Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1346

Peter knew that Qiye meant to talk to Julie with a salary price of $3 million.

The bottom line of the negotiations is $3.5 million.

Qiye added: "The role of Camilla is just a supporting role. US$4 million is too expensive."

"I understand."

"Also." Qiye said seriously, "Tell Julie not to have any emotional scandals on the set. Fate doesn't need this kind of gossip! This matter is written into the contract for me!"

It would be very troublesome if this two-way plug comes to the crew once, dare to love and hate.

You know, Lily is in the crew of "The Hundred Years War".

If this cheap sister-in-law gets entangled by that woman, Qiye believes that Ryan will definitely tear herself alive.

"I'll talk about it."

Naturally Peter had also heard of Julie's "feat", and he nodded seriously.

"As for Ziegfei, Malda..."

Qiye pursed her lips and watched Peter not speaking.

Peter scratched his head in a jealous manner. He knew very well why Qiye looked at herself like this.

In these two roles, Peter Fatty proposed the actors Vigo Mortensen and Liv Taylor.

You may not have much idea about the name, but everyone knows the role directly.

King Aragorn and his wife Alvin, the fairy princess.

Needless to say, Fat Peter is walking the back door for his actor again.


pS: Angelina Jolie has nothing to say about love.

This eldest sister really dares to love and hate, maybe this is her way of life.╮(╯▽╰)╭

Chapter 743 I Can't Wait

The fact that Peter Fatty seeks welfare for his actor does not surprise Qiye.

The connection between the director and the actors has always been the most important link in the Hollywood network.

Qiye also likes to walk through the back door for her idols. From before to now, the heroine of Qiye hasn't used an actress other than her acquaintance.

So Peter Jackson's behavior is completely reasonable.

Not to mention that Peter Fatty has a trace of guilt for his actors.

When the "Lord of the Rings" series was a big success, Peter the Great was crowned king.

All the flowers and applause in this series were received by Peter Jackson.

Compared to Peter Jackson, who has gained both fame and fortune, the actors of "Lord of the Rings" are not so lucky.

Ian McLean, Christopher Lee, and Cate Blanchett are well-known actors.

Even without Gandalf, Saruman, and Grandma Gai, the Elf Queen, they still have plenty of roles to play.

But other people are not good. Except for Orlando Bloom, which is a little hot, other actors have basically not many roles after the "Lord of the Rings" series.

For these actors, Peter Jackson still somewhat compensated his mentality.

When filming "Lord of the Rings" everyone suffered together, but now I am the only one rich.

This somewhat made Peter feel a little sorry.

Therefore, taking this opportunity, Peter Fatty also hopes to help the actors he is familiar with.

"What about the makeup photo?"

Qiye did not directly refuse Peter Fatty's request.

"It's in the file bag."

Hearing what the other party said, Qiye fumbled for a while in the file bag and quickly took out a few photos.

The makeup photo of His Royal Highness Zigefei looked decent.

Compared with his image of the middle-aged decadent man in the "Green Book" in the future, Vigo Mortensen is now considered handsome and handsome.

As for the other Liv Tyler, Qiye didn't feel much.

The Malda in the photo does not look stunning, but it is definitely not ugly.

Peter Jackson has ample experience in shooting elves, and he is quite knowledgeable about how to show an actress to the audience in the most holy appearance.

At least for Qiye, these two makeup photos are definitely not perfect, but they definitely can't fault it.

"Remember to send me their audition video, if it's okay then just them."

Qiye plans to sell Peter Fatty to a face, and the other party is also the world's top commercial film director.

If the actor recommended by him meets the requirements, Qiye has no need to refuse.

If the two actors are finalized, then the cast of "Hundred Years War" can basically be determined.

All that is left is...

Qiye pointed to the last two blanks of the file and asked, "Where are the last two servant characters? I think the actor column for Dion and Mozart is still empty."

Dieng’s actors are more difficult to find, and it’s not surprising that they haven’t been determined yet, but the Mozart actor felt a little outrageous before he decided on Qiye.

Originally in the third edition of the script, Nanaya and others have deleted the role of Mozart.

It's just that when the script team wrote the following scripts, they found some problems, and finally came back to fill the role of Mozart back.

As one of the last characters that Matthew can remember.

Although the role of Mozart in the "Hundred Years War" plot is absolutely not necessary, it is essential for the psychological normality of the heroine Matthew.

If the two most critical character curves in Marvel movies are Iron Man and Captain America.

Then the most important character curve in the FGO series is the growing Matthew and Lixiang.

It is for this reason, although the role of Mozart re-added to the script will drag down the rhythm of the movie.

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