In the picture, in the paradise.

Raiden Mei also met Aponia.

Mei:"You said......For a while, you have been trying to use commandments to regulate people's morality, but then, why did you stop?"

Abonya:"I didn't stop, I just.....No more final hope-"


Have you ever seen someone who truly has freedom? There is no reality that can limit them, and they can get anything they want - this kind of absolute freedom.".....It seems not. This is simply an existence out of touch with reality."

Aponia:"I have seen it before."

Aponia:"She tried to influence others as she wished and lead them on the path, but the result was always destruction. Therefore, she became a unique villain, and everyone who knew her was terrified."

Aponia:"But even if she did not become such an exception, she only had the minimum freedom......People's first reaction is always to say that this freedom is used to do evil.】"

Mei:"It seems that you are a staunch supporter of the theory of original sin."

Aponia:"[As long as people take action, they will make mistakes], without exception."

Aponia:"Of course, this is not entirely negative. Freedom will manifest as evil thoughts at first, but in the process of doing evil, it will suddenly tend towards goodness at a certain time."

Aponia:"I can't explain the reasons, but this is what I have seen and heard."

Aponia:"My precepts are just to protect them."

Aponia:"Few people can really reach the point of goodness, and often they are destroyed in the process of doing evil - either by others or by themselves."

Aponia:"Then, for their sake......It would be safer to stay in an unfree situation at the beginning, isn't it?"

Mei:"But at the same time, you also deprive them of all possibilities for the future." Aponia

:"Pioneers, let them pioneer. How to let the weak sleep peacefully is what I always care about."

Aponia:"For those who originally could not reach the end, instead of watching their souls struggle in the dark, I would rather let them live at the starting point and spend their lives."

Mei:"But you changed your mind later." Aponia

:"Yes. The boundaries of morality are ever-changing, and perfect standards do not exist at all. No matter how many premises are set and how careful the thinking is, constraints out of good intentions will also bring bad consequences."

Aponia:"I have made many such mistakes, even.....It caused a tragedy that you know of."

Aponia:"It was only then that I realized that human nature is unchangeable, just like the string I saw. No matter how it is bound, it will only be more eager to come out."


Mei:"The man you just mentioned who has absolute freedom, is he also one of the heroes?"

Aponiya:"Ah.....That person, although very reluctant, but she is me."


The conversation between the two ended.

Like Mei in the picture, countless viewers also fell silent.

【Yan Qing: I am willing to take the commandments again, but in exchange, you will use your life to prove your innocence.】

【Yanqing: Not bad....Fortunately, Aponia is really an innocent person.....】

【Walnut: Thousand Tribulations....He's actually a good guy, just a little crazy....】

【Su Shang: He went crazy...That's scary.....】

【Fernina: Aponya must be feeling very bad too. As she said, she should be called despair.....】

【Kafka: I always wanted to explore their lives, but I had to face their deaths first】

【Kafka: What sad words!】

【Black Tower: What the ascetic sees is the center that cannot be crossed】

【Ruan Mei: When the so-called ending of this test that erodes humanity was seen by Abonya, tragedy had become inevitable】

【Kiana: Aponia is so pitiful.......Trying to do good things but always failing and even end up with resentment and suspicion from others】

【Mei Raiden: Because of the super-transformation surgery that she was forced to undergo, she can see the predetermined future, but she cannot change it.】

【Raiden Mei: This is where the pain lies...】

【Qin: Oh..........】

【Qin: Under the tragedy of the times, everyone is just a part of the tragedy】

【Lei Movie: Only eternity can change fate. 】

When everyone in the chat group saw the start of the Spark Project and Eden entrusted the Spark Project and the Golden Garden to Hua and Mobius, countless people felt a sinking feeling in their hearts.


In the face of one huge disaster after another, I'm afraid that mankind is really on the verge of extinction!.....

Continuation of pre-civilization.....

It's impossible at this point in time.......

As the last three cities were reduced to ash by nuclear bombs, the failure of the former civilization.....It's already destined......!

And the plans made at this moment......

It is the last quest for human survival.......

What was implemented was not just the Fire Plan, which seemed to be the most moderate and stable.

It also included the plan that all the audience were already familiar with.——【Stigmata Project].

Before this,

Dr. Mei and AI Prometheus had already landed on the moon.

Through the detection of the lunar ruins, they finally concluded that there would be a 50,000-year cycle. Based on experience, there will be 14 Herrschers in total, and everything will be destroyed in the hands of the Herrschers of the End.

Before the Herrschers of the End come, humans must prepare for the worst.....


Humanity has reached the worst point.

Inside the base.

Su looked at Dr. Mei.

"Stigmata Project?"

Perhaps the surprise in his voice was too obvious, Dr. Mei turned her head from behind the screen on her desk and looked at him.

The dim light on the screen was reflected on her lens, and it was difficult to see her expression behind the lens.

