Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1314

"Really...a bit unwilling."

Keiji sighed, Kiryu Qiye's sweeping victory over Oscar really made him unhappy.

But Kirishu was upset with Kiryu Nanaya.

Regarding Qiye's achievements, Keishi did not show negative emotions such as jealousy.

It should be that Qiye's results were so good that Kirishu didn't even feel jealous.

It is more of admiration for Qiye's achievements.

Kei Si shook his head slightly, knowing that he would definitely not be able to catch up with Qiye in the director's performance.

"But it doesn't mean that I will surrender!" Keishi swears firmly, "At least this time, my film's evaluation will never be lower than yours!!"

Thinking of this, Kirishu stood up and walked out of the living room.

"Ala, don't you see the end?"

Ai Li asked her husband.

"No, I'm going to check the information." Keishi replied, "The investment in this movie is too big. I have to prepare as much as possible."

"Then go on."

After sending her husband away, Allie smiled and hugged her daughter.

"What's wrong, mother?" Illiya looked at her mother in confusion.

Allie replied with a chuckle: "Nothing, nothing."


Iliya's big eyes were full of confusion.

The fact that Qiye won the best director was not only celebrated by Ilia alone, but all Kiryu Qiye fans were expressing congratulations to their favorite director in their own way at this moment.

Shi Zhifeng clenched his right hand into a fist, hammering his chest constantly in excitement, and his joy was beyond words.

He even forgot the couple who hugged him with dog food, but quickly picked up his mobile phone.

"We won! Seven Nights Old Thief won!!"

Shi Zhifeng expressed this sentence on the 2CH forum as quickly as possible.

This sentence was repeated and reposted by others in the forum.

"Yes, we won!"

"Won! Won!"

"We finally won!!"


At this moment, the nature of human beings is very obvious, but no one seems to care.

Because everyone is immersed in happiness and excitement.

"Haha, I got the best director!!"

Sitting in front of the computer in the staff dormitory, William just left the keyboard with his hands.

He just hit his keyboard with retaliatory force.

If not in this way, he thinks he can't release his accumulated emotions.

On the Oscar night, is there anything happier than being recognized for your favorite work and director?

No more!

So cheers!


"Qiye is the best director!"

At the moment when Ma Razed Fakxia announced the name of the winner, cheers broke out in countless bars around the world.

The clashing sounds of red wine, beer, rum and even the cups of Fat House Happy Water continued to sound.

Although not in the same place, but at the same moment.

Fans all over the world are cheering. They are celebrating the victory of "Magic Circle" and they have witnessed a miraculous moment.

Then, he was quiet again briefly.

Because they are waiting for the moment the director steps onto the stage to receive the award.

This is the real miracle moment.

In the Kodak Theater, hundreds of filmmakers and stars were not surprised or surprised.

When Samuel Jackson announced the seven nights award, the applause immediately rang like thunder.

Everyone present is waiting for this moment, and it seems that everyone also expected this moment.

"There is really no suspense at all!"

Cameron is also clapping his palms.

If someone else won the prize, he would feel unwilling to lose to Qiye but take it for granted.

Because he is also a member of half of the crew of "Little Circle", he knows exactly what kind of work it is.

Isn’t it a normal result for "Madoka" and Kiryu Qiye to win the prize?

Although he had made technical reserves for several years, he eventually made others succeed, which made Cameron a little regretful.

But he was more pleased that he had witnessed the success of an outstanding junior.

If the winner is still yourself, if the movie that breaks the new box office record is "Avatar".

Doesn't that mean that the entire film industry has not made any progress from "Titanic" to now?

For Cameron, who has already stood at the pinnacle of the industry, isn't it a relief to have someone succeeding him?

At least Qiye, the younger generation, is very suitable for both the film creation concept and the film creation.

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