Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 328 Starlight Evolution

The sudden burst of light dazzled the eyes of Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong. For a moment, they could no longer see clearly what was going on in the room. But Long Dangdang heard an exclamation from the spiritual furnace.

The next moment, the light suddenly dimmed. Both Long Kongkong and Long Dangdang saw that the starry spiritual furnace had actually broken through the sluggishness of the slow breathing furnace, and directly covered the outer meteorite as a whole.

Only then did they see clearly the appearance of the meteorite outside that day.

The light of the meteorite is blocked by the starry spiritual furnace. Its body is like a dark golden stone with an irregular shape. There seem to be many densely packed small holes on it. The strong golden light comes from between these small holes. released from.

At this time, these lights seemed to have found their source and were being crazily devoured by the starry spiritual furnace. It can be clearly seen that on the surface of the starry spiritual furnace, star lines are lighting up one after another, and the bright starlight is surrounding it, still flickering slightly.

As Long Kongkong's contractual partner of the Brilliant Starlight Spiritual Furnace, his feelings were the clearest. He could clearly feel that the entire Starlight Brilliant Spiritual Furnace was even trembling due to extreme excitement. The star power that had been consumed internally was being replenished at an alarming rate, so much so that Long Kongkong himself felt that his body was being fed back, and his own spiritual power began to become active.

Qingtanman was about to take action, but was stopped by Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, "With the power of the same source, there shouldn't be any problem."

"Huh...huh" The Spiritual Spit Furnace snorted twice, but did not act again after all.

The starry spiritual furnace was beating rhythmically, and it felt like a baby sucking milk. However, the dust on the surface of the extraterrestrial meteorite under it was gradually peeling off, and its volume was gradually decreasing, and the rate of decrease was very slow. , but with the cultivation of Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, they can still feel it clearly. Is this caused by the energy being swallowed up by the Brilliant Starlight Spiritual Furnace?

While the two of them were puzzled, the starlight of the Brilliant Starlight Spiritual Furnace itself began to change. The originally golden starlight gradually turned into incandescence, and the number of star lines on the surface began to increase. Even these star lines began to protrude outward and turned into star ridges.

The internal star power deficit has been replenished in a short period of time, but it is still absorbing crazily, and the feedback of the absorption is the change in the body.

Is there any possibility of evolution? Long Dangdang could tell at a glance. At this time, Long Kongkong's head was even lit up with stars. What was a little funny was that his hair actually stood on end and turned golden.

Long Kongkong was also a little confused at this moment. He didn't know what kind of change this was. He raised his hand and touched his hair, trying to press it down, but found that his hair was like spikes at this time and could not be suppressed at all.

What the hell is this? Long Kongkong looked at his brother helplessly as if asking for help. What Long Dangdang paid attention to was not his hair, but the change in his physical condition at this time.

The energy swallowed up by the Brilliant Starlight Spiritual Furnace seemed to be feeding back to Long Kongkong, but it was very gentle. The power of refeeding mainly nourishes the body, making him feel nourished. What's even more strange is that a large part of this nourishment is actually reflected in the power of their blood. Both Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong have discovered that the purple-gold color in their bodies has begun to become richer.

In the past, when absorbing dragon blood, one's own purple-gold blood would be stimulated. But this time it was different. The energy from the starlight seemed to sublimate their own blood. The purple-gold color became brighter and became closer to their own control. This is much more helpful than spiritual power. It feels like the power of their own blood is being continuously purified. Yes, purification seems to be the most appropriate way to describe it.

A faint light flickered in the air, and the starry spiritual furnace was like a greedy child, constantly asking for it. Its own energy fluctuations are also getting stronger.

Not only Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong benefited, but the other major wisdom furnaces present were illuminated by the starlight emitted by it, and each of them also had a faint halo rising.

"This star power is nourishing me and repairing me." Canghai said in surprise.

