Xia Feng counted. There were twelve pirates on the gambling boat. They were divided into four rooms. The bandit's head scar face was alone, the other eleven, two were on guard, and the other nine were crowded in three rooms.

However, it can't be said that it's crowded. The gambling boat is large, the rooms are large, and the compartments are very spacious. It's only not small compared with the standard room in a five-star hotel. One room sleeps three people, which can be said to be very loose.

As for the women in the hall, they all fell asleep.

Feel the situation clearly. Xia Feng started. He went to the stern first. The pirate held a gun and leaned against the side of the ship. His saliva flowed down.

Xia Feng stretched out his hand and squeezed his throat.

The sound of broken throat bones is so crisp in the quiet night.

The pirate died silently, as if he had been sleeping without changing his posture.

At the bow of the ship, the pirates in the bow slept more exaggerated. They lay directly on the deck, sprawled, and had a beer can at hand. It seemed that they had drunk before going to bed.

Pirates are pirates in the end. Don't you want to die if you drink on guard?

Xia Feng didn't pinch his throat bone this time, but pointed to his chest and poked his heart. The skin was not hurt, the internal strength penetrated, and the pirate's heart was broken. He also died silently.

The two pirates were solved, and then one room touched them and killed all the pirates in the four rooms, including the gangster's scar face.

The pirates on the gambling boat were killed smoothly, and then the pirates on the speedboat. The two speedboats were on the left side of the gambling boat, about 30 meters away from each other.

Xia Feng controlled the cockroaches to fly over and have a look. There were two pirates on each of the two speedboats, one in the cabin and one outside the cabin. They all fell asleep.

Xia Feng can borrow the eyes of cockroaches, but he can't borrow the wings of cockroaches. Although it's only 20 or 30 meters away, he has to go into the water first.

He rolled into the water, swam over, and then turned over the speedboat. He pinched the throat of the pirate on the side of the ship. With a click, the throat bone of the pirate broke and died silently.

There was also a pirate in the cabin. Xia Feng was going in. Suddenly, a woman's cry came from the gambling boat: "don't kill me, don't kill me, please."

Xia Feng was stunned.

He killed all the pirates on the gambling boat. Are there any pirates?

He was busy controlling a cockroach to see.

There were no pirates at all. It was a woman who talked in her sleep and woke up. However, her cry woke her up, and then the women were in disorder, some crying, some shouting and some running out.

Xia Feng never thought that such an accident would happen.

Therefore, there are always accidents in life.

Xia Feng dared not hesitate and immediately rushed into the cabin. The screams and cries of the women were very loud in the quiet night. No wonder, add up, more than 40 women. The pirates in the cabin had awakened.

However, Xia Feng came in too fast, and the pirate was still confused. Xia Feng slapped the top of his brain directly, which dented the top of his brain, and died in a moment.

His speed was really fast, but the two pirates on another speedboat had been awakened. The sentry outside had stood up and watched with a gun, and the one inside seemed to get up.

Xia Feng knew that it was too late to swim in the water again. He simply took a pirate's gun and shone on the sentry outside.

The shuttle was still accurate, only thirty meters apart, and the sentry jumped up.

Xia Feng then swept the speedboat. After one shuttle was finished, he lost his gun, picked up another pirate's gun and swept half the shuttle.

After two shots, there was no sound in the speedboat over there. Xia Feng controlled a cockroach to look at it. Unexpectedly, the pirate didn't die and lay down in the cabin. The compartment blocked the bullet and didn't hit him.

While Xia Feng was controlling the cockroaches, the pirate suddenly jumped up, raised his gun and swept here.

Xia Feng hurried to the ground. The bullets on his head crackled. AK47 was a cartridge clip with 30 rounds. The firepower was very fierce. Moreover, the pirate was an old bandit. He was very experienced. Instead of sweeping all the shuttle, he shot a few shots. Stop and shoot again.

Xia Feng fought with bullets for the first time in his life. He couldn't find a chance to fight back.

Just then, with a sudden sound, a dark thing was thrown in. Xia Feng saw that it was a grenade.

Xia Feng was surprised. He jumped up and went through the cabin. He jumped directly into the sea before falling into the water. The grenade exploded.

As soon as Xia Feng fell into the water, he immediately swam along the speedboat to the other side and quietly explored.

The pirate really got out of the cabin, stood on the side of the ship and looked here with a gun. The explosion power of the grenade was very great, but the pirate didn't see Xia Feng jump into the sea. He determined that Xia Feng was killed. Even if he didn't die, he was seriously injured, but he still held a gun and took precautions.

When Xia Feng jumped into the sea, he didn't lose his gun. There were half shuttle bullets in the gun. He leaned against the speedboat, and the muzzle of the gun slipped out of the water. He aimed at the pirate, pulled the trigger, and the muzzle flame spewed out. The pirate was shot at least seven or eight times in front of his chest, so he jumped up.

Xia Feng secretly called for luck. At the same time, he praised: "it is worthy of being the king of the gun king."

AK47 is known as the king of guns, not only because of the quantity of equipment produced, but also because of its extremely reliable performance.

Ordinary guns can't be fired when they enter the water. Even if they can be fired, they may explode. For example, the M16 in the United States is a famous noble gun. It can't be fired when it enters the water. A grain of sand will explode. Various problems emerge one after another. During the Vietnam War, many American soldiers threw away the M16 allocated and spent their money to buy AK47 on the black market, becoming a worldwide laughing stock, It also makes the US Department of defense cry and laugh.

Today, Xia Feng witnessed the reliability of AK47, so he praised it. The last pirate was killed. Xia Feng took a breath and drilled out of the water.

It's early at sea. After tossing about for so long, it's also bright.

It was shooting and explosion. Not only the women on the gambling boat, but also all the gamblers on the shore woke up and watched.

Xia Feng went to the beach. Han San and others didn't recognize him first. He held a gun in his hand. For a time, no one said anything until the gambling boat screamed: "Xia Feng."

It was Shi Limin's cry. Of course, she woke up. When she heard the explosion, she also went on the deck and mixed with women. When she saw Xia Feng, she couldn't help shouting.

Xia Feng looked back and smiled: "sister min, it's all right. All the pirates have been killed for me."

"You are so awesome. I love you so much." Shi Limin shouted.

Then there were cheers. Not only the women on the gambling boat, but also Han San scar and others in the forest rushed out.

After a carnival, Han San and others got on the gambling boat and threw the pirate's body into the sea.

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