Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 329 Controlling bloodline and entering the Holy Mountain again

"Dong dong dong dong..." In the sound of powerful heartbeat, eight colorful lines reappeared on Long Dangdang's forehead. Purple-gold scales appeared on the surface of the skin, and a terrifying sense of oppression suddenly burst out.

Long Kongkong was startled, but it seemed that he was infected, and his heartbeat also intensified. An evil light flashed in his eyes, and a cold breath suddenly burst out from his body. Long Dangdang was powerful. The aura was not inferior at all, and even surpassed it when it burst out in an instant, and it was also possessed by scales.

The two brothers looked at each other. At this moment, they both felt the terrifying power bursting out of their bodies. Is this? Can it be transferred?

As soon as this thought came to mind, a feeling of weakness began to be felt in the body. Yes, it was weakness, the kind of weakness where spiritual power was exhausted.

"Let me go, does this thing consume too much spiritual power?" As Long Kongkong spoke, the cold aura on his body suddenly disintegrated like ice and snow, and the purple-gold scales also quickly faded.

Long Dangdang also felt weak and took the initiative to cancel the blood blessing state.

It seemed that it could only be used for a short period of time, but at this moment, Long Dangdang's eyes suddenly became excited. The power that can be actively controlled, and the power that must be stimulated under specific circumstances, are two completely different concepts.

You know, Long Kongkong relied on the inspired power to kill even the eighth-level snake demon god Andumali! With the evolution provided by the Brilliant Starlight Spiritual Furnace, the biggest change is that their spiritual power seems to have been sublimated, and they can rely on their own spiritual power to provide their own bloodline power support, which was not possible before. In the past, they could only use this bloodline power to simply squeeze their own bloodline. Once used, it would be an absolute disaster, and there was even a possibility of death. If he wasn't in the demonic realm at the beginning, Long Kongkong would be finished after his forceful explosion.

But now, everything has become different. Being able to use spiritual power will not harm their roots. As for the large consumption of spiritual power, don't forget that there is an empty Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace! With the support of the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace, and the increase in spiritual power from the light furnace of the Adamantine Base Battle Armor, they can fight for a certain amount of time using this powerful bloodline power. How long they can fight depends on the specific time. Try, but at least, after they have this explosion, they may really be able to face the ninth level.

This kind of trump card is also the fundamental reason why they can really rescue their parents! Is there anything more exciting than this? To rescue their parents and Hepburn, this would have been a narrow escape for them, but now their chances of survival have been significantly increased.

Withdrawing the power of their bloodline, their spiritual energy was really consumed. In such a short period of time, their spiritual energy seemed to have been burned, and that feeling of emptiness was never pleasant.

"Isn't this a bit strong?" Long Kongkong blinked and looked at Long Dangdang.

Long Dangdang nodded.

Long Kongkong said: "When I was only at the fifth level and less than the sixth level, the power of our bloodline destroyed Andumali. Now I am at the seventh level. If it explodes all of a sudden, will it be possible for the ninth level? Did you do it?”

Long Dang said: "It's possible, but more experiments are needed. Looking back, we have to make several attempts. For example, whether the spiritual power provided by your Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace can withstand the burning of the power of blood, and can it provide Give us enough support. Also, when it breaks out, is there any difference between the bloodline power that we rely on spiritual power to support and the one that you purely detonated back then?"

Long Kongkong clenched his fists, "Then can we save our parents and Hepburn?"

Long Dang said: "I have to go to the Holy Mountain of Knights first. I want to ask Senior Dragon Emperor if he knows what the power of our bloodline is. In the beginning, it was because of this power of bloodline that he let Xiao Ba signed a blood contract with me, and if Senior Dragon Emperor is willing to take action, then the certainty of rescuing my parents will be greatly enhanced."

Long Kongkong's eyes lit up, "Yes, if you are gone, Xiaoba will be gone too. Isn't the Dragon Emperor extinct? He will probably take action. Great, why didn't we think of it earlier? If the entire Dragon Clan is willing If we take action, maybe the Kingdom of the Undead will be solved at once."