At this time, behind Long Dangdang, a red lotus floated out on its own and was bathed in the starlight. Apparently Shura's Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace also took the initiative to come out and be nourished by the starlight.

Long Kongkong, are you so polite? He directly released the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace and the Holy Yinling Spiritual Furnace, bathing them all in the starlight. Even an undamaged spiritual furnace seems to be able to benefit from the nourishment of this starlight.

Long Dangdang also released the Holy Yin Spiritual Furnace and the Nearby Tianya Spiritual Furnace respectively. He now has five spiritual furnaces, and Long Kongkong has four. At this time, stars are shining on the surfaces of the nine spiritual furnaces.

If even the senior officials of the church saw this scene, they would also feel a strong shock.

Among these nine spiritual furnaces, except for the two Holy Spiritual Furnaces and the Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace, the remaining six are all wisdom spiritual furnaces. And even among the wisdom spiritual furnaces, they are top-notch existences.

Shenqiyu Tung Spiritual Furnace, Starlight Brilliant Spiritual Furnace, Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, Slowly Swallowing Spiritual Furnace, Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace plus the Tianya Spiritual Furnace which is just around the corner. The six spiritual furnaces of wisdom appeared at the same time, and the spiritual power in the entire training room had become extremely rich.

Spirit furnaces with different attributes will affect each other under normal circumstances, both in positive and negative ways. But at this time, under the shining starlight, everyone seemed to be bathing in the sweet rain. Even those who didn't like the starlight spiritual furnace spoke slowly and slowly, and they all seemed very quiet at this time.

Long Dang was surprised that his current state was indeed a bit special. It felt like the meteorite was nourishing them all at the same time.

The star lines on the surface of the Brilliant Starry Spiritual Furnace became brighter and brighter, the overall size also became larger, and the starlight on the surface became more and more spiritual. The top of the training room was faintly illuminated by starlight. You know, it's daytime now. On weekdays, there won't even be stars in the starry spiritual furnace during the day, so it can't assist them in their cultivation. But now, all this seems to be broken.

Suddenly, without any warning, the starlight spiritual furnace shook violently, and suddenly flew up from the extraterrestrial meteorite. In just an instant, it returned to the top of Long Kongkong's head.

All this happened so fast that before anyone could react, an extremely dazzling golden starlight had already shone downward from the starry spiritual furnace and directly enveloped Long Kongkong.

Long Kongkong's body stiffened and he let out a scream of pain. Long Dangdang wanted to step forward to help him, but his body stiffened immediately.

The next moment, Long Kongkong's clothes melted and disappeared without a trace, revealing his body. Long Dangdang was screaming with him at this moment. The two brothers felt as if their bodies were being burned crazily by an extremely hot energy.

The other wisdom spiritual furnaces had already reacted and wanted to come to the rescue. However, under the strong starlight, no one could move at this moment.

In the next moment, dense purple-gold lines appeared on the skin surface of the two brothers, and then, the purple-gold lines began to turn into pieces of purple-gold scales.

The starlight shining down from the dazzling starlight spiritual furnace suddenly seemed to be pulled, and part of it fell on Long Dangdang. They were quickly absorbed by the purple-gold scales on their bodies.

Except for their faces, their entire bodies were covered in purple-gold scales. Only their faces were different. Eight lines of different colors appeared on Long Dangdang's forehead, namely red, blue, yellow, green, gold, black, silver, and purple.

On Long Kongkong's forehead, there was an extra diamond-shaped scale shining with purple-gold light, shining with a strange light as if he had an extra eye. The skin color of both of their faces turned an evil shade of pale.

A terrifying aura spread from the two brothers at the same time, causing the other spiritual furnaces to freeze at this moment. Even the extraterrestrial meteorite that released starlight shrank at this moment as if it was being oppressed.

This state lasted for several minutes, and the starlight released downwards by the Starlight Spiritual Furnace gradually converged. However, its changed body did not return to its previous state, but turned into a stream of light and rushed in again. Above Long Kongkong's head.

