Shi Limin didn't get up until 4 p.m., packed up, had dinner together, and went into the Gambling Hall again.

Xia Feng paid a little attention. There were about a dozen guests on the gambling boat, no more than 20 people, but they bet very much. He had sharp ears and heard some talk. He won or lost millions. One was unlucky and lost more than 10 million last night.

"It seems that those who go to the high seas on gambling boats are rich businessmen like sister min, and most of them are Chinese." Xia Feng nodded secretly.

That night, Shi Limin was even more lucky. She had a tendency to eat three. By about twelve o'clock, she won nearly ten million.

Xia Feng's eyes brightened.

It's exciting to watch people gamble. In the middle, he came out to smoke a cigarette and wanted to go back to the cabin. Suddenly, he heard a strange sound.

He turned his head and saw a speedboat coming from the far sea.

"Another gambler?" Xia Feng thought it was a new gambler. He was not surprised. There were people on the gambling boat every day. It was normal to come and go.

He turned and entered the cabin. Before he sat down, he suddenly heard a strange voice: dada dada.

Xia Feng was stunned.

"Gunshot?" looking at Shi Limin, there was no response at all. Xia Feng turned out of the cabin again.

Just at the door, a series of gunshots came, but in a different direction, it was in the West and now in the East.

"The police, or the underworld?" Xia Feng flashed in his heart and turned to see that Shi Limin was still not affected at all. He didn't listen at all. He didn't make a sound first, but flashed out of the cabin.

Looking outside the cabin, it was the speedboat first. There were at least seven or eight armed men on board, one AK47 in each hand, and they were turning around the gambling boat. There were also security guards and guns on the gambling boat, but one of them had been killed.

"It's not a policeman, it's a pirate." Xia Feng made a judgment in an instant. He flashed back quickly. At the door frame where he stood before, a spark exploded, and then there was a clatter.

It was an armed man who saw him and gave him a shuttle.

Xia Feng was surprised and angry, and immediately returned to the cabin.

Shi Limin gambled seriously, but he still didn't notice the noise outside. Xia Feng walked over and shouted, "sister min, there are pirates."

"What?" Shi Limin turned to look at him.

Just then, there was a violent explosion and the light went out.

"Ah." Shi Limin screamed, Teng stood up, staggered and hit Xia Feng.

Xia Feng hurriedly hugged her: "don't panic, squat down."

Shi Limin hugged him. She was not so flustered. She just hugged Xia Feng's arm tightly.

Xia Feng doesn't know what's going on outside. At present, he can't borrow his eyes. He has nothing to borrow. He can only listen by his ears. He saw a speedboat before, but now it sounds like two.

The explosion just now should be the grenade lost by the pirates, which blew up the ship's power supply system.

There was resistance on board. Han San had several guns in his hand and there was a sound of fire.

Xia Feng put his hand on Shi Limin's head, leaned over to his ear and whispered, "sister min, let's get under the table."

At this time, the other gamblers were also frightened. Some squatted, some lay on their stomach, and one of the most clever went under the table first.

Without the light, Shi Limin couldn't see clearly, but Xia Feng's eyes were not affected by the darkness. He pressed Shi Limin's head with one hand, took Shi Limin under the table, let Shi Limin in, he blocked out, and listened attentively to the sound outside.

At the moment, he couldn't think of many ways. There were fish in the sea. His psychic power could sense the fish nearby, but the fish had no wings, and the pirates were on the speedboat. There was no way for the fish, except for the big whale, but he didn't feel the whale nearby.

Another, he can't control the fish to attack the speedboat until he knows the details.

One thing he can be sure of, no matter what kind of pirates, first of all, they don't come for him. Second, they can't come for Shi Limin. Shi Limin is just a wholesaler in Zhoucheng. Although she has some money, she can't have such enemies who use knives and guns overseas. She hasn't reached that level yet.

At this time, Han San's voice sounded: "I'm Han San, the fourth master's man. Who are you and why do you want to attack the fourth master's gambling boat."

His voice stopped, and then a male duck's voice rang out: "don't talk to me. Throw the gun into the sea, or I'll throw a grenade. No matter your fourth and fifth masters, Han San and Han Si, they will be charred for you."

Han San was silent for a moment and said, "We surrender. It's easy to say anything. Don't hurt the guests on the ship."

Han San surrendered and threw away his gun. Then the pirates boarded the ship and controlled the Gambling Hall. Then the light came on. There was a spare motor on the ship.

Seeing that the pirates were ferocious and loaded with guns, Shi Limin was frightened. She hugged Xia Feng's arm and held his arm in front of her chest. Xia Feng didn't feel it at the moment, and he was also calm.

He made a simple judgment. If the pirates mainly kill people, they will only directly throw grenades to blow up the ship, that is, if they don't blow up the ship, then they should not mainly kill people. Therefore, he doesn't want to make extreme actions for the time being.

But even so, he was ready. Once the situation was wrong, he would explode to kill, and then jumped into the sea for the first time. Not to mention more than ten or twenty pirates, even ten or twenty thousand, had nothing to do with him, but he couldn't take Shi Limin with him.

There is no way. There is nothing more than an agreement between him and Shi Limin. He doesn't have to be responsible for Shi Limin.

The pirate really didn't mean to kill. He drove everyone to the largest hall. A man like a bandit shouted, "we ask for money rather than life, but if anyone dares to move around, I'll beat him into a beehive and throw him into the sea to feed fish."

He said, throwing a shuttle up to the sky.

Han San's gambling boat is richly decorated. The shuttle blows up wood chips and frightens all gamblers. Shi Limin shrinks in Xia Feng's arms.

On weekdays, she has a bit of a queen's temperament, but now she is just a frightened woman.

Other gamblers are almost the same. These gamblers on the sea are generally successful people. They are usually five or six people. At present, they are all like ducks under the butcher's knife.

Xia Feng hugged Shi Limin and shrank behind the crowd. He didn't show the mountain and dew, but he always paid attention to the movements of the bandit leader. Once the bandit leader meant to kill, he would take action immediately, but the bandit leader didn't want to kill, so he didn't worry.

The pirates took control of the situation, and the gambling boat immediately started, one behind and one behind each of the two speedboats, like a wolf betting on a fat pig.

"Where are they going?"

As soon as the boat started, gamblers talked, but no one came to a conclusion.

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