Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 250: Company development

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However, I don't know if it's the emotions or He Nami really doesn't want to do this. She has no interest in doing business at all, so Chu Yuanxi simply hired new people. WWWW.SUIMENG.lā

At present, the artifact company is dominated by Cao Shan, while Yang Yuanmei is completely liberated and returns to her original appearance. She was about to be exhausted by Chu Yuanxi and died without knowing that she was quite complacent.

Therefore, although Shenqi Company is counted as a holding subsidiary of Baren Entertainment, there is only Cao Shan who has a serious organization, and the work is very complicated, and it can be regarded as a wonderful work.

In the next step, Chu Yuanxi wanted to discuss with Zhu Yan, and she would simply bring in her e-commerce team, and the relationship might be more straightforward. As for the business that the Pakistani supplemented, they can be sent directly to assist Cao Shan in contacting related affairs.

The Pakistani people now need to expand a lot of manpower, such as professional shooting, professional post-processing, professional special effects artists and other filming team members.

In addition, game tests have to come in one after another. With the advancement of the tcg version, professional tests must be on duty. Normally, it is normal for a game project to have about 10,000 bugs before it goes online. Of course, this is a small bug, fatal bugs and serious bugs must be a bit b-number in mind.

The krypton gold function of tcg is less, and the numerical gameplay is less, so the amount of bugs is definitely less than the normal value. But even if there are fewer, two or three thousand bugs will be guaranteed. This has nothing to do with team quality, and is a systemic problem. Chu Yuanxi only asks the development team's bugs not to go against the sky.

Then there is the operations team. The operation of the tcg project is different from that of ordinary games. Because there is no plan to go through channels other than Apple, the demand for operation is much smaller than that of ordinary games. But no matter how small it is, operation planning is needed, and it is the business and market demand that is reduced.

In addition, Chu Yuanxi had another bold idea to shoot a micro-film for the "Fang Ge" project.

"Animal Company" is now in the limelight. The fans are very active and the number of clicks is satisfying. It can be said that this ip is top in the country from its intention to content to its operation mode, because the Pakistani people are getting stronger and stronger. It is also a top-of-the-line match. No operation is needed for the time being, or two rounds of successful operations have been carried out, such as tcg battle video, etc., which have already developed. What is needed in the future is the development of intensive farming, such as self-made animation, but animation is too expensive, so I am not busy at the moment.

Although "Troubled Times" was put together by Jiao Tu, users did not know that the current popularity is gradually rising after more than two months after the Spring Festival. Mobile games are already on the schedule, and movies and TV will definitely be made in the future. There are also no special operational requirements for time issues and partner selection issues.

In contrast, "Fang Ge" can be said to be half-dead. This project was initially regarded as a guarantee by Chu Yuanxi, but now it is facing a difficult decision.

The reason can be considered that "Fang Ge" is a purely realistic subject, and the content is very deep, and the Ba people's tonality is incompatible with it.

Fantasy themes in the comics field are the mainstream, and the reluctance of martial arts such as the troubled times is also considered fantasy. Because of the tricky entry points, the animal company's roles are all anthropomorphic animals, and then the operations are relatively clever.

However, Brother Fang was different. Chu Yuanxi only provided a basic idea, and the rest was compiled by Uncle Sheng and Yang Yuanmei. But compiling this kind of content is much more difficult than the troubled times and animal companies.

"Brother Fang" is a story about a big brother who has been talking about buying a house all day long and can't afford a house. The main story is emotions, and it is funny to adjust. The other content that Pakistani Entertainment reveals to users is all brisk, even short videos that do not have much emotion. Therefore, fans of Pakistani Entertainment are mostly short video followers and otakus, and user portraits are quite different from this ip tone.

Moreover, it is still a series rather than a fan, and it will naturally suffer a lot from being placed on the official account. Because the reading experience of official accounts is not the same as reading comics on the comics platform. Many official accounts are shared and viewed by others. Each episode of the fan drama is independent of the drama, and there is no need to look forward to the future. The serial drama is different. When sharing with others, even if you think it looks good, the reading experience is also very problematic.

This is why it is not very effective at attracting fans, and it is also a problem to open. To be honest, this ip is a good choice for the big event to do, but unfortunately the big event can't do it with your own ip, and it is impossible to cooperate with Pakistani Entertainment.

Therefore, there are three ways to deal with Chu Yuanxi: don't do the decapitation, sell the authorization, or continue to raise.

If it weren't for selling cute rabbit hats and sharing knowledge to make two large sums of money, Chu Yuanxi would most likely seek authorization. As long as Pakistani Entertainment promises to continue to give "Fangge" traffic, the authorized party should pounce.

But now the company has more than 20 million in the account, and the t-shirt is still making money. If you say more, say less, you can still play it from the perspective of healthy cash flow. The key is that this IP is not bad. , It’s just that the previous operation is not lawful, so why use this ip to form a team for exercise?

This kind of ip that has not yet been incubated, a relatively simple and bright cultivation method is to shoot micro movies. Although the investment is relatively large, it also requires a lot of manpower and supporting resources, but there is more room for operation after the product is made. The content of "Fang Ge" is enough to make more than a dozen micro movies.

When the product is ready, it is a good thing to knock on the doors of various video platforms, and it may not be impossible to fight.

The person who came from fruit research and development is called Mu After seeing Chu Yuanxi’s recruitment needs, she was confused on the spot, did not speak for a long time, and finally told Chu Yuanxi: You need most What is recruiting is a human resources team...

Recruitment is one aspect, and it is also necessary to set permissions for employees, especially with Wang Jing's lessons learned. However, this permission is difficult to be guaranteed by the system. No matter how rigorous the system is, if someone even moves your computer, it will definitely be cracked.

So Chu Yuanxi used the native method to recruit security...

In fact, many companies have security. Large companies have more security, and small companies have less. Even Fruit Distribution has security. Pengfei Technology has more security. Thanks to the fact that the new office premises must be fully equipped, Chu Yuanxi signed four security guards from the labor dispatch company in one go. The Israeli-Palestinian entertainment must be enough.

When Chu Yuanxi got the company's plan for restructuring and recruitment, He Nami blurted out: "Are you sure this won't cause a big company illness?"

"Since we are interested in becoming a big company, there is always a potential risk of getting a big company's disease, right?" Chu Yuanxi said casually. In fact, he sees the hidden dangers of a big company's disease more clearly than He Nami.

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