Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1345

Qiye probably couldn't think of Shion with Ilia's little head.

But the little girl not only made a lot of noise after seeing the director's complete script, but also dissed Lily very much.

Only in the end, Illya accepted the role of director.

Without him, the role of this role is relatively small.

For Ilya, who has already begun to take over the affairs of Limbo, it is definitely not enough to have to star in several movies.

Especially in the next few years, Illiya's time as an actor will only decrease.

For a role like the director who only has a prologue, Illya can be said to be really suitable.

However, Illya didn't just leave it alone.

In the scenes of several conversations between the director and Romani that have been filmed so far, Qiye can feel the dissatisfaction of the silver-haired girl with her.

After all, who would flush and have a cool face when insulting?!

This is obviously a problem!!


Recalling Ilia's weird behavior, Qiye coughed slightly.

"Peter, why are you looking for me?"

Probably because she was afraid that Shion would bring the topic to a strange place, Qiye turned her head and looked at another person who came to find her.

"Well, about the list of the main characters in "The Hundred Years War." Peter took out an envelope and handed it to Qiye. "You need Qiye to check it out."

"This kind of thing should be said first."

Qiye squeezed her eyebrows helplessly, opened the file bag and pulled out the information.

The roles of actors who had already been identified for Qiye were all skipped, and he directly read the newly finalized list of Peter Jackson.

"Hmm...Camilla's actor is Angelina Jolie??"

Qiye had an expression of "Are you kidding me" on her face.


Fat Peter nodded seriously.

"How much does she offer?"

As a well-known actress since she became famous in the 90s, this woman's pay price has not been low.

"4 million dollars."

Fat Peter quickly replied.

Qiye did not comment on the numbers, but waited for the fat man in front of him to continue explaining.

"You know, Julie's reputation has dropped drastically since that incident in 2005."

Seven nights knowing Hollywood gossip certainly knew that Peter Fatty was talking about the movie "Smiths" in 2005.

Fatty Peter continued: "Especially in recent years, the only role she can tell is the voice of the tigress in "Kung Fu Panda".

As a smash hit female star, Angelina Jolie mixed up with Qiye and felt that she should have asked for it.

It is not good in any country to hook up with a married man.

In Qiye's view, the quality of the movie "Smiths" is only moderate.

From the script to the action drama, it is more like a 90s work. The probability of making such a movie in 2005 is actually very high.

But how to put it, the luck of this movie is really good.

The male and female protagonists hook up and become gangsters when making the movie, and they have an emotional scandal.

If this is the case, that's all, but the problem is that the man Brad Pitt is a married man!

Although there are many things that divide and recombine between men and women in Hollywood, it is very problematic if it involves married people.

Especially Angelina Jolie took the initiative in this matter.

Regardless of the chaos in Hollywood circles, the overall wind direction in the United States is still very conservative.

For this kind of woman who snatches her husband, there are naturally endless voices of criticism.

Along with various condemnations of Julie, the popularity of the movie "Smiths" has also been heated up, and the film party has also obtained amazing benefits.

In fact, Qiye has always wondered whether this scandal was intentional by the filmmakers.

After all, this is not the first time Angelina Jolie has done this.

This actress can be said to be a typical dare to love and hate and is particularly easy to enter the scene.

Throughout Angelina Jolie's relationship history, you will find that her boyfriend and girlfriend both happened on the set.

um, yes.

The female star is also a famous two-way plug in Hollywood.

And Julie's love can be said to come and go quickly.

After each relationship, the actress will quickly break up with each other, and then start the next love.

Brad Pitt is relatively long-lasting, not only did the relationship last 15 years, but Julie also gave birth to 3 children for this man.

Since 2005, Julie's movie production has dropped rapidly. Apart from the scandal, successive pregnancy is also the main reason.

But even so, after two years of marriage, Julie got tired of Brad Pitt and separated directly from him.

In the last seven nights in my previous life, I heard the messages of these two people last in April 19th.

After a long 15-year love run, the couple chose to divorce.

Qiye quickly passed Angelina Jolie's message in her mind.

Except for the possibility of the other party hooking up with actors (whether male or female) on the set, the role of Da Long Niang is quite suitable for the other party.

And Julie's fame can indeed bring a lot of attention to the movie.

"3 million U.S. dollars." Qiye said after thinking about it, "up to 3.5 million U.S. dollars."

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