Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1351

Entering the elevator, Ryan whispered to Qiye: "If this movie fails, it should be a big blow to Fox?"

"Almost, last year Fox had very few profitable projects." Qiye calmly analyzed, "Finally, this year, "Avatar" was released, but the rate of return of funds was not so fast."

"If this "Legend of the Holy Sword" can be successful, it may be delayed for a while."

No matter which movie company Hollywood is, it will need a lot of external funds to help it make movies.

If you follow the normal settlement cycle and lose money, then there is no big problem with a few movies.

But Fox has been spending too much money recently, especially in order to help News Corporation acquire Warner, and concentrated a lot of money.

If it's just a normal company operation, I believe it can survive with Fox's background.

But investors and banks don't think so.

If Fox's project has been profitable, it can naturally bring investors confidence.

Similarly, the successive failures of film projects will make investors lose confidence in Fox.

In order to ensure the safety of their personal funds, they will start rushing to dunning Fox.

They don't care what happens to Fox, they just want to get back their own money.

The external environment of the financial crisis that began in 2008 will intensify investor panic.

The worst part is that Fox really can't afford it now.

However, investors will not listen to Fox's excuses carefully, but will accelerate their panic.

It's like the run on civilians during the stock market crash of the last century.

Although the specific situation may be different, people's psychological activities are the same.

When these various unfavorable factors are stacked together, it will cause a devastating blow to Fox.

In this way, Fox's crisis will rise to the top, and as long as it is pushed gently, it will fall into the abyss.

"What's going on in the UK?"

Qiye asked Ryan.

"I will show you some of the evidence." Ryan said this with a clear disgust, "Everyone agrees to our plan. They... violated the most basic rules of the game."

Although he is no longer working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ryan hates News Corp.'s approach.

The "everyone" she said naturally refers to the British dignitaries and the British royal family.

At the time, Qiye and Ziyuan had made various deductions on how to overthrow News Corporation.

The outbreak of general scandals can certainly be suppressed with the energy of News Corp.

The final result can only be the state of Qiye's previous life-the centipede, dead but not stiff.

But this result did not satisfy Qiye and Shion.

If News Corp is to be completely killed, it will definitely require the intervention of state agencies, and it must be a very powerful country.

Britain is the first choice for two people, and the Wei Ting family has close contacts with the British high-level.

As the saying goes, "There are people in North Korea and China that are easy to handle." With Ryan's connection, the British high-level officials have already decided to take action against News Corp.

In addition, the various media and film companies in North America that oppose News Corp and Fox.

It can be said that Fox and News Corporation are now sitting on a throne made of dry wood.

At this time, even a little spark can make all of this burn into ashes.

"Everything is ready, I only owe Dongfeng..."

Qiye pinched her chin.

Everything that should be prepared is ready, but the last shiver is the difference.

Although a lot of illegal evidence has been collected by News Corporation, these are all old accounts.

If you want these things to ferment again, there must be a reason.

A reason that allows everyone to focus on News Corp.

"In other words, brother-in-law, you need a big news that can detonate the audience, right!!"

After listening to Qiye's explanation, Lily's spiritual eyes turned.

"Yes, but the problem is that this kind of opportunity is not good."

"If there isn't, then we will create one!!"

Lily grabbed Qiye's arm with a "pop".

"Brother-in-law, let's make a big news."

[You are going to do something...]

Seeing the excitement in the eyes of the blonde girl with a ponytail, Qiye instinctively felt that it was not a good idea.


The fastest growing of modern society is the speed of information dissemination and statistics.

Before the sun rises on Saturday, the box office of the first North American release of "King Arthur: Legend of the Holy Sword" has already been released.

Even counting the early box office results on Thursday, "Legend of the Holy Sword"'s first day box office was only $5.3 million.

For the first-line commercial blockbusters whose production costs are as high as 150 million U.S. dollars, this box office performance cannot be said to be unsatisfactory, but directly can be described as bad.

On Saturday, the box office trend of "King Arthur: Legend of the Holy Sword" did not change much, with a single daily report of $5.52 million.

This shows that the reputation of "Legend of the Holy Sword" is also not ideal.

Everyone has seen it very clearly, "Legend of the Holy Sword" this street Fox is doomed.

Even if calculated in the most conservative way, Fox invested in the production and distribution of the film at least 200 million US dollars.

And the bleak box office results doomed this project to lose everything.

Following this is the criticism of the film by various media and colleagues.

Everyone can't wait to step on this movie.

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