"Tang poetry?" Hu Hua nodded, "yes."

Xia Feng said, "then choose a poem. When you fall asleep, close your eyes and recite it silently in your heart. This can drive away distractions and help you sleep."

"This is the method of replacing ten thousand thoughts with one thought, and there are also the skills I have learned before." Hu Hua was very excited. His excitement was real, not pretended. Xia Feng took out a hundred million strength and completely convinced him with the previous performance on the wine table.

"By the way, how much is this picture?" he asked, raising the picture in his hand.

Xu Lingshu turned to look at Xia Feng. Xia Feng said, "this painting doesn't charge money. Take it back and try it first. If it really works and feels very satisfied, you can help publicize it."

"OK." Hu Hua, a businessman, naturally knew the value of advertising. He said, "I specially built a circle of friends because of insomnia. There are more than 300 friends. These people have insomnia more or less. When I yell in the circle, they will come."

"There are so many insomnia." Guo Meng was surprised.

"Really a lot." Zhu Xiaobai nodded: "for a while, I had a little insomnia."

Xia Feng laughed: "let President Hu verify it first. If it really works, let Ling Shu give you one."

"OK." Zhu Xiaobai clapped his hands and jumped: "then I'll thank you first. It's sure to work, isn't it?"

"I believe it should work." Xia Feng nodded. "If it doesn't work, President Hu, come back to me tomorrow. I'll prepare a brick. Then I'll show my ultimate Kung Fu. If you don't believe it, you'll be stunned."

He said, rolling his sleeves, and immediately laughed.

After chatting for a while, Hu Hua had to go to the company, took the painting and left with Zhu Xiaobai.

Guo Meng said, "I'll go to the wine making workshop and have a look. As for you."

She said, looking at Xia Feng's two: "continue painting."

Speaking of painting, her eyes slipped on Xu Lingshu's face, suddenly covered her mouth, smiled and ran out quickly.

"Dead dream." Xu Lingshu naturally knew what she was laughing at. She was ashamed. When she saw Xia Feng, she looked at her without laughing. She was even more ashamed: "I hate you."

She was so angry and feminine. Xia Feng was so hot in her heart that she couldn't bear it anymore. She walked over, squatted down and carried Xu Lingshu on her shoulder.

Xu Lingshu was frightened by this action and exclaimed, "ah."

Pink fist pounded on his back: "what are you doing?"

Xia Feng ignored her, carried her to the bedroom on the second floor and threw her directly on the bed.

The sun slowly set in the West. The red clouds all over the sky sprinkled on the window and Xu Lingshu's white bare back. Her hands supported the window, her hair hung on one side, and the other face was just exposed to the sunset. She fainted a hazy golden light, making her like an angel.

It was almost dark. Xia Feng came down with Xu Lingshu and went to the restaurant. Guo Meng had already waited there and smiled when he saw her.

"Dead dream, you wait." Xu Lingshu is coquettish and angry, but she doesn't have the strength to pinch Guo Meng. Now she is soft and her fingertips are slightly numb, as if she were a fish that had been beaten by electricity.

And her heart seemed to float in the air and couldn't fall if she wanted to.

Her eyes always inadvertently look for Xia Feng's eyes. Her eyes are opposite, as if there is a sweet intention in her heart.

One afternoon, she was completely conquered. Before, she always seemed to be wrapped in a shell. Although it was very thin, it was difficult for ordinary people to approach.

This afternoon, the shell was completely broken. At least in front of Xia Feng, she had no ability to resist and completely surrendered.

Xia Feng certainly felt her change. In fact, he could not imagine that Xu Lingshu had such a tender or infatuated side.

It was another lingering night. The next day, Xia Feng's mobile phone rang and connected. It was Hu Hua who called.

"Mr. Xia, master Xia, it's so smart. It's so smart." in Hu Hua's voice, there was a kind of ecstatic excitement: "I went to bed less than nine o'clock last night, and then recited a poem. There was moonlight last night, so I recited the spring river flower moon night, Zhang Ruoxu's masterpiece, you know."

Xia Feng didn't know this, so he had to nod. Hu Hua didn't recognize it and continued to say excitedly: "I just memorized two sentences, maybe three sentences, and then fell asleep. Really, maybe I didn't recite all three sentences. Then I slept until now, and I didn't do one in my dream. Master Xia, it's too spiritual. It's too spiritual. Miracles. I immediately sent a circle of friends and recommended Miss Ling's painting to all my insomnia friends. This is the gospel of Matthew."

After two more words, he hung up the phone. Xu Lingshu looked up at Xia Feng: "who called, is that Hu Hua?"

"Yes." Xia Feng smiled and stroked her red lips.

Xu Lingshu said, "is his insomnia better?"

"It's more than better." Xia Feng smiled proudly: "I went to bed at nine o'clock and just woke up. I said I was lying in bed and carrying some spring night. I fell asleep after two sentences."

"Really so clever?" Xu Lingshu was a little surprised.

Xia Feng immediately raised his face: "why, don't you believe me?"

"Believe it." Xu Lingshu giggled and climbed up to kiss him: "you're the best."

"What do you call me?" Xia Feng continued his tiger face.

Xu Lingshu smiled more fiercely: "good brother, brother Xia."

She was several years older than Xia Feng, but one afternoon and one night, she was completely conquered by Xia Feng. Xu Lingshu was a little shy, but she also called it so.

Xia Feng still refused to let her go and said, "I can't remember. I want to be punished. Go to the window by myself."

"Well, bad brother." Xu Lingshu slightly tooted her mouth, as if she had been wronged, but in her eyes, there was pure flattery.

At this time, the mobile phone rang again, but it was Hu Hua's friend who asked about buying paintings.

Xia Feng was depressed. What was more depressed was that he only managed to deal with this one. He hung up. Within a second, his mobile phone rang again. It was another consultation.

"It won't work, it will affect my life, absolutely not." Feng decisively called Hu Hua and asked him to change the consultation number to Guo Meng's mobile phone number.

However, it didn't work. After a while, Xu Lingshu's mobile phone rang and Guo Meng called: "have you finished your painting? Many phone calls said they wanted to buy paintings. One said they would arrive in half an hour."

Xia Feng's face was depressed. Xu Lingshu smiled and hugged him to comfort him: "good man, I'll give it to you in the evening and play with you, okay?"

Xia Feng is happy now. After taking a bath, Xia Feng flashed into the ring and matched it with a large bottle of Lingshui flower mud. Fortunately, Xu Lingshu has many old works. Just add a soothing charm.

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