Long Dangdang said: "Don't be blindly optimistic. If it were really that simple, the Federation wouldn't have delayed it until now."

Long Kongkong said: "Finally there is a chance. When should we go?"

Long Dang said: "I think the Holy Knight Commander will go after asking for instructions."

At this time, their friends were still at the auction and had not returned, so they did not delay and directly asked the staff of the Knight Temple to send a message to see Nan Yu.

Their current identities are no longer what they used to be. As adamantine pedestal knights, they have a high status in the Knights Temple. They are second only to the Holy Temple, the Holy Knight and Nan Yu, the Holy Knight Commander. They are already considered the real high-level leaders of the Knights Temple. .

Soon, the staff came out and took them to Nan Yu's office area.

The position of Lord Paladin is actually very busy, but most of the time he sits at the temple headquarters. The six Holy Knights only decide major matters, and ordinary affairs are basically handled by the Paladin Commander. To put it simply, the position of the Paladin Commander is a bit like the administrator of the Knight Temple. It has great power, and of course, also great responsibilities. .

Nan Yu's eyes couldn't help but be a little complicated when he saw the heroic twin brothers coming to him. He had not fully recovered from the two sets of fine gold bases taken away by these two boys. In terms of the quality of the adamantine base, the two sets they took away were even better than their own adamantine base! How old are they?

"If you are here to tell me that you want to leave the temple headquarters, I can answer you right now, no!" Nan Yu's eyes calmed down and he said calmly.

Long Dangdang shook his head and said: "No. Lord Paladin, we want to go to the Holy Mountain of Knights."

Nan Yu was slightly stunned, "Going to the Holy Mountain of Knights? What to do?" Under normal circumstances, knights can only enter the Holy Mountain of Knights when they choose a mount. Normally, they cannot enter the Holy Mountain to disturb the resting monsters inside. Especially recently, with the mystery of the Blood Alchemy Body, the price of World of Warcraft blood has soared. Poachers have appeared in some Warcraft settlements, and there are many who dare to take risks in the face of profit.

Long Dangdang said: "My mount has evolved recently, and the changes are quite big. Xiaoba is the child of the Dragon Emperor, and I want the Dragon Emperor to see if there are any problems with its evolution."

Nan Yu just came to his senses, didn't he? There is still such a relationship between him and the Dragon King. And, the reason is very good.

After thinking for a while, Nan Yu nodded and said: "Okay. Then you can go there."

Long Kongkong said: "Thank you, Captain Paladin, shall we teleport directly?"

Nan Yu glanced at him and said: "I'm talking about Long Dangdang, and you are Long Kongkong. If you stay, he can only go alone. You don't have a dragon mount."

"I..." A feeling of sadness and anger instantly filled my chest, Brother Dragon and Brother Rat, Brother Dragon and Brother Rat! Long Kongkong looked aggrieved. Nan Yu's eyes were clearly saying, don't you know what kind of mount you are?

Long Dangdang immediately understood what this person meant. With the power of the Dragon King, he might be able to teleport his brothers out directly without returning to the temple. He was afraid that his brothers would run away! That's why we have to leave it empty. However, he really has no intention of running away now.

"Okay. I'll trouble you." Long Dangdang agreed without hesitation.

Long Kongkong raised his finger and pointed at himself, "What about me?"

Long Dang said calmly: "You go back and wait for me first. Then wait for everyone to come back and practice together at night."

Accompanied by Nan Yu, Long Dangdang was sent into the teleportation array that led directly to the Holy Mountain of Knights. Naturally, this time there was no need for any tests or tests. He was directly teleported into the Holy Mountain of Knights.

The scene in front of him was not yet clear. The first thing Long Dangdang felt was the change in the air. The air with the fragrant fragrance of plants came to his nostrils, which immediately cheered him up. Even the depressed emotions during the recent period seemed to be relieved a little. point.

The scenery gradually became clearer, and he was already in a dense forest. The air contained rich molecules of various elements, and everything around him seemed a little quiet.

The second time I came to the Holy Mountain of Knights, I felt completely different from the first time I came here. Long Dangdang's face showed a bit of sadness unconsciously.

