The living conditions in Hong Yi's settlement are much better than Hong Si's.

It is backed by the endless mountains, not to mention the low shrubs in the mountains, and there is still a small amount of land that can be cultivated.

There are even some mountain springs that are drinkable, but not many.

What Qu Jianlei thought was, "What's the situation over there in the Endless Mountains?"

When the crack heard it, his face turned pale, "Do you want to cross the endless mountains?"

Qu Jianlei knew that the center of the Endless Mountains was a restricted area, not to mention the harsh weather conditions, as well as powerful wild beasts and mutant beasts.

But when he thought of Mr. Sai, he felt uncomfortable and felt that his situation was quite dangerous.

His sense of security is really bad, "Do you have any news from the other side of the mountain? If so, then we'll settle the matter."

It's not too much to keep you for a winter and exchange a little news, right?

"Over there..." Crack hesitated for a moment, but still replied, "It should be a wasteland, and there are other settlements."

Qu Jianlei frowned, "How is the order?"

"What can I do?" Crack spread his hands and replied slowly, "If the order was much better, it would have spread all over the world."

"That's not necessarily the case," Xiao Jing contradicted him. "If someone deliberately sets up information barriers, who would know?"

He still heard Brother Fugui say the word "information barrier", but he thought it made sense.

Fissures are usually lifeless and lifeless.

But when he heard Xiao Jing's words, a gleam of light appeared in his eyes, "It's rare for you to think of this..."

"But I'm just an ordinary adventurer, and I know a little more about things in the wild."

Qu Jianlei asked again, "Is that still the settlement of Hong Zitou over there?"

After thinking about it for a while, Liao shook his head, "It shouldn't be...the main settlement of Hong Zi is here."

Qu Jianlei asked again, "Have you ever been to Hong Zizong's settlement?"

"I don't deserve it," the crack returned to its half-dead look, "ordinary people are not qualified to enter."

"That's true," Xiao Jing also nodded, "The official residents of general settlements are not eligible to go."

After hearing the words, Lian Xia glanced at him, and couldn't help asking, "Are you familiar with settlements?"

He has been around for so many years, and he has only entered the settlement twice in total. He never expected that this kid would...

"Something happened at home," Xiao Jing replied flatly, "I am the only one who survived, and I can only hang around outside."

Hearing the words, the crack asked thoughtfully, "Is it provocative?"

The status of an official resident of a settlement cannot be banned at will, even if the other party becomes an orphan.

Xiao Jing still had a calm expression, "I have been missed by others, and I can't keep my family property. I don't want to die yet."

Human life in the wasteland is really worthless. He talked about it as if he was stating other people's affairs.

Crack thought for a while, then looked at Qu Jianlei, "You want to cross the endless mountains, isn't it annoying?"

"Tsk," Qu Jianlei smacked his lips helplessly, and replied in a muffled voice, "As a survivor, who doesn't have many enemies?"

For an adventurer like Hua Xiezi, although he resolved his grievances with him, it was difficult to say anything when they met again.

No survivor can kill all potential enemies.

Existences like Mr. Sai should have broken away from the category of "survivors".

Li Qiye didn't doubt what he said, but asked curiously, "You haven't been to Hong Yi's settlement, have you?"

One winter passed, and he knew more or less about the situation of these two people.

Hearing this, Qu Jianlei nodded silently. He couldn't explain that he had offended the people in the general settlement.

But with Crack's experience, how can he not guess what he might be afraid of?

He said in a deep voice, "Hong Yi's order is considered pretty good, even if someone really came to him, we have to consider the consequences."

Qu Jianlei looked at the other party expressionlessly.

Crack thought for a while, and then spoke again, "If you want to cross the endless mountains, you have to give up the vehicle and a lot of supplies."

This point really touched Qu Jianlei's sore spot. Was it easy for him to get this little property?

Picking up things like this is a must, not to mention that he escaped abruptly from being chased by more than a dozen vehicles.

He smiled helplessly, the problem is that the sense of security is really bad, "It's a big deal to sell."

However, having said that, there are also many necessities in the car.

If he sold them all, how would he cross the Endless Mountains?

Crack guessed his thoughts, "Why don't we just stay here for a while..."

What he meant was that during this period of time, in addition to consuming some items, you can also visit the mountains from time to time.

Even if he got used to it in advance, he could still fight some wild beasts.

If there is any disturbance in Hong Yi, the three of them will just slip away quietly.

The most important thing is that winter has just passed, and the endless mountains are still extremely cold.

Even if you have to go, it is best to choose in summer.

Crack also said, "...I will try to find out and see if I can get a map. It would be even better if there is a smuggling team."

Qu Jianlei was finally convinced, but the last sentence still surprised him a bit, "Someone really smuggled?"

Crack shook his head expressionlessly, "Who can explain this clearly?"

