Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1309

In this case, the person in charge does not know what to say.

Obviously, the academy people are not stupid.

They knew that the audience did not like this type of show, and they arranged the best supporting actress award to save the scene.

But since you know that this kind of nostalgic show is not popular, why not just delete it?

It's like Oscar has been nominating commercial films to gain popularity, but wants others to follow their own hobbies, so they don't give them awards.

The person in charge really wants to say something about the stubborn and conservative attitude of the college.

Why bother?It's boring to deceive yourself.

It's a pity that this person in charge is only a TV station staff member, and he has no idea how to operate the Oscars.

"Ha-ow, the next best supporting actress award, right?"

In front of the computer screen, the little mustard who was once again sleepy by the missed project yawned and asked.

Qin Jue nodded vigorously: "Yes, I hope Miss Shuzuki Yumi can win the prize."

"Of course, Director Kiryu can shoot that little girl so beautifully, how could he not win the prize."

Little Mustard spoke with a look of yearning on his face.

[I don’t know how I will be attracted by all sentient beings under the lens of Director Kiryu Nanya?

"I find it difficult to win prizes."

Shiori Kaede of Japan expresses his opinion to his friends.

"Indeed." Asuna nodded in agreement, "Yumi's age is too young, this will be a hindrance."

"But Jiufeng Entertainment's public relations should be able to play a big role."

Although Kazuya is not a diehard fan of Xing Yue and Kiryu Nanya, he still has a lot of research on Hollywood movies.

He knows very well how important public relations are to the ownership of an award these years.

Especially when the other candidates are not very good.

Ke Mei Cai's early twenties is another problem that cannot be ignored.

Not to mention that this is her first time in a Hollywood movie.

The double re-identification of age and seniority makes the possibility of Yumi winning the prize extremely disparity.

According to previous practice, the best supporting actor award winner should be the last best supporting actor award winner.

But if Heath Ledger, winner of the 81st Best Supporting Actor Award, does come to present the award, it is estimated that everyone will be scared to death.

Although there was no way for the best supporting actress of the previous year to be present, the academy still prepared a heavy award winner for the best supporting actress-Robin Williams.

When the "captain" stepped onto the stage, Qiye let out a soft sigh.

I'm afraid no one would have thought that this comedy superstar would suddenly bid farewell to the world by suicide in 4 years.

Robin Williams's lottery string is very simple, after a few nagging words, he took out the best supporting actress envelope.

At this moment, Yumi's little hands squeezed tightly.

"Big brother, can I get the prize?"

Yumi asked Qiye nervously.

But before Qiye had time to answer, Robin Williams read the answer directly.

"Satsuki Yumi, "Little Circle"."


pS: Captain is really a pity.

Judging from various reports after working, the captain should have a very serious psychological problem.

This situation is very common in comedians.

Obviously they are the people who give everyone joy, but they themselves are the people who need joy most._(:з∠)_

Chapter 725 The Most Unexpected Award [Plus 31/40]

When she heard her name, Yumi covered her mouth with her hands, with an expression of disbelief.

In less than a second, the expression on Yumi's face changed to excitement and joy.

In the end, tears seemed to flash in her eyes.

When the surrounding applause sounded, Hysuki Yumi held her chest tightly with one hand, and covered her mouth with the other.

It seemed that if she didn't do this, she would just scream out.

For Yumi, who is only 22 years old, the recognition of an Oscar performance award is of great significance.

As the first actor in Asia to win an Oscar for performance, this honor alone will enable Yumi to live a life of rich beauty.

Not to mention anything else, all the crews in Asia will send out invitations to Yumi.

Although there are many Oscars, the supporting actress award is one level worse than the leading actress award.

But this is the only Asian actor who has won the Oscar, and this kind of honor is unmatched by any other actor.

Qiye thought that Yumi would shout and scream after winning the prize.

Although the little girl was emotional, she was quite quiet.

In the cheers of the crew and the guests, Yumi and everyone from the crew including Shion gave a hug.

Finally, she stood in front of Qiye.

"Big brother, thank you so much!"

This is the first time Yumi has embraced Nanaya.

"Um... congratulations."

Qiye found that his abdomen was tightly strangled, and he couldn't breathe.

But Yumi has been holding Nanya firmly, and refuses to let go.

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