Shi Limin really didn't bolt the door. She just took the door. After a while, there was a sound of water inside.

Xia Feng approached and gently pushed the door, which opened as expected.

Without hesitation, he went in directly. Shi Limin stood under her head with her back to him. The water mist hit her back and looked more white.

"Nice figure." Xia Feng gave a dark praise, took off his clothes, walked over and hugged Shi Limin from behind.

Shi Limin's body stiffened for a moment, then turned around, took the initiative to hook his neck and put on red lips

The bath didn't last long. After more than 20 minutes, Xia Feng took Shi Limin out, put her on the bed, wrapped her in a bath towel and said, "sister min, take a break and I'll go outside."

The blush on Shi Limin's face hasn't faded yet. Although the time is short, it gives her a very strong stimulation in this environment. Her eyes are blurred. When she hears Xia Feng's words, she tries to open her eyes and says with worry: "where are you going?"

"I'll feel the situation and see if they come back." Xia Feng said, putting on his wet clothes. It doesn't matter. He can do it as soon as he gets lucky.

Shi Limin said, "be careful. You must come back and don't leave me."

"Don't worry." Xia Feng hugged her, kissed her and said, "I will never leave you."

"HMM." Shi Limin kissed him on her own initiative again, and then released. Looking at Xia Feng going out, she also changed her clothes she had found before. Looking at herself in the mirror, she was stunned and whispered, "I almost died today, you know? The man named Xia Feng saved me and he slept with me. Do you see? Are you heartache or happy?"

She seemed to see the handsome face, but there was no expression.

Tears slowly slide down your face.

Xia Feng didn't know that Shi Limin, who had just left the danger, turned into the infatuated woman in the play. He quietly went on the deck. As he expected, the pirates searched for a while. They couldn't find it. They were too lazy to search. They couldn't run anyway. They collected the team and prepared to search again tomorrow.

Several of them got on two speedboats, and the others all got on the gambling boat. Because Xia Feng had taken away the gun and was afraid of sneak attack, there was no pirate on the shore, only Han San and others. Anyway, even if Xia Feng came out to find them, it was useless.

When the pirates got on the gambling boat, they began to eat and drink again, and took the gamblers' honey on the boat. Seeing that the pirates returned to the gambling boat, Xia Feng returned to Shi Limin's dormitory, but summoned a few cockroaches and mice to guard on the deck and borrow an eye at any time.

Shi Limin's mood had returned to normal at this time, but she didn't dare to sleep. She sat at the head of the bed and saw Xia Feng come in. She stood up and asked, "how's it going?"

Xia Feng said, "the pirates are back. I think they can't run anyway. We'll search again tomorrow."

Shi Limin said nervously, "will they come down?"

"Impossible." Xia Feng shook his head and said, "they have searched the ship for a long time. We are on the island again. They can't come down to search."

He said and listened attentively and said, "they have brought the little honey of the fat men to the gambling boat. They are playing now."

Laughing and crying came in waves like the sea tide. Of course, Shi Limin could hear it. She couldn't help holding Xia Feng tightly and trembling slightly.

"Don't be afraid." Xia Feng hugged her, patted her on the back and said, "they have wine and women. They can't come down."

"HMM." his comfort worked. Shi Limin stopped shaking and looked up at him.

She took a bath without makeup at all. Her face was white and her lips were light, but there was another attraction. Xia Feng couldn't help kissing her, but she couldn't help it. At this moment, anyway, there was time. Shi Limin didn't refuse. Xia Feng took a deep breath in her mouth and was very proud in her heart. She couldn't help thinking of Du Mingzhu.

"See, brother, this is my ability to make Shi Limin sign the bill for me. Ha ha." he laughed silently. Of course, Du Mingzhu couldn't hear it. Only Shi Limin under him glanced at him occasionally, and his eyes were like silk

And he didn't know it. Shi Limin, while serving him, cried in her heart, "do you see it? Will you feel heartache, scold me, or beat me?"

Each has his own thoughts and ideas.

Complex human nature!

Shi Limin was afraid before, but later she was really tired. She forgot everything and finally fell asleep.

Xia Feng was satisfied. He simply got up and smoked a cigarette in the bathroom. Then he got out of the cabin. He took a look. The gangster with scar face had fallen asleep, and most of the pirates were staggering. However, there were several pirates who didn't sleep. Outside, there were two watchmen, one leaning against the side of the ship, as if chewing betel nut, and the other walking around.

Xia Feng took a look and returned to the cabin. He was not in a hurry until all the pirates slept.

At this time, Shi Limin suddenly said, "did you see it?"

"What?" Xia Feng asked.

But she didn't hear Shi Limin's answer. On a closer look, Shi Limin was talking in her sleep.

Xia Feng didn't know what Shi Limin dreamed of, but Shi Limin didn't hang an inch thread at the moment. He only put a quilt around his waist. His body lying on his side was very attractive.

Although I had had enough fun before, I was a little hot at the moment. I simply took off my clothes and went to bed to hold Shi Limin in my arms.

Shi Limin didn't sleep very well. She startled him. Her eyes opened and seemed a little confused.

Xia Feng kissed her: "sleep, it's okay."

Shi Limin slowly closed her eyes. At first, she seemed a little confused or hesitant, but then she seemed to accept her fate. She leaned in his arms, found a comfortable position and slept again.

Xia Feng was not sleepy. He went to bed. He just hugged Shi Limin very comfortable. He closed his eyes and rested, but he almost fell asleep.

Wake up with a start and look at it. The pirates are all asleep. The officials in charge, the waiters and the caught honey are all asleep. Even the two watchmen outside, one at the bow and one at the stern, were sleeping there askew.

After looking at the time, it turned out that it was almost four o'clock in the morning. This point is the moment when the human body's biological clock is most sleepy.

Xia Feng got up. Shi Limin was sleeping soundly. She left his arms. She seemed reluctant and gave a Jiao in her nose.

Xia Feng kissed her, and Shi Limin fell asleep with satisfaction.

Xia Feng put on his clothes, got out of the cabin and went on deck.

However, he was not in a hurry to start, but first borrowed the cockroach's eye and took a closer look.

These pirates, who should be old bandits, are very experienced. They drove out the women. Now all the women, including the little honey who came up later, are locked in the hall, while the pirates sleep in various rooms.

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