Crack spoke vaguely, and Xiao Jing asked a few questions from time to time, but the effect was minimal.

Qu Jianlei didn't care about the interaction between the two of them at all, what he was guarding against was the explosion of cracks.

From an intuitive point of view, he thought it was unlikely that this person would betray him, but... what if?

One month after the crack was picked up, Qu Jianlei was so blessed that he broke through to the fourth level of Qi Refining!

For a moment, the air in the Great Zhou Tian was surging like a stream, and he only felt that he had countless strength all over his body.

Then he carried nine Zhou Tian in a row to stabilize this feeling, then he stood up and began to practice Tai Chi.

Recently, he practiced Taijiquan, and he has a lot of experience, and he thinks it can be regarded as a mastery.

But now that a set of punches is being played, I just feel that the beat is getting smoother and smoother.

The set of Taijiquan I played yesterday, is it fake?

After punching three times in a row, he felt as if... a little hungry again.

But at this juncture, he was so excited that he didn't even have time to think about whether he was hungry or not.

"Ha~~~" He let out a long breath, and at this moment, he knew why someone would "scream".

There is nothing more hearty in the world than this!

Then he bent down, picked up the short stick, and began to practice Tai Chi Thirteen Knives.

His mastery of Tai Chi Thirteen Swords is far inferior to Tai Chi.

But at this moment, all kinds of incomprehensions are instantly transparent, and the knife moves freely and turns freely.

For a moment, he only felt that it was extremely smooth, and he just wanted to shout, "The king of swords is here, who is not convinced?"

However, this is just a thought after all. Tai Chi pays attention to static braking and softness to overcome rigidity, and the same is true for Tai Chi Thirteen Knives.

He was concentrating on practicing the sword technique, but he didn't know that the crack was uncharacteristically, and he frowned as he watched from the side.

After watching for a while, he couldn't help raising his hand to beckon Xiao Jing over, "He's practicing...sword skills, right?"

Xiao Jing glanced at him, and nodded proudly, "It's rare, you can recognize it, it's a saber technique."

Putting it aside for ordinary people, holding a short stick in your hand, shouldn't you be practicing stick skills?

Only experts can tell that Qu Jianlei is practicing saber techniques.

The trajectory of the short stick, the angle of the attack, the strength of the wrist... all of them show that this is really a saber technique.

However, the next moment, the crack frowned, "Who did you learn this soft knife technique from?"

Xiao Jing stared at the words, "My brother Hei Tian's sword skills... you are not worthy of pointing it out!"

In his mind, Qu Jianlei is a god-like existence, how could he allow others to slander him?

"This kind of knife technique..." Li Qiye was obviously very disapproving, but finally heaved a sigh.

"You guys think it's good, then it's fine, but I don't use such a knife technique in the battle."

"You think too much," Xiao Jing sneered, "I can't even learn this saber technique... When I can learn it depends on Brother Heitian's mood."

"This kind of knife technique..." Crack shook his head again, "If you want to learn knife technique, I can teach you, it is more practical than his."

"You?" Xiao Jing looked at him contemptuously, then shook his head, "Forget it, I'm not interested in hitting you."

The corner of Crack's mouth twitched, but the next moment, his gaze became dull again.

He has always been like this, except... today is a bit of an exception.

Qu Jianlei finished a set of tai chi thirteen knives, picked up a towel to wipe off his sweat, today is really hearty.

Xiao Jing came over and recounted the conversation just now, not afraid of being overheard by the crack.

In fact, Qu Jianlei also heard it to some extent, but he didn't react too much, he just said, "Too many skills don't overwhelm you."

He was encouraging the hairless monster—now that he has hair, he should learn sword skills from him.

Being able to survive in the wild for more than 20 years, the sword skills he mastered may not be very strong, but it is definitely practical.

"I don't want to learn from him," Xiao Jing said firmly. "A man so big almost starved to death... Isn't it embarrassing?"

He has always been like this with cracks, not polite at all.

Crack sat there with drooping eyelids, without any reaction, as if he didn't hear it.

Qu Jianlei didn't express his opinion either. In fact, in the past, he and people like Liao would not have any intersections.

The very important reason why he was able to save Xiao Jing back then was that Xiao Jing was a child.

If he encountered a crack at that time, he probably would have left directly.

And now the three of them can live in the same room mainly because of the bond of Xiaojing.

So he just smiled, "I'm running out of water, go get some more, today I'm treating guests to a big meal."

Breaking through the fourth level of Qi refining, this must be congratulated, although the two don't know what he wants to congratulate.

It is normal to run out of water, and one more person uses water.

Although Crack has never been used to taking a bath, every three to five days, Xiao Jing will force him to take a bath.

Hearing this, Xiao Jing stepped forward and kicked his cracked leg, "Go get water!"