"Yes. Before the final battle with the Herrscher of the End, we must prepare for the worst. If we fail, we will retreat to the shelter until the next civilization sprouts on this land."

"Each pioneer will be responsible for different plans and try all possibilities. This is the last resistance that our civilization can make in this generation."

"So is this Stigmata Project?........."

"Yes, this is the project I want to give you. It is consistent with your original research direction, so I think you are the most suitable person."

"However, according to the predictions in this plan, the number of casualties will far exceed the number of people we can save......."

"I understand, Su, this is the worst plan. Therefore, it is the last resort that should be used only when there is no other choice."


"I know that your conscience as a doctor cannot allow the existence of such a plan. Forcing you to carry out this plan is a great torment for you...."

He shook his head and exhaled slowly. After a moment of silence, he clenched the paper in his hand.

"......I understand. I accept."

"after all......We have no choice, don't we?"

In front of the screen, countless viewers watched as the radical Stigmata plan was finally put on the agenda in addition to the Spark Plan.

Their emotions were extremely complicated.

When they first came into contact with and learned about this crazy plan, all the viewers thought that Kevin was crazy. He was so radical that he wanted to destroy the world.

Even though the original intention was to fight against the collapse and to continue human civilization, but......

Until the scenes of the previous civilization were shown to all the audience.....Only then did we begin to face up to, or experience firsthand, the challenges facing our civilization....Despair!

Powerful Herrschers descended one after another!

Even the extremely powerful Fire Moth was defeated by the Herrschers!

Even a powerful fusion warrior, as strong as Kevin, seemed helpless when he saw his familiar comrades die in battle or killed familiar people with his own hands!

The Herrschers pressed on step by step, and also made humans fall into despair step by step!

The Sixth Herrscher [Herrscher of Death]】——While Kevin was hesitating, an entire city of people was killed.】——Hua's captain, Kevin's comrade, burned up the entire Australia within a week of his birth!

The Eighth Herrscher [Herrscher of Consciousness]】——

When it was first created, it caused more than two million people to die in a coma within a month through the Internet.】——The release of a pseudo black hole swallowed up the most developed Mu Continent before the civilization! The population dropped by one-sixth! The social system is on the verge of collapse!

The Tenth Ruler [Rule of Domination]】——It is composed of 1,000 pseudo-herrsers, distributed all over the world.

Although they were eventually eliminated by Dr.

May and Kevin, 85% of human cities were destroyed!

】——Because it will weaken the Honkai energy and electrons, only the Herrscher of Constraint can move freely within the barrier.

Ordinary people will die quickly within the barrier due to the loss of bioelectricity.

Fusion warriors implanted with Honkai beast DNA will die within a minute, leaving only thirteen fusion warriors of the previous civilization!

Only the last three cities of humanity are left!

The twelfth Herrscher [Herrscher of Corrosion]】——Sakura's sister, after detecting the Herrscher reaction, was imprisoned by Dr.

Mei and ordered not to harm Ling, but the discipline affected the out-of-control soldiers and killed Ling.

An ultimate virus with self-awareness, eroded and manipulated the nuclear silos to exterminate the only three cities left of mankind.

And so far!

Humanity has lost everything.

The end of everything is coming.....There was only one thirteenth Herrscher left!

Despair not only eroded the nerves of everyone in the former civilization!

It also permeated the hearts of the extraordinary people in front of the screen!

The chat group also felt this heaviness and despair!


I also gradually understood the origin of the Stigmata Plan!....Isn't it the same thing that humans are doing under the desperate situation created by the collapse! Under the pressure of extinction?....The last struggle?!

In addition to the Stigmata Project!

The former civilization also has the [Ark Project], [Eternal Sand Project], [Spark Project], etc.!


The existence of the Stigmata Project....It was also a last resort!

If there was a better and more feasible plan,

I am afraid that the people of the former civilization, the executor of the Stigma Plan - Kevin himself, would not hesitate to choose the former!

It's a pity........

【March 7: Alas....Stigma Project....】

【March 7: Is such a terrible plan going to be implemented?!】

【Sushang: This...】

【Su Shang: I originally thought that all the people in the previous civilization were crazy.....】

【Su Shang: But...In such a desperate situation, does humanity really have any other choice?】


【Kiana: But...No matter what time it is, you should never give up hope!】

【Furninna: Is the situation so urgent that we have to resort to sacrificing all of humanity?.....】

【Honkai Himeko: Keep hope in your heart!】

【Silver Wolf: The Stigma Plan is a backup plan. As long as there is a better plan, it will not be implemented.】

【Kafka: What a pity】

【Heita: I think it is not important what form of existence humans take. What is important is the continuation of civilization.】

【Black Tower: The Stigma Project is indeed the one that seems to have the highest success rate among these plans.】

【Raiden Mei: But....This is not saving the world, but destroying the world in a different way!】

【Raiden Mei: Stigma Project....This is a total denial of human civilization! 】

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