Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1308

But you can't leave everyone else there.

So after laughing, Lao Xu strode towards the stage.

At this time, "Magia" played at the Kodak Theater for the first time tonight.

Lao Xu took the Golden Man from Downey.

Although they are both friends of Qiye, they are not very familiar with each other.

Downey just congratulated Lao Xu briefly.

Holding the Oscar statuette in his hand, Xu Yuanxuan stood in front of the microphone.

"Thank you, thank you everyone. I love to create and enjoy the process of creation. I hope that the'love' in my story can infect everyone and let everyone understand the charm of this greatest human emotion."

After talking about his feelings, Lao Xu began to thank the people around him.

"There are many people I want to thank. My father, because of him I will embark on the road of creation."

"All my work partners, because of them I can achieve what I am today."

When talking about this, Lao Xu paused, he glanced at Qiye who was sitting under the stage, and then continued.

"I especially want to thank Qiye. Before taking over the work of "Little Circle", I fell into a creative bottleneck. It was Qiye that gave me the motivation to create and guided my creative ideas. Without him, there would be no current "Little Circle". round"!"


The corners of Qiye's mouth twitched slightly. He felt that after Lao Xu said these words, the blades he received would pile up again.

[Don't always talk about me, talk more about yourself!Otherwise, how can I think of a way to dump the pot for you!

Qiye found with some sadness that she might become Lao Xu's target.

Although the title of [Warrior of Love] has been given to Lao Xu by fans, his nickname [Kongsheng Lao Thief] is getting louder and louder!

Fortunately, "Little Circle" tells at least a complete story, and the nickname of [Seven Half Chapter] has been called by fewer people recently.

However, it is estimated that when FGO goes online, this title will start to become popular again.

"Qiyae fulfilled the promise he made to me at that time, and "Little Circle" has really become a deeply rooted work. My feeling now can only be described as incredible."

After saying this, Lao Xu bowed to everyone on the scene, which was the end of his acceptance speech.

Below the stage, the crew headed by Qiye applauded Lao Xu.


Compared with the crew members who need to restrain their moods because of live broadcasts, the Internet is full of boiling.

Although everyone is usually the old thief Kiryu, the old thief Qiye yells, but everyone is really happy to get the trophy.

Especially the several circles composed of hardcore supporters of Qiye, they are happy as if they have won a $5 million prize.

[A good start!]

[Next we will continue to win prizes!]

["Maiden" will sweep this Oscar!]

A good start is often half the battle.

This sentence is indeed correct.

The miracle created by "Little Circle" does continue in the Kodak Theater.

Except for the Best Adapted Screenplay Award, this award, which has nothing to do with "Little Circle", was taken away by "Love Life".

The soundtrack of "Magia" sounded at the Kodak Theater several times, and the crew of Madoka burst into cheers one after another.

There is no doubt that they are the protagonists tonight.

The best art direction award, the best costume design award, the best sound editing award and the best sound effect award were awarded by the crew of "Little Circle".

At this time, the award ceremony was only one-third of the time, but "Little Circle" has easily picked off five statuettes.

The only pity is that Madoka failed to get the best make-up award, otherwise the nomination would be the record holder for the award.

However, this award was not given to "Avatar", but to "Star Trek".

Perhaps in the minds of old academics, CGI technology is probably not makeup at all.

"We are getting closer and closer to our goal."

Ryan murmured in Qiye's ear.

As Qiye's "girlfriend", she certainly knows what Qiye's ambitions are for this Oscar.

Although the hope is slim, people don’t dream of the difference between that and salted fish?

Qiye smiled at Ryan, "There are still eight awards, and I hope to win them all."

Among the 14 nominations, five golden figures have been won, which is already the best result of Qiye and Jiufeng Entertainment in the Oscars.

As for whether it can sweep the Oscars next, no one knows.

The purpose of the Oscar party is naturally to award awards, but there will still be many performances besides awards.

These programs are naturally related to movies. They are basically not paying tribute to classic movies, or remembering filmmakers who have made outstanding contributions in the past.

No wonder young people have become less and less interested in Oscars recently. After all, Oscars really like nostalgia.

But this year is different, because there are "Magic Circle" and "Avatar", countless young people pay attention to Oscars for their favorite movies.

As the Oscar's live TV channel, ABC TV has been monitoring the ratings of this year's Oscars.

When Demi Moore stepped onto the stage and began to cherish the memory of the outstanding filmmaker who passed away last year, an ABC TV chief was observing the number of viewers.

"The viewership has dropped again..."

The person in charge shook his head. Every time a nostalgic show is broadcast, the number of viewers will drop significantly.

It can be seen that the current audience really doesn't like the smug nostalgic shows of those old men.

Fortunately, this person in charge is also very clear that when the next award starts, the ratings of the program will rise again.

This situation has happened countless times in the past dozens of minutes.

Not to mention that the next award will be the best supporting actress that everyone has been paying attention to.

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