Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1353

But whether his father can agree or not is still unknown, so Murdoch didn't dare to say clearly.

After all, the money belongs to Lao Tzu. If he makes decisions for Lao Tzu, what will Lao Tzu think?!

All emperors have only one view of their heirs-what Lao Tzu gives you is yours.

It's a big taboo to take charge of his father, and Murdoch didn't dare to say it.

So Murdoch could only bite the bullet and said: "Jim and I are already working on a new plan. In the short term, we can alleviate the problem of the tight capital chain. Everyone must have confidence in us."

This kind of general talk is just like the leader's saying "we have to work hard," and it has no practical effect at all.

The board members and shareholder representatives present here are naturally not satisfied.

The elderly director solemnly reminded: "Mr. Murdoch, the company has been going downhill since you airborne Fox."

"Not to mention the decline in stock prices, the film projects have frequently failed. More importantly, because of your personal relationship, our relationship with Jiufeng Entertainment has deteriorated rapidly..."

Such remarks instantly made Murdoch angry.

[Co-authored all the responsibilities on me alone!?

Little Murdoch felt an evil fire in his body, he wanted to pick up his chair and smash it on the old head.

This incompetent old man staying in the world will only cost the food!

But after all, Murdoch was not a young man who couldn't control his emotions. He clasped his hands tightly and forced himself to calm down.

"in case……"

The old director said slowly: "If you can't come up with an effective solution, then I will propose to convene this year's shareholder meeting in advance."

For a listed company, it is the highest authority.

To convene a general meeting of shareholders at this critical moment, Murdoch couldn't be more clear about what these old things are.

It is actually very simple to solve the current dilemma.

As long as Murdoch Jr. directly stated that News Corp would inject capital into Fox.

But he just didn't dare.

Little Murdoch, whose face was already dark and couldn't be darker, said in a calm voice, "I know. If you want to do this, do it, I just hope you don't regret it! The meeting is over!"

After speaking, little Murdoch quickly got up and left the conference room.

He was afraid that he would continue to stay, and he would really be tempted to attack these old men and make the scene of the conference room bleeding.

Back in his office, little Murdoch began to think about how to convince his father.

As long as oneself still has an important position in the other's heart, then oneself can have a chance to comeback.

On the other hand, little Murdoch has not forgotten who caused him to fall into this situation.

"Even if you die, I will take you two to bury you! Kiryu Qiye! Jiufeng Shion!!"

Little Murdoch knows very well that the whole circle is currently spreading all kinds of information that is not conducive to him and Fox.

If you can't solve the two dog men and women, even if you get funds from your father, you will still be very passive.

Little Murdoch, who has experience in controlling media companies, knows very well that if he and Fox want to get away, they must make a big news to stir the water.

General news is useless, and very, very big news is needed.

But this kind of news is not available every day. At present, there can be news of this level, little Murdoch can only think of one.

"Kiryu Nanya and Lily Waiting..."

Little Murdoch said softly.

At present, the most popular director is on two boats, and he is still a sister.

This news can definitely cause a huge sensation.

More importantly, the sisters involved in this news are relatives of the British royal family, and they are also representatives of the current British aristocracy.

Unless the queen is endangered, the 60-year-old prince suddenly ascends the throne.

Otherwise, it is difficult to have any news in the UK that can be more exciting than this.

In fact, Murdoch had been suspicious for a long time. He always felt that Kiryu Qiye must have an improper relationship with many women.

At the earliest time, he put his doubts on Kiryu Nanaya and Shion Shufeng.

He asked the paparazzi under News Corporation to monitor the whereabouts of these two men frantically, trying to find out if there was anything suspicious between Jiufeng Shiyuan and Kiryu Seven Nights.

But no, I have never found any useful information.

These two people are public friends, and the friendship between them has been passed down as a good story. It can be called modern Bole and Maxima.

But there is really nothing else.

Then Murdoch asked him to investigate the suspicious idol group [Trier] to see if he could find any clues.

But except that the woman named Shimoya Sakura was Kiryu Nanya's ex-girlfriend, she still got nothing.

Although the paparazzi have discovered that Shimoya Sakura has secretly traveled with Kiryu Qiye.

But this woman's coffee rank is too low, and she has graduated from an idol group.

The explosion of this incident made Kiryu Qiye uncomfortable for a while, but it did not cause substantial damage to him.

However, after seeing the photo of Kiryu Qiye with Lily Weiting at the end of last year, Murdoch had a new direction of investigation.

Although there is a direction, the investigation process is still not easy.

Except for the dinner with Lucas and others, Kiryu Qiye never spent a long time alone with Lily Weiting.

Although there are indeed a lot of exchanges and meetings between the two people, they are basically in the crew.

You have to say that these two people flirted in front of the hundreds of people on the crew, little Murdoch himself didn't believe it.

Even if there are occasional more private scenes, Ryan Waiting will basically follow.

The two sisters are together, how did Kiryu Qiye start?

Could it be said that Kiryu Qiye was in front of his girlfriend and had a romantic relationship with his girlfriend's sister?

Don't use American time to make such international jokes!

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