Qu Jianlei's intuition is very strong, and his reaction is also very quick.

What's worse is that the reaction of the crack is not slow, this direction is very timely.

As a result, Qu Jianlei's head hit the car body heavily, and gold stars appeared in front of his eyes.

"Fuck!" He couldn't help but swear, but because he opened his mouth, his lower teeth hit his upper teeth again.

Fortunately, he has been practicing his whole body. Although he didn't give his all, it still has some effect.

Immediately afterwards, another series of gunshots rang out, this time targeting the cab.

Fortunately, although the cracks are very dull, the experience of living in the wilderness for more than 20 years is really not something to brag about.

He turned the steering wheel, dodging left and right skillfully, and the front windshield of the light truck was also bulletproof.

Xiao Jing was sitting in the co-pilot's seat. Although he was wearing a seat belt, he was still thrown around, and it took him a while to react.

He fixed his body, and then shouted, "Brother Heitian is still in the car!"

I tied it so firmly that I was thrown dizzy, but brother Heitian was standing in the bucket.

Crack's mouth was tightly pursed, his eyes were unusually bright, and he paused before saying, "The situation is urgent."

The habitual thinking of veteran adventurers, the person who holds the steering wheel has the most power.

As for those who master the machine gun later, if you are thrown away, it is because you are not vigilant enough, so don't blame others.

That is to say, he knew that there were a lot of flammable and explosive materials in the body of the car behind him, otherwise he would have fled across the car.

The reason why he is doing this now is that he still hopes that the half-child named Hei Tian can regain control of the machine gun.

Xiao Jing narrowed his eyes, pulled out the laser pistol at his waist, and pointed at the other party, "Drive hard!"

There was no expression on Crack's face, but this time the answer was not slow, and the movements of his hands did not stop, "It will kill you."

"I believe in Brother Heitian!" Xiao Jing opened the safety of the pistol and said through gritted teeth, "I'll count to three..."

"Huh?" Crack glanced at the rearview mirror. He had mastered the function of this mirror and found it useful.

Now he discovered the abnormality, "Jumped the car?"

"Oh, that's all right," Xiao Jing turned off the safety and put away the pistol.

Finally, the cracked face was no longer indifferent, he glanced at Xiao Jing in surprise, "You trust him so much?"

"Isn't this nonsense?" Xiao Jing answered naturally.

"Tsk," Crack sucked his teeth, paused, but still couldn't hold back, "The number of opponents is unknown."

Adventurers are very courageous, but they will not lack caution.

"So what if there are more?" Xiao Jing snorted disapprovingly, "You haven't seen Brother Heitian's power..."

After Qu Jianlei finally controlled his figure, he grabbed two guns, untied the protective buckles on his body, and jumped out of the car.

How many people are there on the other side is not what he has to consider. The key is to suppress the firepower of the other side so that the truck can leave safely.

He jumped out of the car with good timing and fell behind the car.

It's a pity that winter has just passed, and there is not much smoke and dust to cover it. The other party should have seen him land.

But it doesn't matter, he hopped left and right with his waist bent, and rushed forward.

Sure enough, the ambusher spotted him, and two Gauss automatic guns opened fire on him.

There was no third gun firing at the truck.

Seeing the crack, he immediately reacted, "It turns out there are only two guns... I'll use machine guns to support it."

He was about to straighten the front of the car when Xiao Jing said coldly, "Drive your car well, the rest is none of your business!"

The crack glanced at him, he felt a little helpless for this child, "Are you sure you're not hurting him?"

Xiao Jing replied very simply, "I'm sure."

"Then let's drive a little farther?" Crack asked aloud.

He didn't care much about Hei Tian, ​​at most he was a little inexplicably awed, but he cared about this child very much.

"Whatever you want," Xiao Jing replied lightly.

That's right! Taking advantage of the opponent's firepower being attracted, Crack slashed across the direction and controlled the truck to quickly leave the battlefield.

The ambushers also noticed something was wrong, and fired another burst, hitting the truck's manger.

Qu Jianlei took advantage of the opportunity that the opponent had only one gun left, and jumped sideways.

Then he quickly raised the laser rifle, which was a three-shot burst.

Behind a small slope, someone spread his hands and fell backwards, obviously being hit.

Qu Jianlei dropped the laser rifle, picked up the Gauss machine gun, and continued to jump forward.

"Made," someone on the other side muttered, "do you want to be so ruthless?"

Before he finished speaking, a series of machine gun bullets came, and he hurriedly buried his head in the soil.

In this situation, once the firepower is suppressed, it is not far from being destroyed.

Qu Jianlei just rushed forward while suppressing, not caring about the consumption of bullets at all.

There were three people in ambush, two Gauss automatic guns, and a long knife.

The two people who were alive were shot to death by him with a machine gun.

The person he knocked down before was not completely dead. He made up for it and cut off the other person's neck.

Unfortunately, these three people were really poor. He searched carefully for a long time, but only found a small amount of ammunition and nutritional supplements.

