Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1313

Because Qiye probably won't make such a movie that suits the taste of the judges anymore.

On the other side, in the directing room of ABC TV station, the staff were also cheering.

Since the four major awards began to be awarded, Oscar ratings have been rising.

After all, compared with other small awards, the four awards are the ones that attract attention in everyone's mind.

According to statistics, the number of viewers in North America reached the peak of tonight when the best actress was awarded-46.26 million people!

This is related to Tosaka Rin's personal appeal.

Because of Qiye, with two Fate and other movies, Rin's attention in North America is not as high as that of Super A-class actors like Lily, but it is definitely the most popular group of existence.

With her current influence, at this critical moment of impact on the Oscars, it will naturally attract a large audience.

However, this number did not last long at all, when the host Steve Martin announced the start of the best director awards.

Oscar's North American viewership exceeded 50 million in less than half a minute!

And showing a rising trend!

This result is the best result except for the Oscar of "Titanic".

On all kinds of timely sharing platforms, there is also a quiet that has never been before tonight.

It's not because everyone is not watching TV and ready to go to sleep.

Instead, everyone focused all their attention on the live broadcast of Oscars, where there is still time to share their feelings.

In the student dormitory, Qin Jue nervously hugged his good friend Ji.

Because if she didn't, she would break her finger.

The Yilia's family also stared at the TV, their eyes motionless.

Shi Zhifeng clasped his hands together, as if praying silently for the director he likes and the movie he likes.

Countless fans of Kiryu Seven Nights all over the world have put down the fat house happy water, the fat house happy bucket, and various fat house happy snacks.

They waited quietly, waiting for the arrival of the final celebration moment!

On the stage of the Kodak Theater, Samuel Jackson stepped onto the stage with the music played by the symphony orchestra.

Although the head of the stewed egg is still so bright, his smile is still so kind.

But the famous black actor could not attract anyone's attention.

At this moment, even if the person on stage is the handsome Tom Cruise, he can only serve as a background board.

What's more, the popularity of Director Marinated Eggs is far from that of Brother A Tang.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, the director walked to the microphone.

"The finalists for this year's best director are very interesting. There are whites, blacks and even yellow people. This is a situation that has never been done before Oscars."

Samuel Jackson said in his characteristic tone: "Among them are regular Oscar visitors, and some newcomers who are nominated for the first time."

"The works they have produced are diverse, some depicting the cruelty of real wars, some depicting alien wonders, and some even telling friendship and persistence."

"Even though there are males and females among them, they have shown everyone an excellent talent for making movies!"

"The finalists for the best director are..."

With the big screen picture, Samuel Jackson began to introduce the nomination list one by one.

"Catherine Bigelow-"The Hurt Locker"; James Cameron-"Avatar"; Lee Daniels-"True Love"; Kiryu Seven Nights-"Madka"; Quentin Taranty Connaught-"Shameless Bastard"."

Then Mr. Director opened the envelope without raising his head, "The best director is... Kiryu Nanaya, "Madaku"!"

Along with the music of "Magia", cheers like the tsunami once again sounded in the Kodak Theater.

But unlike other emotionally excited people, Qiye was somewhat calm.

In fact, when the award-giving guest was not Barbra Streisand in memory, Qiye had already guessed the result faintly.

According to the school’s consistent style, the best director’s award recipients are usually people who are related to the winner.

Therefore, the best director awarding talent in Qiye's previous life will be women.

It is for this reason that the presenter is usually kept secret.

No one will know until the last minute.

But as long as this person is on the stage, many well-informed people will guess the winner at the moment before opening the envelope.

But the award-giver chosen by the academy is also very cunning.

The identity of Samuel Jackson is very confusing.

His black background will make people think of Lee Daniels subconsciously, but his personal relationship is good with Quentin, and he himself is currently making movies in Marvel under the banner of Jiufeng.

However, Qiye thought it was herself when the halogen egg appeared on the stage.

Because he doesn't think the other two can compare to himself, Quentin's director level is good, but his films are really too niche.

Moreover, this ruffian was not seen by the academy than Qiye herself.

Now it seems that Qiye found that she had not guessed wrong.


pS: Suddenly I found that these chapters were written just right to the end of the award, obviously not doing this on purpose.2333

Chapter 727 I'm the King of the World!

"Won! Won! O'Neill won!"

In her living room, Illiya got up from the sofa and waved her lower arm vigorously.

At this moment, she was as excited as when her movie got a billion dollars in box office worldwide.

As a person who knew Qiye since elementary school and fell in love with Qiye film since the first work.

Yiliya knows very well what kind of hard work and hard work her "brother" has gone through to finally achieve today's great cause!

"Mom, it's really great!"

Eliya hugged her mother and cheered.

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