Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1325

As for who should play these roles, Qiye has not decided so quickly.

Although he used cake and Mr. Sorry when filming "Magic Girl Ilya".

But at that time, Qiye was poor and short-minded, so naturally the actors he was looking for could not satisfy him completely.

This time with such a big battle, the actors will naturally have to be re-selected.

The first to be determined to appear in "Evil Dragon's Hundred Years Empire" is naturally Lily.

She will play two roles in the movie, starring in black and white Joan of Arc.

Of course, when starring in Joan of Arc, Lily will wear Pad, which is commonly known as a fake breast.

In fact, Lily herself refused this matter, but the reason given in Qiye is that the audience needs to feel that Joan of Arc and Altria are two different roles.

"So, do you men think that big and small are completely two people!!!"

At that time, after Qiye finished explaining, Lily took off her shoes and threw it towards Qiye's face.

By the way, because there will be scenes of black and white Joan appearing at the same time in the movie.

Therefore, Ryan will be added to the crew as Lily's stand-in.

This is another reason Qiye asked Lily to wear Pad.

After all, it is easier to increase than to decrease. What if Ryan's chest is tight and short of breath caused by a chest cloth?


Qiye dared to swear to the light bulb on his head, he absolutely did not take the initiative to prepare for Ryan the very useful black and white Joan of Arc's Cos suit.

Of course, if Shion would prepare for himself in the future, Qiye would not be prepared to refuse.

After all, that is Joan!!

Who can refuse a blonde with big breasts dangling in front of her in Jeanne's clothes!!

In addition to Joan of Arc, Joaquin Phoenix, who once played the Marshal in FZ, will also return.

At the time Qiye would find him as the marshal, it was natural that he valued his almost crazy performance in the movie "Joker".

After all, relying on a superhero role to get the actor, Joaquin Phoenix is ​​the first ever.

Although this hasn't happened yet, it doesn't prevent Qiye from digging out his specialty in neurosis in advance.

Anyway, judging from the feedback from the audience in the upper and lower parts of FZ, everyone has a good sense of this actor.

Therefore, Qiye has no plans to change actors.

Just as the first singularity began to determine the actors, the work on the prologue side has entered the formal preparation stage.

But the first thing to gather is not the actors, but the props and scenery groups.

Qiye asked them to build a studio for shooting Chaldean institutional shots.

It's not just to throw away the set after using it, nor is it a fake scene that only builds a part of it, but to build a real Chaldean magic workshop.

A place where people can see, use, and even live.

It can be said that except for the incredible magic, all other facilities must be exactly the same as the Chaldeans in the setting.

The reason for this is also very simple-to save money.

As a scene that will appear in all FGO movies.

It would be too much trouble if every movie had to be recreated.

Therefore, the quality of Qiye is better, so that it can be used forever.

Of course, after the movie is finished, this part of the building does not need to be demolished, it can be directly transformed into a tourist attraction.

Therefore, this particular studio was not arranged in a Hollywood studio, nor was it a relatively cheap place in Australia.

Instead, Qiye chose to be in the suburbs of New York for the convenience of future visitors.

Of course, it is a suburb, but the actual location is basically on the edge of New York.

It belongs to the kind of place that claims to be in the suburbs of the imperial capital, but the mobile phone will display "Hebei Mobile welcomes you".

But this is no way, after all, the site in downtown New York is too expensive.

Besides, it is natural to find a quiet place for filming, otherwise how to film the film if there are onlookers interrupting Qiye.


pS: Station b will screen "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit" on the 3rd.

The "The Hobbit" series does not matter, but the "Lord of the Rings" series Michan hopes to be an extended version._(:з∠)_

Chapter 733 When Kiryu meets Kiryu [add 33/40]

While Jiufeng Entertainment was groundbreaking in the suburbs of New York, Nanaya himself temporarily left the United States and flew back to Japan.

With the help of Four Seasons, Toei has recruited a group of young actors to wait for the audition.

Because the role of Gudav is very important, Nanya had to go to Japan to confirm it in person.

But before getting on the plane, Qiye had already seen the materials that Toei had prepared for herself.

Regarding who to choose to play Gudav, Qiye actually already had a draft in her mind.

Basically, it is nothing more than the actors of the Kamen Rider.

Although Dong Auntie is stingy and dying in filming, the special effects are also fake, and the plot is even more neurotic under the convulsions of Bai Cang and Mingui.

However, the selection of actors is still very discerning. The Kamen Riders they selected are not too good to say, and they rarely make troubles.

From this point of view, this group of people was born Qiye's favorite actors.

As long as some of them can satisfy themselves, the role of Gudav will be finalized.

But this is not easy to say, after all, these actors are generally in their early 20s when they starred in "Kamen Rider", and now they are just teenagers.

For teenagers who change every day, the past few years are likely to make a big change in temperament.

Qiye didn't expect them to perform very well, but at least they had to reach the level they needed.

So when the audition assistant brought an actor into the room, Qiye showed a strange smile on her face.

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