"Bah, a bunch of poor people!" Qu Jianlei spat resentfully, "I wasted so much ammunition."

At this time, the crack also arrived by car, and he couldn't help but say, "The people who come out to look for food at this time must be poor ghosts."

Qu Jianlei glanced at him indifferently, "That's not necessarily the case."

The mutant beast crystal he obtained first came from a poor ghost who wanted to beat him with a sap.

The crack didn't bother him, "Dig a hole and bury it?"

"You do it," Qu Jianlei glanced at Xiao Jing indifferently, "I'll go and pick up the laser gun."

After all, the two are still a little uneasy about the crack, and the crack is well aware of this.

He hadn't really had much interest in this two-person gang before.

The two little brats got together, and I don't know what kind of shit luck they got, and got a batch of supplies, that's all.

But today he saw Hei Tian's fighting style with his own eyes, and was amazed for a while.

No matter in terms of combat awareness or skill, he can be called a top adventurer.

What shocked him especially was Hei Tian's marksmanship, it was really... amazing!

As a veteran adventurer, he is too aware of the power that a sharpshooter can play in a team.

However, Xiao Jing scoffed at his evaluation.

"You don't understand at all. For Brother Heitian, marksmanship is really not his strong point."

It's not convenient for Xiaojing to say clearly that Brother Heitian's movement speed is even more amazing, but at least he thinks that marksmanship is not the point.

He could even feel that Brother Heitian himself didn't pay much attention to marksmanship, but instead paid great attention to improving his basic physical ability.

All in all, after witnessing the course of this battle, Crack has new expectations for Qu Jianlei's ability.

Qu Jianlei picked up the laser gun, but he didn't just sit and watch the crack.

He took out a drill bit, connected it to the winch and began to drill holes in the ground, helping to dig a hole, and complained at the same time.

"The ground is so frozen that it's not easy to dig a hole... These guys are blind and have to work hard for us."

Xiao Jing finally couldn't bear it anymore, "Brother, these two guns dare to intercept us... Are you crazy?"

A vehicle-mounted machine gun on a light truck is far superior to two Gauss automatic guns, both in terms of power and price.

Qu Jianlei twitched his lips, saying that his small things make a big difference, isn't this normal?

Considering that Xiao Jing was still a child, he didn't bother to say much, "Crack, tell him about it."

Li Qizhen really listened to what he said, and explained while digging a hole, "These people were originally poor..."

Those who come out to look for food just after the end of winter are basically waiting for the rice to be cooked.

If you see a car passing by, can you stop calling?

As for whether it can be played, that is another question.

Anyway, under normal circumstances, passing vehicles will not get entangled, because they are not sure how many people are in ambush.

In fact, ambushers generally think that as long as the machine gunner can be defeated, the probability of winning or losing is five to five points.

Usually, the vehicle will choose to flee, because... there is no need to cause too much trouble.

It's common sense that people who wear shoes won't fight barefoot.

The crack is this kind of thinking, "Generally speaking, we will leave something behind and leave. We can't let people be busy, right?"

When Xiao Jing heard the words, he immediately exploded, "There are so many explosives in our car, what if they are bombed?"

"If it blows up, they can also pick up some parts," Crack replied calmly, "For them, gaining something is enough."

Xiao Jing was stunned when he heard the words, "As for being so ruthless? Such an unreasonable attack, just looking for a little gain?"

Li Qiang looked at him helplessly, "That's why we usually leave some things behind, which is used as road money... Meeting each other is fate."

The muscles in the corners of Xiaojing's eyes kept twitching, "You call this fate?"

"That's right," Crack looked at him calmly, "otherwise...what's it called?"

"Work," Qu Jianlei greeted them, "We still have a long way to go."

As soon as he opened his mouth, the two fell silent, Xiao Jing was convinced by Brother Heitian, and Crack was... a little scared.

Afterwards, they traveled all the way and encountered other ambushes, but most of the time, most people were unwilling to provoke them.

Fifteen days later, they came to the site of Hong Yi's settlement.

Xiao Jing let out a long breath, "It's over, I desperately want to take a bath now."

He really didn't have this problem before, it's just that this winter was too comfortable, and he got used to it even if he didn't have a problem.

"Hong Yi can only rest temporarily," Qu Jianlei said flatly, "This is not a place for us to stop."

Hearing this, Xiao Jing looked at him in astonishment, "Didn't you say it was Hong Yi?"

"Hong Yi is no longer safe," Qu Jianlei replied casually, "I don't want to stay here."

It is impossible for him to tell about Mr. Sai, "You two want to stay, I can leave some resources."

His own affairs, do not want to implicate anyone.

"You don't stay here, and neither do I," Xiao Jing said simply, "I'll go with you."

Then he looked towards the crack, "Old man, I can only help you here, you are free."

The cracked face was full of struggles, and it took a long time to ask, "Where are you going?"

(Updated to, ask for help during the new book period.)

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