick clothes in the winter, this clothes can't conceal her exquisite body. Especially the pair wrapped in black trousers Her long legs are even more lethal to men. She looks very beautiful, has long flowing hair, and has a faint, fresh smile on her delicate face, walking on the side Greet everyone: "Come and have a try. Master just asked me to bring this dish to everyone. The name of this dish is Hongmei Zhuxiang, which was made from the wood of Qin January. Master said that there is already Seventy-eight points, it ’s super delicious. "

"Red plum beads? What's the origin of this dish's name?" A waiter asked.

Long-legged tall beauty ... that is Han Yuyan, grinning and getting it:

"Master just told me the origin of this dish. It is said that this dish is related to Emperor Yongzheng. When he went out to play when he was a teenager, he was rescued. He was rescued by a young girl and had an affection with the young girl. When she was pregnant, she told the girl that if the child was a boy, it was called Hongmei, and if it was a girl, it was called Mingzhu. Later, the girl gave birth to twins, but Yongzheng never came back to find her. After four or five years, she Taking the child to find relatives in Beijing, a royal chef wanted to help her, he developed a dish, which is the red plum beads, let Yongzheng taste it, Yongzheng suddenly woke up when he heard the name of the dish, and took back the mother and son. This Hongmeizhuxiang also became famous, ranking the feast of pro-fans full of Han seats. "

Hearing the story of Han Yuyan ~ ~ A group of chefs nodded, it turned out to be the case.

"Don't say, the dishes are going to be cold. Come and try them quickly." Sister Han continued to smile, the waiter should also have some understanding of the dishes, or ask the guests what the taste of this dish is when they order. The waiter can't answer it at all, it will definitely affect the hotel business.

The waiters were about to do it immediately, but at this time a figure suddenly rushed out next to them, and they couldn't help but say that they took chopsticks to grab the dishes in the plate, but it was Li Xiuyun who was earlier.

This scene surprised everyone.

Sister Han was angry following this, where did this kid dare to grab his own food?

Her face with a cold face and the elder sister's breath spontaneously came out ... (to be continued ...)

Ps: The update is coming ~~~~~ I hope everyone likes it, although there are fewer updates now, but ... I still shamelessly ask you for a recommendation ticket and a monthly ticket ...


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