"Kevin, what's going on?!"

He rushed into his friend's room and even forgot to knock on the door. His friend just put down the sword in his hand and looked up at his panicked figure.


"Kevin, why did the Stigmata Project, which was originally intended to be given to me, become yours to execute?"

"I proposed it."

"Stigma Project......This research, jointly led by May and Mebius, is the most cruel of all the plans and will also bring the most sacrifices."

"Although it is consistent with your research field, in this sense......It's the worst match for you."

"But, it's the same for you! You always blame yourself for the irreversible sacrifice, and bear everything alone...."

"But I know that you have been in pain inside, and you don’t want to see those sacrifices, right?"

"Even so, I can only move forward"

"I have chosen this path, there is no need for you to kill your heart too"

"It is enough for me to walk this road alone."

He stared blankly at his friend's drooping eyebrows. There was a strange wave of emotion flashing under his calm eyes, which seemed to be resolute and sad.

There was a familiar shadow there. This made him tremble in his heart.

".........No. I won't leave you alone"

"Mei gave me a new plan——"The"877" Hengsha Project seeks a solution by observing other parallel worlds"

"As long as I can find the answer here, you don't have to start the Stigmata Project. After all, it is only a last resort, not something we need."

"I won't let you do such a cruel thing. I will accompany you to the end."

The friend looked up at him in surprise, and he looked back with a firm look. After a moment, the friend blinked, looked away, and whispered thanks. What was different from before was that this time there was a little warmth and weight in the friend's voice.


"Thank you, Sue"


【Kevin changed the executor of the Stigmata Project to himself】

【Kevin does not want Su to bear the sins of the Stigmata Project, so he gives the Hengsha Project to Su instead.】

【At the same time, the Ark Project is also proceeding in an orderly manner.】

【【[Ark Project]: With the data provided by Qianjie, Weiwei officially completed the Ark that sails the universe】

【The Kosmos, who have the ability to devour and evolve, are used as executors to leave the Earth before the battle against the Herrscher of the End, and after the battle, they bring back the new humans, the"sparks" prepared for the new era, to spread them on Earth.】

【The selection process for the executors of the Ark Project also encountered twists and turns.】

"......As a last gift, this is bad taste, kid."

"Yeah......Because it is very important, I asked Eden to make this mask for me."

"Humph, no wonder. I don't appreciate that woman's aesthetic taste. The only shirt she designed for Kevin is practical."

"Boy, what is that Ark?......Do you really want to go?"


"Then you can go away."

".........Gan Jie, before I leave, I have one more question"

"you......How do you overcome the pain?"

"Is that something that still needs to be overcome?"


"When I first became a fusion warrior, although I gained the ability to heal my wounds, the corresponding pain was inevitable."

"It took me about a year to get used to it."

"I want to know, how do you deal with this situation?"

"I couldn't ask for more."

The man laughed out loud.

"No pain......How can I confirm that I am still alive?"

"but......Since you asked that, it means that one of us will feel pain soon, right?"

The answer is self-evident.

A few steps behind the man, the person standing was no longer the boy who came to say goodbye, but a shadow whose human form was difficult to recognize.

And the look he gave the man was......Full of hunger.

The devil's instinct once again invaded his mind.

"ha......Ha ha ha ha......It's still the same as last time......."

"In addition to the Honkai factor, people like me can also eat it......Is it?"


"this time......I will only use half of my strength. Boy, if you really have the ability to devour me..."

"Then take me......Consider it a parting gift."?

【Kosmo bid farewell to Qianjie and was controlled by his instinct to devour Qianjie, but was defeated again.】

【Grace asks Velvet to let her participate in the Ark Project】

".........Oh, another visitor to see the Ark. When did it become so popular?

The girl was just concentrating on painting, and seemed not to hear the other person's words.

From the blocks of color, it can be vaguely identified that the vehicle in her painting is the one in front of her.

"Do I need to tell Qianjie that this ship is more popular than him? If it weren't for him, I don't know how feasible this plan would be in theory.

"Spaceship, I like it very much."

Grace was immersed in her painting

"Kosmo said he was leaving to join a project"

"Wow......How come even you know about this? Didn't Mei say this should be kept secret?......Is there anyone else spreading the news like me?"


"Interesting, isn't it? After all, with this boat, you'll have endless material to draw."

"I also need to go"

"I'm kidding. You can't go even if you want to. No one told me to add a double seat."

"I don't want to be with him.......I want to go for him"

"It's lonely in the sky, Kosmo is afraid of loneliness"

"......Sister Weiwei, can you help me?"

