The next day Basara woke up early in the morning. He swung his sword in the air and practiced his martial arts. Then he meditated to calm his mind and circulate his energy throughout his body and to remove all impurities from his body. Then he got up and outside. Along with Yuki, Kurumi, Takashi and his other friends he went to the guild. They talked to each other while walking to the guild.

After reaching the guild, each of them were surprised. It was their first time visiting the guild. All the kids that got weapons came to the guild. The guild was filled with people. But thankfully it wasn't small, rather a very large place. There were various tables and a.d.u.l.t heroes were eating and drinking while gossiping with each other.

The guild wasn't just large, it was well furnished. The kids explored the hero guild. It was a two story high building. The down floor was for heroes upto B+ rank and below. On the down floor, there were couches and sofas as well as chairs and tables. There were lots of counters and each counter had a guild receptionist giving everyone quests. There were several pamplets on a board containing missions. One would take a pamplet and go to any one of the receptionists to accept the mission.

The upper floor was only available to top rank heroes. Only heroes of A rank and above would be allowed there.

"I guess I'll have to go upstairs."

"No, I'll also go with Basara-nii chan."

"Yes, I'll also go with Basara."

The two Nanako sisters clung onto Basara refusing to let him go while Takashi was laughing his head off looking at Basara's situation. Basara somehow managed to calm down the sisters. The sisters along with Takashi and the other kids went to look at the mission board to select a quest.

Basara went upstairs with confidence. When he went upstairs he was surprised. Unlike the first floor that was crowded, the second floor didn't have much people. It was also like a luxurious five star hotel room. There were expensive sofas, air conditioners, drinking bars etc. Basara saw a counter with an old receptionist. He started walking towards that counter whilw looking around the room. Reaching the counter he exchanged greetings with the old man. Basara knew every person inside the hero village. What do you think? It's a village where all the people are like a huge family. Not a city where one doesn't even know the names of their neighbours.

"What quests can I take part in?"

"Basara since you've been given S rank, you can take part in all S rank and below missions. But not higher rank mission, not even one rank more."

"But the elders said yesterday that we could take part in a mission one rank above us by forming a party."

"That doesn't apply to A rank and above heroes. Because the difference of power in each rank is tremendous. You must understand that even several hundred A+ rankers don't stand a chance against something in AA rank. And even two thousand S rankers can't defeat someone in S+ rank."

"I understand."

Then the old man handed Basara a tablet(iPad). He said that Basara could see and select missions using this tablet. Once he clicks on any quest, he can look at the contents and rewards. Then below there was an option written "Accept quest". By cl.i.c.k.i.n.g it, he could accept the quest automatically and that mission will disappear from the mission list as it had been already accepted.

Each person had a separate tablet. After taking the tablet, Basara had to compete the registration process on the tablet. When it turned on, several options appeared. They were shop, mission list, friends, party, emergency. His rank was with his name on the top right corner. Basara tapped on the mission list and a page appeared. Basara scrolled through the missions. Since this was his first mission, he decided to select an A rank mission. Missions above his rank won't appear on the page.

He didn't select an S rank mission, because the elders would get suspicious due to his rapid development. As a result, he could also be declared a threat like Shiba and he didn't want that to happen. After scrolling through the list, he finally found a mission suitable for him. He tapped on it and he following page appeared:-

Quest: The red goblins have established their home beside the Earl river. The goblins are attacking the local village and causing harm to the property and live of the villagers. Kill the goblins and destroy their base completely.

Rewards: 500 gold coins, 300 spirit crystals, 6 high grade healing potions, 2 cultivation pills, 3 weeks rest.

Time period: 3 weeks.

Do you accept the above mission? YES/NO.

Basara clicked the "Yes" option and the mission got accepted. Goblins are one of the weakest races, especially the green ones. But the red ones were the strongest of the goblins species. While alone or a few, even am F rank could kill them. But in a group of more than few hundred, they could kill an A rank hero.

Apparently when there number exceeds two hundred they can use an ability called "Tribe Strength Upgrade" and using it among all those goblins, each individual's strength increases to that of B+ ranker. Them together they could even kill an A ranker. Remember that the difference in just one rank is huge when it comes to A rank and above. Because A and above ranks are the strongest ranks.

Cultivation pills are very important, as they can improve someone's cultivation and attributes by double or even triple. High grade healing potions can even heal the deadliest of wounds and regenerate lost organs like hands or legs.

After selecting the mission, Basara went to his home. The receptionist took Basara's measurements and told him that by tonight a battle outfit would be delivered to Basara's house. It's the hero clan's battle outfit worn by a heroes. That outfit was an emblem of the hero clan. The outfit had different colors according to different ranks.

[A.N: The outfit is the same battle outfit worn by Yuki, Takashi and other members of the hero clan.]

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