Draw again today. Xu Lingshu's talisman is better and more powerful.

Xia Feng was worried that she would occasionally fail to draw well. I'm relieved that a professional painter will not miss after thousands of training.

When the painting was ready, the first guest came to the door. He was a white man named rivers, forty years old, a little fat, with blood in his eyes and a haggard face.

"I just can't sleep. I can't sleep no matter how. I used to sleep with half a bottle of wine, but now I can't drink one bottle. If I drink too much, I wake up without spirit and can't work. Now I think my whole person will be wasted. Can I still be saved? Help me." fat Zi is almost wailing. The pain of insomnia is really hard for ordinary people to understand.

Xia Feng gave him a decisive reply: "of course, we don't have to wait until night. We can experiment on the spot. As long as we hang the picture at the head of your bed, you can fall asleep in five minutes."

"Really?" rivers stared. "Really, can you let me sleep for five minutes now?"

"You'll know if you try." Xia Feng turned to AGA and said, "arrange a room for him."

"OK." AGA immediately arranged a room for rivers. Xia Feng followed him, helped hang the picture, one meter away from the bed, let rivers and his clothes lie down, and said, "close your eyes. Are you religious?"

"Yes, I'm a devout Catholic," rivers nodded.

Xia Feng said, "close your eyes and recite a Bible. Recite it silently in your heart and keep quiet."

"OK." rivers closed his eyes and said it was silent, but his mouth was moving slightly. However, after a minute, his mouth stopped moving and started to shout.

"Really asleep?" Guo Meng and Xu Lingshu naturally followed. Seeing such miraculous effect, they all looked surprised, and Guo Meng even shouted.

"You draw better than me, so the effect is particularly good." Xia Feng naturally won't spare flattering Xu Lingshu.

Xu Lingshu really smiled like a flower.

Nearby AGA was stunned and looked at Xia Feng as if to see a miracle: "this Chinese man, he can do witchcraft."

Guo Meng has a good business mind. He immediately contacted Hu Hua and told him about rivers. Hu Hua is also very excited and pulled Guo Meng into his group of friends.

Hu Hua said from his own experience that now there is a living sample of rivers, which exploded when the group was in London. Countless diving fish burst out of the water. They all said they would come right away. Insomnia, they couldn't wait all night. Even those who were far away in China were impatient to call for painting. The mail was too slow. The man made a decision immediately: "I'll book a ticket right away. I must have a good sleep tonight."

More than 300 people in Hu Hua's group all said they wanted to draw, and the number of people in the group then increased rapidly, because everyone has their own friends. If they have insomnia, they will naturally add to the group.

Guo Meng immediately built her own group. All the paintings to be painted were added in, and more than 500 people a day. Of course, she also explained to Hu Hua that she built her own group to avoid disturbing Hu Hua.

Hu Hua understood, but he also added Guo Meng's group.

So popular, Xu Lingshu was a little flustered: "how can so many people draw? It will take at least a few days to draw a picture."

The artist's brain will flash inspiration, but in life, it is not so clever.

Guo Meng immediately gave a suggestion: "didn't you say that you just need to add a symbol to the old painting? It's not easy."

Xu Lingshu said, "but I don't have so many old paintings."

"I've been pregnant for three years. You're too stupid to want it before you're pregnant." Guo mengbai glanced at her: "there are many paintings in the gallery. Yes, there are 200 euros each, and you can sweep a pile of 100 euros."

"But that's not my painting." Xu Lingshu is still struggling.

Guo Meng really couldn't bear it. He pushed her into Xia Feng's arms: "she's completely stupid for you. You should be responsible."

"Dead dream, hate." Xu Lingshu was ashamed.

Xia Feng laughed.

Guo Meng quickly contacted the gallery and swept a pile of paintings. They were cheap, with an average of less than 100 euros, as if the vegetable market swept away Chinese cabbage.

As for Xu Lingshu's paintings with sleeping ability after processing, Guo Meng's suggestion is: "one for 10000 euros."

Xu Lingshu was startled: "it's too expensive."

"What's expensive?" Guo Meng took it for granted: "it's hard for thousands of gold to buy a sleep. They can't afford insomnia for how much they spend."

However, Xu Lingshu still felt expensive. Finally, Xia Feng offered her a price of 2000 euros. Xu Lingshu reluctantly accepted the price.

"Only 20000 for ten." Guo Meng had a toothache expression on her face, but in the evening, she was silly. On that day, more than 200 people came to buy paintings, with a net income of 500000 euros.

"Half a million euros, half a million euros, God, we're rich." she was almost screaming.

Xu Lingshu was also surprised. She never cared much about money, but she was shocked to earn so much money a day.

In the evening, when she got to bed, she hugged Xia Feng tightly and murmured, "you're great, you're really great."

Xia Feng was also a little proud and said with a smile, "I have something more powerful. Do you want it?"

Xu Lingshu blushed and fainted. Of course she knew what he said. She was a little afraid, but she nodded without hesitation: "I want, I love you..."

More than 200 people also came the next day. Their income exceeded that of the first day. Guo Meng looked at Xia Feng as if he were looking at a God: "it's so easy to make money. No wonder you are so rich."

Xia Feng smiled but didn't speak. He didn't earn his money like this.

On the third day, only more than 100 people came to the castle, but there were also more than 100 mail orders, adding up to nearly 300 people, and the income exceeded that of the previous two days.

Xia Feng therefore joked with Xu Lingshu: "you can raise me in the future."

"No, I want you to raise me." Xu Lingshu entangled him like an octopus.

She has made a lot of money selling paintings, and she won't be stingy of sharing them with others.

Guo Meng contributed the most, so Xu Lingshu gave Guo Meng a 10% commission.

Then there are AGA and the farmers in the winery. Because there are too many people, the farmers in the winery have come to receive them. Xu Lingshu will not let them work in vain. They are hired and priced at the salary of general hotel attendants. AGA is paid with the salary of manager level. The money spent is not much. In exchange, all the winery personnel, including AGA, cheered and supported.

Xia Feng looked at her arrangement and nodded secretly: "sister Xu is still very smart, but she doesn't bother to spend such thoughts at ordinary times."

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