Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1354

What is really going to happen is that the headline of the next day should be Kiryu Qiye being stabbed by Ryan Weiting with a knight's gun and hung on the flagpole!

Little Murdoch knew very well that the bigger the gossip, the more true evidence, and this kind of unwarranted speculation is useless.

Originally, Murdoch was planning to follow it surreptitiously, but the current situation simply does not allow it to be delayed.

He must catch the handle between Kiryu Nanaya and Lily Waiting as soon as possible.

Only in this way can he keep Fox out of public view.

Thinking of this, Murdoch immediately called Joan Will, the paparazzi who had been following Kiryu Qiye.

"How is Kiryu Nanaya's situation with Lily Waiting recently?"

An hour later, Murdoch Jr. met with Joan Will in his office.

"Progress." Joan Will said with a look of excitement. "Since FGO started shooting, Kiryu Nanya and Lily Waiting have spent more time alone together."

"Really?" Little Murdoch showed joy.

Joan Will nodded: "Yes, I already know why I couldn't catch their fox tail before because they were hiding from Ryan Wetting."

Little Murdoch raised his eyebrows and motioned for the other party to continue.

"Recently Ryan Wetting has been busy with her own affairs. She relaxed her vigilance on her boyfriend and sister. So the couple began to hook up."

Little Murdoch nodded slowly: "So that's it...can you find any real evidence?"

"It's difficult, after all, they are very cautious, but it is not without the opportunity." Joan Will whispered, "Recently, Lily Waiting did not live in the crew but in a villa near Hollywood, and the property rights of that villa All of them are Kiryu Qiye."

[There is a play.

Little Murdoch's expression became excited, he patted the table and stood up.

"You quickly find a way to obtain tangible evidence, and I will allocate a special fund for you to investigate this matter! In short, I will see evidence of their adultery within a month!!"


pS: Today Michan saw a piece of news that the Japanese office worker who married Hatsune two years ago had to end his marriage because the copyright of Gatebox expired.

I don’t know if this is considered divorced or widowed?

Although Gatebox also provides other avatars, the old man said that he will not change other characters.

He also said that he would engrave the happy time of the past two years in his memory and recollect in the days to come.

These days, don’t you even have to find a second-generation wife?!!

The three dimensions of evil!!(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

Chapter 747

A few days later, Murdoch received a picture of Kiryu Qiye and Lily Waiting.

In the photo, Kiryu Nanya is wearing a white sweatshirt and a red cap on her head.

Judging from Kiryu Nanaya's posture in the photo, it seems that he is about to walk into an apartment building while turning his head to look around.

This made his profile appear directly on the photo.

"Little Murdoch, how is it?"

Joan Will said triumphantly.

"This apartment is where Lily Weiting currently lives. When Kiryu visited this apartment late at night in seven nights, the relationship between the two is clear."


Little Murdoch pondered for a moment and shook his head.

"Why? Little Murdoch? This is obviously ironclad!"

Joan Weir did not quite understand Murdoch's refusal.

"What kind of evidence is this?" Murdoch kept shaking his head, "Kiryu Qiye is not an ordinary director or an entertainer. He is a rich man worth tens of billions of dollars!"

Little Murdoch pointed at the photo and said: "This is nothing evidence for him. You can prove that he is having an affair with Lily Waiting if you photograph him in the apartment?"


Joan Will was speechless.

He found that he really took it for granted.

"What I need is for Kiryu Qiye to enter Lily Waiting's room, even he climbed Lily Waiting's bed! Only in this way can he have nothing to say!"

Joan Will said embarrassedly: "But that apartment was bought by Kiryu Qiye. We don't have any equipment in it."

"Then pretend! Do you still need me to teach you this kind of thing?!!!"

Little Murdoch growled with hatred of iron and steel.

"Yes, I will make arrangements right away."

Joan Will immediately left Murdoch's office.

"You better hurry up, I want to see decisive evidence this week."

As Joan Will was about to close the door, Murdoch Jr. added.

Two days ago, Little Murdoch had an exchange with his father.

The elder Murdoch said that Warner's recent move was very strange. The other party seemed to be delaying News Corp's withdrawal of funds regardless of cost.

This resulted in News Corporation's inability to help Fox tide over the difficulties.

On the surface, this seems to be Warner Group's retaliation against News Corp's previous acquisitions.

But Murdoch, who has been in the mall for many years, smelled a different taste.

Little Murdoch, who sensed that the rain is coming, urgently needs Kiryu Chiya's scandal to divert public attention.


That night, Qiye received news from News Corp's internal eyeliner.

"What?! They didn't plan to publish that photo? Didn't they take my face?"

Kiryu Nanya's voice sounded very surprised.

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