Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1326

This made the actors who participated in the audition shiver.

Does this great director have any strange hobbies?

If the other party makes an excessive request, how should I refuse it?

Mr. Inugai is very panicked now, even though he was very confident when he signed up.

But when the audition was really approaching, he was panicked.

To be honest, he didn't know which muscle he was having a convulsion, he would come to participate in this sight glass.

When he participated in the training of the firm some time ago, the firm said Kiryu Qiye was selecting actors for Fate and asked who would like to try it.

At that time, Takashi Inujiki signed up without even thinking about it.

Even he himself doesn't know why, but he has a strange feeling-he wants to participate in the actor selection!

To be honest, even though Takasho Inugai likes the Fate series and Madoka, he is not a fan of Kiryu Nanaya.

Because he always felt that Kiryu Qiye's work was too serious, and it didn't look easy at all.

At a young age, he prefers to watch pure cool movies like "Avatar" or "Transformers".

But even people who are not in the entertainment industry can feel the influence of Kiryu Nanya's movies from magazines and life.

Knowing what role playing in the Kiryu Seven Nights movie will bring to him, after hearing the office staff say this, he felt a strange feeling in his heart-I want to go.

As a result, Inujigai, regardless of his status as a trainee, stood up and signed up first.

[Ah, I really want to kill myself at that time.

But looking back now, Mr. Inugai felt that he was definitely his second-year culprit.

Fortunately, there was not the only person actively signing up at that time, so the behavior of Inujigai did not cause everyone's special attention.

But if the current Inujigai Taka-jo came again, he would definitely not sign up so confidently.

[Look at how many catties you have, you idiot Inujige Gui Zhang!

To be honest, Takashi Inugai performed very badly in the first round of the audition.

Not only did I tremble all the time during the performance, I even stuttered several times when I was speaking.

But there is no other way. After all, it hasn't been long before Inujigai has learned to perform. How can he have the same acting skills as a big star next time?

No, it's not acting at all, it's a rookie at all.

Every time I think of this, Takashi Inugai wants to plunge into Tokyo Bay to drown himself.

If it were not for the extra points brought by his appearance, he would never have passed the previous rounds of auditions.

To be honest, Mr. Inugai feels that his ancestral tomb is already smoking.

However, this time, Taka-jo Inugai really felt that he was a little dysfunctional.

For today’s audition, Inujigai arrived one hour early.

But he hasn't calmed down yet, and Takashi Inugai only feels an unprecedented sense of tension.

The candidate actors who came with him were called away one by one, and Takashi Inugai sat quietly waiting in the lounge.

He didn't have anyone to accompany him, only Takashi Inugai, who was a trainee, was a non-existent agent or assistant.

The only acquaintance of the senior was called for an audition early, and his Inujigai-jang happened to be the last one.

But Takahashi Inugai didn't care. He was extremely nervous and only hoped that the later he auditioned, the better.

This way he can have a little more time to adjust his state.

It's a pity that this kind of temporaries will only get chaotic.

"Inujigai, it's you."


When the staff yelled his name, Takasho Inugai jumped up.

The staff was taken aback by this very loud voice, and he gave Mr. Inugai a bit resentful.

"Why are you in a daze? Go audition now."

"Ok... OK."

Takashi Inuji nodded, and walked out of the lounge with the mentality of the execution ground.


Qiye's audition was very fast, and the actors entered the audition room one by one and came out one after another.

Mainly because the actors in this batch are so young that they don't have much acting experience at all.

Of course this is Qiye's own pot, and she can't blame others.

Who asked him and Toei's people to help select actors under the age of 20?

[Maybe the age can be relaxed to 25?

If it's not an actor who is born and old, Qiye feels that it shouldn't be a problem for an actor in his 20s to dress up and play a 16 or 17-year-old high school student.

To be honest, the few actors currently auditioning for Qiye are not satisfied.

No actor in Hollywood is indispensable.

Even if it's Captain Jack or Tony Stark, it's not impossible for the production party to change people cruelly.

Of course, the premise is that the consequences of changing actors are acceptable to the producer.

Having said that, choosing the protagonist of a major production is not an easy task.

Not to mention the more demanding male actors, it is the simplest female vase role in the general impression, and it is not just a beautiful woman who can be competent.

I won't mention the issues of stage fright in front of the camera. Not any woman can run around on the set in high heels.

Qiye once described the difficulty of choosing Fujimaru Tatsuka to Ori-not only to have good looks, but also to have room for growth in acting, and the ability to resist pressure is the key.

At the same time, the actor has to endure the hard work of back-to-back shooting large-scale movies.

To be honest, Qiye thinks this job is harder than choosing a wife.

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