Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1357

With the help of tools, the black man quickly opened the door of Lily Waiting's apartment and stepped in.

The moment he stepped into the room with one foot, a big drama began.

Although he himself is only an insignificant little person, he will set off an unprecedented storm in the media and entertainment industry.

Just like the young Serbian who shot in Sarajevo, small people sometimes start big events.

It's just that they often don't have this consciousness.

After the black man opened the door of the apartment, his instinct was not quite right.

Having experienced countless burglaries, he immediately discovered that there were many senses of violation in the room.

For a moment he wanted to close the door and leave.

But thinking of the $100,000 remuneration and the identity of the client, he can only bite the bullet and go on.

Closing the door quietly, the man began to look up the room, and began to look for a suitable place for the bug and camera.

The whole room is very simple, with only the furnishings that can be seen everywhere, and there are almost no personal labels. This suite will not be a violation of anyone's room in the world.

The only thing that can demonstrate the identity of the house owner is a photo hanging in the living room, on which is a group photo of a man and a woman holding hands.

This photo is a commemorative photo taken when Qiye took Lily to the island for vacation.

In fact, there are Serra sisters in the photo, but Lily deliberately covered them with a white border when framed, only showing a corner of the maid's uniform.

Of course, this black man definitely doesn't know about this kind of thing, but he doesn't need to know either.

For him, the back of this huge photo is just a good place to put a bug.

Thinking of this, I walked quickly to the wall.


At the same time, in the dormitory of the FGO crew.

Qiye sat at a desk with her arms folded.

There was a PAD on the table, and Qiye's eyes were fixed on the screen, and he did not leave for a moment.

"Senior, why have you been watching this thing?"

With two cups of coffee in his hand, Zhi came over from the dormitory next door. Seeing Qiye's eyes staying on the screen, he was curious and leaned over.

"Hmm~ My stupid little brother~ You brother, I want to make big news~~"

Qiye's eyes still kept staring.

Zhi immediately rolled his eyes: "If you don't need coffee, I will take it away."

"of course yes!"

Qiye quickly turned his head to take the cup from Zhizhi's hand, and then set his eyes on the screen again.

Weaving looked at the picture on the screen, and after a while carefully observed the expression of a sudden realization.

"It turns out to be today. Is this going to close the net?"

Qiye nodded: "Yes, I can finally get rid of this confidant, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief."

"Yes, it's better to end early."

Zhizhi glanced at Qiye with a bitter gaze: "Someone in the province is half-hearted all day, pushing the work of the crew to others."


Qiye said that the wind was too strong, and she didn't hear clearly.

"Then take your time, I'll leave first."

Zhizhi wasn't interested in this kind of thing at all, he waved his hand at Qiye and left the dormitory.

Qiye was drinking coffee while waiting for something quietly.

About four or five minutes later, a red frame suddenly popped up on the screen, and then an alarm sounded on Qiye's phone.

"Very good! It succeeded!!!"

Qiye shouted in excitement and waved his fists vigorously.

Zhiye next door was startled by Qiye's voice, thinking that Qiye had an accident, he quickly rushed back, only to see Qiye Zheng dancing some strange war dance with excitement.

"This is an epileptic nerve convulsion? Should I call an ambulance?"

At this time, Zhixiao's head was greatly confused.

But Qiye didn't care about weaving strange opinions. After the initial excitement, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Ziyuan! Hurry! The net is closed!!"

"I saw it. I have called the police!"

Shion's words, which had always been calm, were also a little excited.


The excited Qiye directly messed up Knit's hairstyle.

"Senior! What kind of plane are you doing!!"

Zhizhi raised his fist angrily and smashed Qiye's chest, but this still didn't affect his good mood.

Shion on the other side of the phone whispered in a seductive voice: "I said, would you like to come and sleep with me today? Just as a celebration?"

"Of course, I will come here!"

After saying that Qiye didn't take anything, he picked up his coat and left.

When passing by Zhiye, Qiye even patted her junior on the cheek.

"Listen if I don't come back tomorrow, you can help me take the day. Anyway, you already know the shooting plan."

"wait a minute!"

Zhizhi tried to stop Qiye, but failed.

"That's it, brother, I'm going to indulge a bit~"

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