When he first came here, both he and his brother were in high spirits. Although it hadn't been long, it still made him feel like he was in another world. I wish I could go back to the past, at least without having to shoulder so many things.

He didn't start because he suddenly discovered a problem and just walked in. In fact, he couldn't tell the direction. Where is the Dragon Valley where the dragon clan lives? I only know that it is in the core area of ​​the Holy Mountain, but I can't tell how to get there now. The only option is to use stupid methods, walk around, encounter more monsters, and become stronger and stronger, which proves that the direction is right, otherwise it will be the opposite direction.

Of course, there is another way to ride Xiaoba directly into the sky. With Xiaoba's special image, he will definitely attract the Dragon Emperor's attention in a short time.

However, Xiaoba is special after all. The Dragon Clan has mutated a five-headed golden dragon and is the only child of the Dragon Emperor. Is the Dragon Emperor willing to let other races, or even other beings of the Dragon Clan itself, see such a Xiaoba? It’s hard to say. Therefore, Long Dangdang decided to use the first method.

Thinking of this, he randomly found a direction and headed forward. The forest was dense, but with his current level of cultivation, it was nothing. He spread his spiritual wings on his back and flew at low altitude above the bushes. Not flying high is naturally to avoid attracting the attention of flying monsters and to minimize trouble. At the same time, mental power bloomed, scanning everything around him.

Along with Xiaoxie's evolution after taking the Zhiguo, Long Dangdang's mental power also increased significantly. Directly borrowing Xiaoxie's mental detection, he can easily detect subtle changes within a kilometer. Of course, if Xiaoxie comes out, the range that can be sensed through mental detection will be larger.

Just after flying not far away, Long Dangdang showed a hint of surprise in his eyes, not because he sensed some magical beast, but because he sensed the presence of human beings.

Meeting humans here is much harder than meeting Warcraft!

They were two young men, a man and a woman. Through spiritual perception, it could be felt that their strength was between the fourth and fifth levels. It is the standard cultivation level for knights to obtain mounts.

Moreover, they seem to be in some trouble now.

Jiang Yiyao was panting heavily, but her eyes were shining with unyielding light. The swords in both hands were supported on the ground. Circles of golden ripples were constantly impacting her body. Two sword marks were left on the ground. Obviously It was left behind by the two swords while her body was sliding backwards.

Not far from her, a young man held a shield, which also resisted the impact of the golden ripples. His condition was much better than hers. At first, they were standing side by side, but now, she was more than one meter behind the young man. .

Not far in front of them was a young unicorn about 1.6 meters tall and 2.5 meters long. The golden ripples were released from this unicorn, which was completely white with only one golden horn.

There is no doubt that the Unicorn of Light is the most desired mount for knights. However, the bright unicorn has a noble nature and is easily unwilling to become a human mount partner. Even if it is willing, it is very picky about its partners.

The two of them discovered this light unicorn at the same time, and they were still young light unicorns, which is most suitable for them now. Without hesitation, the two of them stepped forward to strive for his recognition, but they refused to give in to each other.

The young bright unicorn seemed to be very playful and directly released the power of light, baptizing and impacting them. They all understand that this is a test, and whoever can pass the test may sign a contract with the Unicorn of Light.

In terms of cultivation, the two of them are actually about the same. But Jiang Yiyao was a disciplinary knight, and the young man named Jingyundao was a guardian knight. The guardian knight's defense and toughness took advantage at this moment, and Jiang Yiyao was seen being pushed further and further away.

Relatively few girls choose the profession of knight. Because in any professional team, knights are almost always the mainstay at the front. Girls definitely don't have an advantage in this regard.

But Jiang Yiyao felt that the knights riding on the mounts were heroic and talented since she was a child, so she chose the knights directly. In her mind, the mount she hopes to obtain most is the Unicorn of Light. Seeing that she might be eliminated if she continued like this, a look of determination suddenly flashed in her eyes, a blush appeared on her face, and a fiery red color was about to burst out from her body.

Jingyundao felt the sudden change of breath coming from behind, turned around in shock, and said in a voiceless voice: "Are you crazy?"

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