Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1370, order to hand soft

This kid is also very presumed, although it is the main point of his, negotiations in the past. This difference is not so good, if you talk, or achieve satisfactory results, you are very happy. But beyond expected, then go back to Japan; will definitely give yourself. In the future, the media may report how to report, how to arrange himself.

But now this time is nothing choice. Although the age is respected, it cannot be retired when the head is Anything is mutually mutually, it is impossible to take a two-headed cheap.

And the Bank of the Bank also does not want Japan aviation to dominate, after all, the relationship between Mitsubishi, but not ignored. At this time, Japan is basically financial valve monopoly. The Viosaki family itself has a Japanese airline shares, and the shares have been shares; it is one of the major shareholders.

But now Japan Airlines, or the government occupies dominant. Therefore, all major families have not really started. However, I believe that over time, the government will definitely sell the shares to the private. It is estimated that there will be many families interested in, and the Viosaki family is one of them. Buying shares now, it may be prepared for later.

The two have such a deep origin, of course, can not let the Isle of Hirog have negotiated in the past; at least he can't be dominated by him. In order to please Viosaki families, they may harm the benefits of airlines. The Japan Airlines can't manage, but the interests of the whole day can definitely not be damaged.

It is estimated that Xiaoshiro is also to see his own scruples, and will say that he is mainly. Since there is no right to refuse, it is very good to accept it.

Boarda Guangbeng smiled and said: "Island Jun is driving me to the fire, now is a big event for the future development of the Japanese aviation industry. The whole day is certainly can't be placed, and I don't have a reason to spend."

"But you must first say it, if you don't meet your ideal effect, you can't blame me."

Two companies have negotiated together and buy the same plane. It must be able to get a good price; at least internally configured, you can save a lot.

Small Island Erlang: "There are two competitive relationships.

But first we are all Japanese companies. In many things, you must consistently. If the elbow is abducted, then the last loss is always the Japanese national interest. "

"So for buying aircraft, the two interests are basically consistent. Japan Airlines will never have any opinions, and it will inevitably support. At the same time, I can leak a message to you, say that Bao Zi Xuan will accept us with Yen."

"The Black Cloud Group has a lot of investments in Japan, so there is a lot of yen; although the other two companies may oppose. But as long as it is Bao Zi Xuan no comments, they don't dare to say anything."

The Viosaki family is a shareholder of the Japan Airlines, and sometimes takes care of it. Therefore, Viosaki, Hongyi has already passed the small island Erlang, and can take a yen to trade. This is a lot of trouble, at least the government level will be easier to pass.

Although Japan has a lot of dollar reserves, many times, it is not easy to use. To take into account the attitude and feelings of Americans, even if they earn money, they can't come casually. It has caused a lot of dollars to see, but the Japanese can use it, it is not much.

Think about billions of dollars, although the two airlines are weak; but they have a lot of difficulties. It doesn't matter if you replace it, it doesn't matter, and your national currency has access to channels; large-scale applications, there is a great promotion of Japan's economic development.

Boarda Guangbeng said with a smile: "It's still a small news in the island, you said this, I am more confident."

So the two discussed some other details and came to the exhibition hall of the United Airlines.

The soldiers are expensive, this time can not be delayed. The Japanese can say that they have come to the front, that is, Bao Zixuan just returned to the exhibition hall; they arrived; it is the feet of the feet.

Seeing the Xiangjiang Bao Rich in the uniform, if not familiar; it is really thinking that this kid is a pilot in front of him. After all, the image of the sun, as well as the tall, very much like it.

At the time of the plane, the Yosaki Hongyi has been speaking the same bag; the representative of Japan Airlines and the Air Aviation will come over and negotiate. See the old man in front of you, don't be too high. It can be said that it will write the name of the country to his face, as long as it is a little understanding, it will not be wrong.

Baozi Xuan said in Japanese: "Welcome two arrivals, I don't know what to help two."


Language talents, the ability of the bag, no one is envious. Come over, two Japanese old men have made a full-scale understanding, plus media reports, and many show yen many times in public; it will not feel very strange.

But the Japanese of Baozi Xuan has already had a very strong accent. In other words, the Japanese are difficult to listen; the people who speak in front of you are not a pure home. Then it is difficult to understand, after all, the accent; there is no longer accumulation, but it is difficult to learn.

Once the war broke out, this kid is definitely the best spy. But should not do this with his identity. A super engineer who can develop weapons and equipment in the rear, who will be able to send enemies after the dangerous task. In case there is an accident, but crying is not too late.

But now it is not a discussion of the language, you usually pay attention to it. After all, these things have the army and the spyware newspaper. The two still operate a good airline, pay more to the government, then it is stronger than anything.

Shijiro said with a smile: "Hello, Baosang! I am a Preshang Island Erlang in Japan Airlines Co., Ltd. is a large-scale airlines.

"This time, Mr. Zhong Biling is dominated by Mr. Zhongtian, and he comes to discuss the purchase of aircraft in Japan Airlines."

I heard the introduction, Bao Zi Xuan Limao understood what it means. Japanese This is the group, and the number of purchases increases; the cost will naturally fall.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Welcome to Mr. Banka, Mr. Island. Two is the predecessors in the aviation field, come over, but also pay more valuable comments. Meet customers and passengers, have always been our company's service tenet."

Watching very polite, but some people are polite, I don't dare to be too real. Where is the head and strength of the bag, although you are young, you are also very polite. But you can definitely can't get your face, really if you are like that! I want to cooperate, almost impossible.

It's good to be a hundred wars, but it is not a bodies, the flow of rich second generation. As the older on the business field, the situation can be unfained!

Shijiro is only responsible for introducing, but can't talk. After all, I have said that it is mainly the sky; in the mouth, it is a little more than a matter.

Seeing island, it is still very polite, and the bag is too hot. We have a big grade. But there are already some way to develop, at least the eyes behind. "

"Who can think of more than 500 tons of everyone, can fly in the sky. It is simply unpublished, and even exceeds past cognition. As a airline, it is of course hoped to use, passenger, more fuel consumption. Introduction, the noise of the H3M-111 aircraft is very low, that is, the customer experience is better. "

"So many advantages are superimposed together, I can't find the reason that does not buy this plane."

Therefore, the Japanese aviation industry, I hope that the fastest speed gets the H3M-111 aircraft. We itself brings huge sincerity, hoping to pack the mulberry to give support.

Customers buy products to buy products, and must dominate the dominance. -111 passenger aircraft is definitely a disruptive existence. If the Japanese airlines are late, let other companies will first preemptively; then the final result will be difficult to bear.

As for the aircraft noise problem, Bunzi Xuan deliberately did not introduce more. Many times, let customers feel better. From tomorrow, it will take a buyer on the day.

However, the information is marked with specific data, which is an aviation expert, of course, know what the value is representative. In addition to the flight test flight, the sound is basically can't hear; it is enough to explain the problem.

At present, large passengers in Intercontinental flights in the world are basically monopolized by Boeing 747. Boeing 747 is a product designed in the 1960s, and there is a defect. Some aspects are indeed less perfect, and even if it is. However, because there is no other choice, airlines have to buy it hard to buy.

There is inevitable hazard, perhaps the time when this hidden dance is burst.

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