But then, it came out again, and a suction force came, sucking the outer meteorite that had shrunk by about one-third in size, and landed directly on Long Kongkong's head, and then it reintegrated into Long Kongkong's head. Disappeared from the body.

After another ten minutes, the purple-gold color on Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong gradually faded, and the scales disappeared silently. But the two of them still had their eyes closed.

The spiritual furnace turned into streams of light and rushed into their bodies to merge again. But the entire training room was still filled with the terrifying aura from before. A faint dark purple shadow swayed on the wall behind them.

I don't know how long it took before Long Dangdang slowly opened his eyes.

His eyes were still a little dazed, and his last memory remained on the pain caused by the extreme heat. He only remembered that he lost consciousness after letting out a scream.

what happened?

He subconsciously looked in the direction of Long Kongkong, and felt that Long Kongkong's body was in normal condition, so the eagerness in his eyes subsided.

Just be fine.

Clenching his fists, Long Dangdang was suddenly surprised to find that his strength seemed to be a little different. Just by making a fist, he could clearly feel an explosive force clenching in his hand.

The external spiritual power seems to be enhanced? Are you affected by the Brilliant Starlight Spiritual Furnace? It seemed that the Brilliant Starlight Spiritual Furnace had evolved, and the starlight that finally shone on Long Kongkong seemed to be the test it brought when it evolved.

He has gone through the test of the evolution of the Wisdom Spiritual Furnace twice, but the Starlight Spiritual Furnace is obviously different. This test is too simple and direct. If Kongkong cannot withstand the test, will it be completely destroyed? He doubted this.

But it's too late to think about this now, everything is over. Just to complete the evolution of the Starlight Spiritual Furnace, the 20 million gold coins are definitely worth it! What's more, this ore hasn't been used up yet. At this time, the ore stayed quietly on top of Long Kongkong's head, which looked really weird.

Looking inside intently, Long Dangdang's body couldn't help but tremble. He was surprised to find that the purple-gold color inside his body was obviously richer than before, and it seemed to be purer. It seemed as if some special power had been inspired.

Among them, the most obvious change is the heart. Originally, when he was at the seventh level, his bloodline power was also activated. At that time, if he paid attention to his body, he would find that some of the blood vessels would emit a faint purple-gold color. But now his entire heart has turned purple and gold. Along with the beating of his heart, he could clearly feel that his body was filled with powerful power, and the source of this power was his heart. The heart rate slowed down a lot, but every beat became extra powerful.

The bloodline seems to have evolved a bit. Although he didn't know how to evaluate it, the feeling of becoming stronger was particularly obvious.

"Huh?" At this moment, Long Kongkong also opened his eyes in confusion. He blinked and looked at his brother for the first time, "Brother, what's wrong with us? Why did my heart turn into purple gold?" Already?"

Long Dang said: "Me too, it should be that the special power of our bloodline was inspired by the Starlight Spiritual Furnace during the evolution process. It seems that the power of our bloodline has something to do with the starlight."

They have been practicing and improving themselves, but there has never been any kind of power that will be improved along with the power of blood in the process of improvement. It is still so obvious that any kind of elemental power and spiritual furnace They had never experienced such power before, but this time, with the evolution of the Starlight Spiritual Furnace, their power seemed to be stimulated. In addition to the surprise, it also gave Long Dangdang a little more understanding of the power of blood.

Is it related to Starlight? Is this the secret of our blood?

"Brother, why do I feel so energetic! My whole body is full of strength, and it feels pretty good." Long Kongkong compared his fists with a look of surprise on his face.

Long Dangdang's heart moved slightly, and he subconsciously tried to mobilize the power of his blood. Suddenly, a faint purple-gold color flashed in his eyes, and the spiritual energy in his body was consumed like a boil, and the beating speed of his heart began to increase instantly.

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