"That's right," Qu Jianlei nodded, "Then... find a place to live first."

Outside the city of Hongyi settlement, there are much more houses than Hongsi settlement. If you count them roughly, there may not be hundreds of thousands of them.

The number of people here is far more than that of Hong Si's settlement.

When the crack drove close to the outside of the city, many people had already looked sideways at this foreign vehicle.

Qu Jianlei said abruptly, "From now on, call me rich."

There was no expression on Crack's face, he just nodded slightly.

Xiao Jing thought for a while, and said imitatively, "From now on, I will be called Tiantian."

When the vehicle got closer to the settlement, a road appeared unexpectedly.

Although it is paved with gravel, it is already very good, at least giving people an atmosphere of modern civilization.

But even so, a light truck loaded with supplies is relatively rare.

Immediately, a motorcycle rider came over and asked if their supplies were for sale.

Crack is good at dealing with these things, he didn't explain, just waved his hand indifferently.

Soon they came to many houses outside the city, and another wave of people came up and asked them if they wanted shops.

If it weren't for the relatively simple housing, this middle-aged man, who has followed one after another, really has a taste of a market economy.

Crack still ignored these people, but parked the car in an open space and put a sign on the windshield.

"Looking for a small residential courtyard for rent, parking is available, and no one is disturbed."

This kind of operation really worked, and soon someone came to inquire.

In about two hours, they finalized the house, a small yard on the very edge, with four houses.

The business here is indeed developed, and the landlord can actually accept the rent with goods.

But the rent is really not cheap. A Gauss automatic gun can only be rented for one month.

Crack bargained with the other party for a long time, and finally negotiated to rent two guns for three months.

In the end, he was still a little resentful, "This guy can make another fortune if he loses his hands."

Qu Jianlei shook his head, and said flatly, "You have to let the other party make some money, so that it will be convenient for them."

What Crack is waiting for is this sentence, "I go to find out the news, it will cost a bit, right?"

Qu Jianlei looked at him in surprise, "I thought you would ask for a weapon."

"Don't worry about that," Crack replied calmly, "It's enough to carry a long knife at most, and it's easy to lose control if you carry a gun."

It really is an old world! Qu Jianlei couldn't help sighing secretly, knowing that he had a sharp knife in his heart and wanted to kill himself.

But he didn't have many silver dollars, so he only took out two yuan, one Hong Si and one Hong Wu, "Do you know how to use it?"

"Understood," Crack nodded, thinking that this person really has silver dollars, "Go to a distant place to exchange them quietly."

The three of them stayed there in silence.

In the following time, Qu Jianlei focused on cultivation.

Although Xiao Jing is also exercising, she is still a teenager at heart, and will go out for a walk from time to time.

It is convenient to live near the settlements, and most of the daily necessities can be bought at your fingertips.

Qu Jianlei didn't sit still, he was very talented in mechanical maintenance.

In the past winter, he still sifted out some useful garbage, and made some small things casually, which could also be exchanged for some goods.

In less than half a month, some people knew that this tenant had strong maintenance capabilities, and some even came to ask for help.

For this kind of request, Qu Jianlei usually rejects it, because he doesn't like to be restrained.

If he wanted to make something small, that was his own business, and what he wanted to make was up to his temper.

Repairing or even customizing items according to someone else's request makes him feel uncomfortable.

Not to mention that many people have requirements for deadlines, which made him even more displeased.

However, after rejecting two companies in a row, Crack raised his opinion: You are so uncooperative, which is not good for me to inquire about the news.

Everyone in the neighborhood knew that the three of them were in the same group, and he managed to open up the situation, and he was always being talked about recently.

Qu Jianlei thinks about it, he is not familiar with the place of life, so he can't have a deadlock with everyone.

So his answer is: simple maintenance, he can help, but the other party must have a good temper.

Another point is that there should be no time limit, which is very important.

Crack is not very satisfied with this answer, but the problem is: Fugui really doesn't care about the maintenance cost.

He could only comfort himself: Forget it, something is better than nothing.

As a result, things have become a little weird. It is useless for others to seek wealth, but it may be effective to find cracks.

However, cracks are really poisonous to people, and I took two orders, both of which cost more money and less trouble.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed, and Qu Jianlei found that he had reached a bottleneck again.

The fourth level of Qi Refining...has basically reached its peak, half of the third mutant beast crystal has been used, and it feels like the progress is slow.

He decided to take a trip to the Endless Mountains to see the beasts inside and see if he could meet mutant beasts.

After Xiao Jing heard about it, she strongly demanded to go with him.

Qu Jianlei refused very straightforwardly: In case of trouble, I can't take care of you!

And Xiaojing still has an important task, he has to take care of his family!

In the past month, the cracks have more or less merged into this small group, but... it is far from reassuring.

The most important thing is: Crack wanders around all day looking for news, there must be someone to watch the house, right?

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