"Oh, so you are serious?......Okay, then I have to be more serious."

"The answer is no. You are still a child, just like the painting in your hand, although immature, it also has infinite possibilities."

"Grayshu, you still have a chance to become a star that truly shines in people's hearts, instead of......"

The sound of footsteps made Wei Wei swallow the rest of her words.

"......Oh, there's someone else here. Who could it be? How can I explain to him why you are here?"

At the same time, the girl put down her brush for the first time.

"It's Kosmo, here he comes"

【However, Kosmo, who learned the truth about the Ark Project, opposed becoming the executor of the plan and found Weiwei to refuse.】

".........Just like a greedy snake, you know?"


"That's right! There is a snake in the universe named Kosmo. Oh~ It sounds like a concept of mysticism." (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


"I can understand Dr. Mei's idea. The Ark Project is tailor-made for you. Your characteristic of continuous growth can only be fully utilized in an infinite universe. Maybe you will eventually grow into some ultimate creature and really create a new world?"

".........The premise is that it is really a plan.

Kosmo said in a deep voice.

Weiwei did not deny this.


".......It makes me feel like a deserter."

And Vivi did not deny this.



Kosmo didn't say anything else. He was always like this.

Weiwei didn't say anything else either. Encouraging others and preaching truths were never her roles.

"......Let me know when the results come out........."

Leaving this sentence, he left the room.

The air was silent for a long time.[]

Until Wei Wei suddenly shouted towards the corner:

"That......Shall we continue?"

A blue head popped out, stained with wet paint.

"Kosmo, he doesn't want to"

"It's obvious. So what?"

Gresh didn't say anything. Weiwei didn't even know if she heard her question.

Because she had turned her head and quietly looked at the painting on her drawing board - a girl sleeping peacefully in the embrace of the stars.

She seemed to have nothing, just nothing. But she seemed to have everything, because the starlight turned into her quilt.

【Ark Project: Grayshue will replace Kosmo to execute the Ark Project. 】

Watching the screen, the fusion fighters kept changing the plan executors because of their friendship and concern for each other.

Countless viewers also felt a warm feeling in their hearts......

Even though the collapse has reached a point where it is difficult to resist.

Even though humanity has reached the most desperate situation.

But the heroes....The friendship between these passionate warriors who fight against the collapse....

But it is still so pure, touching and sad!

【Walnut: Kevin....He really....I cried to death!】

【Funina: It’s obviously a big ice face!】

【Furninna: But why did Kevin choose Tisu without hesitation when it came to making sacrifices and bearing the sins?】

【Qin: And Sue did not hesitate...I firmly chose the Hengsha plan and moved forward with my best friend!】

【Fu Hua: The friendship between Sue and Kevin】

【Fu Hua: She is willing to sacrifice for the other person without hesitation】

【Honkai Jizi: Such a moving determination...】

【March 7: Gray Shu is the same!】

【March 7: Replace Kosmo to carry out the Ark Project】

【March 7: After leaving, there is only the vast starry sky, and I don’t know when I can come back!】

【Su Shang: Even in such a desperate situation, there are still many bright spots that are touching....】

While all the audience were moved by this, the plot on the screen also developed in a direction that no one had expected......It seems that the clues are just beginning to emerge!

But the goal is something that no one has ever imagined!

【After the Twelfth Collapse】

【【The Fire Moth is caught in a 5.0 of suspicion and depression, with discord among the Fusion Warriors and between the Fusion Warriors and the ordinary employees. Alicia decides to do something to bring everyone together again.】

【19 days before Kevin's birthday, Dr. Mei initiated a meeting on Fusion Warrior CM-002 Alicia. In addition to Fusion Warriors Alicia, Renjie, and Hua, the remaining 9 Fusion Warriors gathered with Dr. Mei to discuss Alicia's abnormality.

They left Kevin the ninth chair - the last one.

But he did not sit there, but walked over and stood behind Mei's seat.

"I will not stand on any position that contradicts her. You can leave that chair to others.

The gray light reflected on the faces of everyone present.......There were quite a few absentees.

Although they rarely acted together, it was unprecedented that not all of them were present at a meeting of this level.

The people gathered here had their own thoughts, but they kept silent tacitly.

They all knew that an invisible crack was slowly expanding in this silence.

After a long time, a rather sticky sneer finally broke the terrible silence.

"Hey, look.......I told you it would be like this."

"A discussion that is doomed to produce no results......waste time."

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