On the fourth day, the number of people who came to the winery dropped below 100, but more than 200 were ordered by mail.

Guo Meng checked that about 30% of the world's population suffer from sleep disorders. Of course, there are light and heavy, and those that are really serious enough to need treatment are estimated to be a few ten thousandths, but this number is also frightening.

After preliminary statistics, Guo Meng decisively made a decision to contact some domestic galleries to buy paintings. Domestic paintings are cheap. The level of some unknown painters' works is quite good, but the price is very low. An average of 500 yuan is already a high price, but compared with the euro, it is less than 100, which can greatly reduce the cost.

Xu Lingshu doesn't care about money, but she's willing to reduce costs, of course, but Guo Meng worries about them. She only paints for a few hours every day and draws hundreds of Daoan talismans on her paintings. For the rest of the time, she almost haunts Xia Feng.

For a woman like her, if she doesn't love, she has already. Once she loves, she is fully committed.

A week later, the number of people who came to the winery dropped to about 50, while those who ordered by mail stabilized at more than 200.

It can be said that the sales of Xu Lingshu's insomnia paintings have basically stabilized, and the huge customer base has also driven the sales of wine. AGA therefore proposed to refit the ancient castle into a hotel.

Guo Meng agreed with AGA's proposal, but Xu Lingshu resisted. She is an artist and has a lofty spirit engraved in her bones. In fact, she is not willing to deal with people. Buying paintings on site makes her a little upset. She can't accept changing the romantic winery into a noisy hotel.

She told Xia Feng that Xia Feng resolutely stood by her side and asked Guo Meng to change the sales mode, mail order as much as possible, and easily no longer accept the on-site purchase of paintings.

Although Guo Meng felt a little sad, he still obeyed Xia Feng's orders. The girl admired Xia Feng very much now.

Making money is easier than robbing a bank. It's a god like figure.

Guo Meng changed the way of sales, and fewer people came to the winery. Of course, there were still people coming every day, maintaining about 10 or 20 people, which was within the range that Xu Lingshu could bear.

Xia Feng stayed for half a month and received several calls from Niu Da Pao. He was intoxicated with beauty Township, but the director of the cement plant was anxious and angry there.

Xia Feng also told Xu Lingshu about the cement plant. Of course, Xu Lingshu could understand it, but she was reluctant. In this half month, Xia Feng firmly filled her heart. It can be seen that she didn't draw a new work in this half month.

Xia Feng is also a little reluctant to go.

But he couldn't go back. Later, his mother called him. There were thousands of people in the whole factory, plus more than 10000 family members. Each one was like an ant on a hot pot.

Of course, the factory director was making a fire. As soon as he went back, he let out the wind and said that Xia Feng had found a way and got the new technology, he would get a fist product for the cement plant, and the cement plant turned over. As a result, everyone stared at Xia Feng, resulting in the current situation.

Xia Feng knew the reason from Hu Nannan's mouth and couldn't cry or laugh, but he didn't blame Niu cannon. Anyway, as the factory director, it's always right to do a good job in the factory.

Then I had to go back and agreed to go the next day. That afternoon, someone came.

The man's name was d'antony, a white man of about forty, but his face was haggard and looked almost in his early fifties.

De Antony said he suffered from severe insomnia, but Xia Feng found that it was wrong. De Antony's insomnia was not a physical or mental problem. There was an evil spirit in de Antony. "Wait a minute."

Seeing that de Antony had to pay for the painting, Xia Feng stopped him and said, "Mr. de Antony, in fact, you can't sleep, but you fall asleep and have strange dreams, can't you?"

"Yes." de Antony was stunned and nodded, "how do you know?"

Xia Feng said again, "in your dream, will you see many strange things, such as strange people or things, you've never seen before."

"Right, right." D'Antoni nodded again and again: "That's it. As soon as I lie in bed and my eyes are closed, I will have strange dreams. There are all kinds of strange people and things. I can swear to God that I have never been to such a place, seen such a person or had such a thing, but my dream is so clear. It's like playing movies and watching movies all over the world, isn't it?"

When he said this, he shook his head fiercely: "it's not movies from all over the world, but Oriental movies. All I dream of are Oriental people, that is, you Chinese, and it seems to be the ancients."

"Sure enough." his words made Xia Feng nod secretly.

D'Antoni was in pain: "so, in fact, I can't sleep. I don't dare to sleep. I saw a lot of doctors and confessed piously, but there's nothing I can do."

"Those are useless." Xia Feng shook his head: "because you hit evil."

"Ah?" de Antony was startled. Xu Lingshu's eyes stared at the side.

"Did I hit evil?" de Antony looked frightened: "what evil did I hit?"

"This evil thing is in your house. I need to go to the scene to know." Xia Feng Ningqing took a look at De Antony. There is a mass of evil Qi on de Antony, which ordinary people can't see, but it can't hide from the magic eye.

"Still in my house?" d'antony almost jumped up and nodded immediately. "Please go and have a look. Please, be sure to help me."

"Go now." Xia Feng didn't hesitate.

D'antony was very evil, and he was curious.

Evil Qi is similar to a magnetic field. If a needle is rubbed on the hair a few times, there will be a magnetic field. However, the magnetic field on the needle will not last long and will soon be demagnetized. However, if the magnetic field is strong, the duration will be very long and the magnetic field will be very large. The principle in the middle is the same.

Whether it is art or science, whether it is healthy or evil, there must be energy.

As far as the evil spirit of de Anthony is concerned, it is a strong energy. It seems that it is no worse than the magic eye. The energy is very strong. Even if it is not brought to de Anthony, it will form a strong magnetic field for him.

Xia Feng was sure that if he took a compass and approached de Antony about three meters, the compass would turn disorderly.

Of course, this is not the time to popularize science. Now Xia Feng is very curious: "what is this?"

De Antony took the driver, Xia Feng's car followed, and Xu Lingshu drove. She was a little afraid, but she still wanted to follow Xia Feng, and Xia Feng didn't refuse.

The things in D'Antoni's house are very evil, but they can't surpass the magic eye.

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