Crack's reaction was a little slow, and he kicked again, "What's the matter, want to be lazy again?"

Crack rolled his eyes helplessly, picked up the bucket, and wandered out...

The next day, the small room shook violently, as if the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking.

"Earthquake?" Qu Jianlei jumped up, "I'm sorry, half winter hasn't passed yet."

"Maybe..." Xiao Jing hesitated for a moment, but still conjectured, "Taking out the trash."

"Let's see what's going on," Qu Jianlei reacted quickly, and immediately moved to the observation port.

Xiao Jing made a move, as if he wanted to stop him, but in the end he did nothing.

Literally taking out the trash, new trash obscuring the viewing port.

Fortunately, the ventilation holes are closer to the edge of the garbage dump, and the new garbage is mainly piled up in the center, which has little impact on the surrounding areas.

After the shock passed, Qu Jianlei said, "The door is blocked and needs to be cleaned."

In the next ten days, there were two more garbage dumps, and finally they were on the edge of the dump and were not affected much.

But the three of Wodong were in a hurry—the vents were almost blocked, and they couldn't be buried alive.

How comfortable I was a while ago, how anxious I am now, the key is that I can't even get out the door.

Xiao Jing muttered softly, "It seems that it really doesn't matter if this place is exposed or not."

Qu Jianlei said angrily, "Hurry up and dig out, you really can't get out."

Crack couldn't help but say, "Fortunately, I brought four buckets of ice back yesterday."

The rest of the winter was spent little by little.

Two months later, finally came a sleet.

For wastelanders, the rain from sleet may not be clean—the water here is not trustworthy.

But the information brought by the sleet must be credible, this is spring.

Qu Jianlei and the others had already opened the way out, and there was still some surplus water, and most of the energy blocks were reserved.

Qu Jianlei said simply, "I'm leaving, if you want to stay, then just stay."

He knew that Xiao Jing would definitely go with him, and as for the's up to you if you want to stay.

After raising you for a whole winter, eating and drinking, and gaining at least twenty catties, you should be content.

Sure enough, Xiao Jing said straightforwardly, "Brother Heitian, I'll go with you, Lao Chi, you can stay if you want."

"How is it possible?" Crack has always been very dull, but this time the reaction is not slow.

He smiled wryly, "I've said it all, as long as I'm still alive, I won't let you die."

In the next two days, the three of them quietly widened the passage to go out.

On the third night, the off-road light truck drove out of the garbage dump and galloped away...

The winter has just passed, and the road is actually quite risky. In some places, the ice and snow have not melted, and we must beware of "cold spring".

Crack has always been muddle-headed, reacting slowly, and not worrying about many things.

But he still made a suggestion, "Xiao Jing, just after winter... there will be many wild predators."

"I know," Xiao Jing replied without hesitation, "The lack of supplies in late winter and early spring is the most unsafe season."

"However, I believe in Brother Heitian."

Crack shut up immediately, he was not a person who likes to talk - if you don't listen, then I won't talk.

Qu Jianlei was a little unconvinced when he heard that, "Crack, you drive."

A winter has passed, and a lot of supplies have been consumed, but there are still a lot left - and even increased.

The convertible, for example, now has a roof that was welded on from junkyard material.

If you put it in Blue Star, many people may think that the convertible is very handsome and manly.

But Qu Jianlei is very clear that driving a convertible in the wasteland can only show one thing: you are poor!

Among other things, when encountering a wind and rain or something, you have to be in a hurry.

Why is the car cracked? Because so far, he has not been well integrated into this small team.

The only weapon on his body was an overfrequency oscillating dagger, which he was still carrying when he was dying.

A true adventurer, even if starved to death, will keep the last weapon on his body.

There are a lot of guns and ammunition on the light truck, and even Little Kyoto "temporarily borrowed" a laser pistol, but the crack is not qualified.

Qu Jianlei was not afraid of the wind, so he stood in the back of the car, looking around vigilantly.

It was still cold and he would burn a lot of calories doing this, but he had no choice.

You can't let the cracks control the vehicle-mounted machine gun, right? There are so many guns and ammunition in the truck body.

It is inevitable to choose to leave at this time, and it may be discovered later.

Fortunately, Qu Jianlei has already cultivated himself and practiced all over his body, so the cold has little effect on him.

It's just that to do so, he needs to eat a lot, and the food is consumed extremely quickly.

The direction of the vehicle is Hong San's residential area.

This time they didn't hurry, Xiaoxing stayed overnight and took a break at noon to try to keep the car in good condition.

On the third day, they entered the territory of Hong San's settlement.

In the evening of the same day, the crack that was driving steadily gave a sharp direction.

Almost at the same time, Qu Jianlei suddenly squatted down, and a string of bullets passed over his head.

Then, gunshots came from the front left.

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