Xia Feng also didn't. He took Shi Limin to find a sofa and sat down. Shi Limin was not so afraid as before, but he still kept close to him, holding his arm tightly, but he didn't press his body tightly against his arm as before.

"This is the first time I've met such a thing." she whispered to Xia Feng, "I'm sorry to bother you."

"It has nothing to do with you." Xia Feng shook his head and said, "what can't anyone think of." after a pause, he said, "sister min, who do you think these people will be and what do they want to do?"

"I don't know." Shi Limin shook her head. "I've heard that black eats black. Sometimes, in order to grab business, two gambling boats bind each other's customers and dismantle each other's platforms."

"Is there such a thing?" Xia Feng has no experience in this field at all.

"Yes." Shi Limin nodded, "but I just heard that I've never met it."

"Do you mean that we shook a flower on the bar this time?" Xia Feng still wanted to joke.

But Shi Limin didn't laugh. She frowned and said, "if they don't tear down each other, it may be pirates. They occasionally kidnap tickets and then ask for ransom. This kind of thing usually doesn't happen, because gambling boats have Gang background, but it's hard to say that gangs fight each other."

She had more experience. Xia Feng nodded and said, "if you are a pirate, you only need money. If you give money, you won't tear up tickets, right?"

"It's usually like this." Shi Limin nodded and said, "it's easy to just ask for money. Don't worry, I'll pay your share together."

"Thank you, sister min." Xia Feng thanked her.

Although it is not clear what the situation is now, Shi Limin has this attitude, which is still good.

"Yes." Shi Limin shook her head and said, "I'm the one who's bothering you."

"I can't say what trouble." Xia Feng smiled: "this is also a novel experience. I've only seen it in movies before. This personal experience can boast when I go back."

His words finally made Shi Limin smile.

She smiled very beautiful, especially from a close distance. Xia Feng couldn't help looking more. Shi Limin was embarrassed to show him and turned her face to look at the pirates.

This movement made her move, and she touched Xia Feng's arm again, and moved away a little.

Previously, the situation was tense and I didn't feel it when I was pressed. At this moment, I touched it gently. The soft touch made Xia Feng feel hot in his stomach.

At this time, the boat suddenly shook. Shi Limin was frightened and immediately tightened Xia Feng's arm. Xia Feng's arm fell into it. Shi Limin refused to loosen it and asked Xia Feng, "you said, where are they going to drive the boat?"

"I don't know." Xia Feng's experience is not as good as Shi Limin. How can I know.

"Maybe it's taking us to their nest." a fat man next to interrupted.

"What are you taking us to their old nest for?" the fat man took a little secret. He looked good and dressed sexy. At the same time, he was holding the fat man's hand tightly and his face was pale.

"Ask for money and ransom." the fat man was calm and said, "I hope it's not too much."

The implication was that he was going to pay the ransom as long as it wasn't too much.

However, a thin man on the other side snorted, "even if they pay the ransom, can you guarantee that they will release people?"

"Scar is right." another person agreed, and then there was a voice of praise.

"Yes, even if there is a ransom, how can we ensure our safety?"

"We need someone to protect us."

"Yes, or we won't pay."

For a moment, people became angry. They knew that they were meat tickets in the hands of pirates. They didn't know that they thought they would elect president.

Shi Limin did not participate in their discussion, nor did Xia Feng, but he saw that these people were rich people. They didn't care too much about the ransom. They were just worried that there was no guarantee. After paying the ransom, the pirates would tear up the ticket in the end.

In the middle of the night, at dawn, the gambling boat landed on an island, and then all the gamblers, including Han San, rushed to the shore.

The island is not big. It is estimated to be only a few square kilometers. There is a low mountain and a forest. Everyone rushed to the forest.

Xia Feng counted them quietly. There were 15 gamblers, including Shi Limin, and they all brought assistants, female secretaries or bodyguards. One of them brought two Xiaomi and two bodyguards. Altogether, there were more than 40 people.

Han San's people, including sailors and security guards, have a total of more than a dozen people. Those waitresses are the most, but they don't get off the boat. They stay on the gambling boat. It seems that there are twenty or thirty in Xia Feng's image. Naturally, there is no need to say more about the reasons for staying on the gambling boat.

However, these waitresses on the gambling boat, including the Dutch officials, generally provide sleeping services. It doesn't matter.

The pirates took two speedboats. Some of them didn't get off the ship. Xia Feng didn't count clearly. He estimated the number. Seventeen or eight people looked ferocious. This ferocity was not just put on their faces, but attached to their bones.

Xia Feng feels that these guys are some old pirates and real gangs, not the so-called triads who cut people and coax cattle on the streets of China.

Seeing Han San, a crowd of gamblers seemed to have a backbone and surrounded them one after another.

"Boss Han, you should be responsible for this."

"There is no guarantee of safety. Who dares to bet on your gambling boat in the future?"

"Boss Han, talk to them about what they want to do, at least to ensure our safety."

Han San was injured. His left arm was wrapped in a bandage and hung around his neck. He looked calm. He raised his uninjured right hand and pressed it. He said, "don't worry, you've got on Han's ship, which is Han's guest. Han must be responsible to the end."

These people went to the island. Although they got together, the pirates didn't care, because there was no way to escape.

It was not until Han San negotiated with him that the gangster with a scar on his head told him his destination and asked for money. Each VIP customer paid a ransom of 100 million, not Chinese currency, but US dollars.

Han San protested that all threats and threats were invalid. He had to come back and said the bandit leader's request with an angry face: "the fourth master will figure out this account with him."

What fourth master is not clear? The gamblers can't control it. They want a ransom of 100 million, which immediately makes them blow up their nest.

Fifteen VIP gamblers, including Shi Limin, are not weak. Others don't say that at least Shi Limin can afford it. She can have a net profit of almost $100 million a year.

But the question is, will you really let people go after paying the ransom? Who dares to guarantee?

Xia Feng listened. These people shouted the most. It was really this problem.

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