Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1352

It seems that if you don't do this, you won't be a member of Hollywood.

Even the great director Kiryu Nanaya, who just won the film history champion and Oscar award, has expressed his criticism of the film.

"Obviously, this movie is the result of Guy Ritchie's attempt to inject himself into The Lord of the Rings."

"But not only did it fail to bring together the advantages of the two films, it showed all the shortcomings of the two films. It belongs to the kind of film that neither knows what story to tell nor how to tell a story."

Qiye's image in the eyes of the public has always been a polite person.

Except for her own movies, Qiye rarely judges a movie in public.

Even if it is a bad movie "Twilight", Qiye will try to pick out the success points.

But this time, Qiye directly tore his face and criticized "The Legend of the Holy Sword" by name.

At this time, Qiye's influence in Hollywood has reached the top in all aspects, so his criticism is more useful than ever.

Many filmmakers who had good acquaintances with Qiye also followed up and began to criticize "The Legend of the Holy Sword".

No matter from which point of view, the movie "Legend of the Holy Sword" is dead.

The failure of "Legend of the Holy Sword" had a huge impact on Fox.

From 2009 to now, those small-cost investments are not counted. Except for the first-line commercial production of "Ice Age 3" Fox invested and filmed, the market basically ended in failure.

For those in the industry, this is nothing. Movies are originally an erratic investment project, and success will naturally also fail.

Even Qiye, a traveler, can't guarantee that a film will be 100% successful.

In fact, Fox is already considered good. Before the success of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series at the Disney house next door, they paid far more for the live-action movie than Fox now.

Every film company will have peaks and troughs. When the wind is smooth, the film company can make money by doing any project.

But in bad luck, many movies that seem very likely to succeed have turned out to be all sorts of box-offices.

It's just that Fox's trough came at a particularly untimely time.

It affects more than just the company's financial statements.


pS: Chapter Tweet the essay novel of a friend [not a wandering]

"The Player's Public Enemy"

You can go and see if you are interested.

Introduction: Listen up!Standing in front of you is:

I believe in the Lord of Sacrificial Ceremony, the most terrifying man in the world, behind the mysterious organization, the destroyer of countless worlds.

The great guardian of the magic empire, the chief sponsor of the Anti-Magic Bureau, the co-protector of humans and elves, and the master of design in the dream domain.

The perfect container of the indescribable evil god, the legendary eternal alchemist, the deadly nemesis of the evil forces, and the most perfect Andochel people.

A frequent visitor to the top post of the "End of the Yan" forum, the boss with the most barrage of sand sculpture netizens, the first person in the main story, the regular guest in the fandom, and all players envy the envy and hatred of the public enemy!

"I am not! I am not! Don't talk nonsense!"

Chapter 746 Let's Make Big News!Add 36/40

A meeting is going on in the chairman meeting room on the top floor of the Fox Tower.

Due to the fiasco of "Legend of the Holy Sword", the 20th Century Fox faced unprecedented difficulties.

The board of directors and shareholders can only use anger to describe the current situation.

Because Fox's operations in recent years have deeply damaged their interests.

Everyone invests in Fox not for charity, but for making money.

In the eyes of these people, there is absolutely no need for management who cannot guarantee the company's profitability.

At present, Fox's situation cannot be concluded with a few explanations.

Even the emperor Murdoch who moved out of the press may not be able to suppress it.

The continuous large-scale production of film projects hit the streets, so that most shareholders and directors have very strong opinions on Fox's current management.

Especially for the man who actually controls Fox, everyone is full of resentment.

In the eyes of these opponents, Fox will fall into the current predicament, which has a lot to do with the opponent's self-serving.

"Mr. Murdoch, about "Dragon Ball", about "Wolverine", about "Holy Sword Legend"..."

In the meeting room, an old man with white temples questioned James Murdoch in a very harsh voice.

"Should you give an explanation to the board?"

Before Murdoch could answer, another shareholder followed: "Since you took office, all film projects made by Fox have failed! The stock price has fallen all the way! You have to explain this!"

The other party's words directly ignored the causality that the little Murdoch would only airborne after Fox's poor performance.

At the same time, he did not mention the recent success of "Avatar", it seems that the movie does not exist at all.

Little Murdoch was expressionless. Of course he knew his situation, but this time he couldn't find a scapegoat to help himself.

At present, most of Fox's senior management no longer trust him.

In this situation, everyone who is still on his side is a valuable asset.

Little Murdoch believes that if he finds someone to resist the responsibility of these things this time.

Maybe you can pass this level, but what about after?

It's only a matter of time before the betrayal of themselves is kicked out of Fox.

Thinking of this, Little Murdoch let out a sullen breath and said: "Everyone, please listen to me, the current difficulties are only temporary..."


Another independent director interrupted him immediately.

"Fox now has a tight capital chain and a downturn in stock prices. The investment market has lost confidence in us. Under such circumstances, do you think there will be improvement in the short term?!!!"

Of course, News Corp.'s current plan to acquire Warner has gone bankrupt.

As long as he can persuade his father, the funds originally acquired from Warner can be re-used on Fox.

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