On the next day, Basara woke up early in the morning as usual. When he woke up, he found Emiko cuddling against his body as she still remained asleep. Basara found her behaviour very adorable when you compare it with her usual stoic and serious nature. Basara decide to let her sleep as he just kept staring at her cute sleeping face while she rests on top of his body. After an hour, Emiko slowly opened her eyes while rubbing them. She yawned as her eyes opened and looked at Basara. She gave him a gentle smile and planted her lips against his as she said "Good morning, master." Basara reciprocated her kiss happily and once they separated he also greeted her "Good morning, Emiko. Let's go and take a bath. It's time for us to leave."

Emiko lazily nodded he read and got up from the bed. Both of them went to the bathroom and took a bath wore their clothes back. Basara removed the dimension placed around the rooms and simply teleported away with Emiko. Both of them appeared in front of the Nonaka House. Basara rang the doorbell and immediately afterwards he could hear the sound of footsteps. The door was almost immediately opened by none other than Kurumi, who after opening the door, launched herself into Basara's arms.

Basara caught her in his arms as she nuzzled her head into his c.h.e.s.t while speaking "Good morning, Basara nii-chan! I've been waiting for you since yesterday! Where did you go?"

"Good morning to you too, Kurumi. I went on an important mission with Emiko. Sorry for being late."

"No problem." After hugging Basraa for some time, Kurumi separated from him as she looked at Emiko and said "Good morning, Emiko. How have you been doing?"

"Good morning, Miss Kurumi. I am doing fine."

"I told you that you don't need to call me "Miss Kurumi". Saying "Kurumi" is fine. Anyway, both of you should come inside. Emiko, I heard that you and the others are moving to Basara nii-chan's house in Tokyo. I am very happy for you. Come I'll show you to your room for now." Kurumi then led both Basara and Emiko into the house and took Emiko to the one of the guest rooms. Basara walked to the living room as a feeling of nostalgia washed over him. In the living room, he could see Shuuya, Yuki, Chika and Shiho sitting on couches while talking to each other. The moment he entered the room, all of them seems it have noticed his presence. Shuuya immediately got up from his seat and approached Basara and both he and Basara hugged each other. Afterwards, they shook hands as Shuuya asked "How've you been, Basara? Did you miss us?"

"I am good. And I did miss all of you a lot. It really feels good to be back in your birthplace."

"You should go and meet Kaoru. She has been worrying about you since you left the Village. She's in the kitchen right now."

"Alright." Basara then greeted Yuki, Shiho and Chika before walking over to the kitchen. Once he entered inside the kitchen, he could see Kaoru cooking something as a fragrant aroma filled the entire room. Basara stealthily walked up to her and hugged her from behind suddenly. Kaoru yelped in surprised and quickly turned her head to look who hugged her. She was briefly surprised when she saw that it was Basara but a smile immediately bloomed on her face and tears began welling up in her eyes.

"Long time no see, Kaoru. I've missed you."

"Me too. It was very lonely without you, Basara." Kaoru turned around and gave him a kiss on the lips. Basara wrapped his arms around her waist as he pulled her into his warm and tight embrace while reciprocating her kiss. He pinched her a.s.s when Kaoru suddenly yelped and using this opportunity Basara slipped his tongue inside where mouth as the tame kiss immediately turned into a passionate one. Kaoru didn't resist his advances as she intertwined he town tongue with his. After more Ethan seven minute sir kissing, Kaoru was the first one to separate as she began breathing air to bring the oxygen back to her lungs.

Due to his God and Dragon bloodline, Basara doesn't really need to breathe and he also doesn't need to eat, drink or sleep. Basara only does these things because he couldn't do them in his previous life as Ethan. He has a lot of duties and responsibilities, but Basara also wants to enjoy his life. Otherwise how can he be ever happy? After Basara and Kaoru separated, Basara simply chatted with she for a while, explaining how life had been going in Tokyo. After they finished talking, Basara was just about to leave when he suddenly stopped as he remembered something important. Basara again looked at Kaoru and spoke "Kaoru, this time when I leave the Hero Village, I promise I won't leave you here. I'll definitely, certainly and absolutely will take you alongside me, no matter the cost. It's a promise." Kaoru was a bit surprised at Basara's bold words, but when she saw the blazing conviction in his eyes, she displayed a smile on her face. She knew very well that when Basara has that look in his eyes, nothing in the world could even open to stop him. Basara gave her one last hug and a kiss before leaving the kitchen.

After leaving the kitchen, Basra stalled for a brief moment as a *Ping* sounded in his mind. He quickly looked at the notification sent to him by the system.


//Kaoru Shirasaki [Desideratum] Completed//

Rank: E-SSS+

Completion Grade: SS

Rewards: 500,000 SP, Hidden Affection Parameter (Love) Unlocked, 12,000 Karma, New Items 5×[Senzu Beans:SS], [Hope:SS], [Protect:SS], New Skill [Blessing of Hippocrates:SS]

[View Affection]

[Kaoru Shirasaki]= Affection: 190000(Love), Intrigue: Max


Rank: SS

A small bean that has an extreme healing ability. Eating this Ben will all injuries even fatal ones. It can even regenerate lost organs and limbs. But unfortunately it's healimg ability does not have any affect on illnesses as it can only heal wounds


Rank: SS

A magic wand created only for one purpose, to save lives. This wand buffs all the healing based abilities of a person by twenty times. Though it can't bring people back from the dead, if used by the right person, it can save people from the verge of death. Depending on the potential of the user, it can heal any and all injuries including the fatal ones, can also regenrate lost organs and limbs and it can also heal any type of illness. It can also increase a person's life span and vitality. But if it is used for evil and pain, instead of good and hope, then the wand will turn to ash alongside it's user.

Soul Bound: None


Rank: SS

A ring embedded with a beautiful bright green emerald. It will protect it's wearer from all attacks by generating a nigh impenetrable barrier around the wearer which can only be penetrated by someone of the SSS Rank or above. In case the barrier is penetrated and the wearer gets injured, all of the wearer's injuries will be healed including the fatal ones and their lost libs and organs will regenerate. This ring also provides endless vitality and natural energy to the wearer as well heal all of their illnesses. In case if the wearer dies de to any reason, the ring will unleash every once of it's powers to revive the wearer back to life and afterwards the ring will get shattered and turn to dust.


[Blessing of Hippocrates:SS]

Rank: SS

Hippocrates is known as the Father of Modern Medicine and the physician who brought a revolution to Medical Science and Treatment. Contrary to popular beliefs, he was actually a member of the Hero Clan. He had helaimg prowess that could be matched by none. This skill gives the user the ability to heal all types of injuries including those that are fatal, all types of diseases and illnesses. The skill will also provide the user with endless vitality and natural energies. It will also allow the user to terraform any piece of land. It also naturally repels any type of malicious energy and the darkness element. This skill increases the user's prowess in healing equal to that of Hippocrates.


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