Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1358

Qiye hummed a small song in her mouth and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

"Seven—pick—skin—! You'll come back for me!"

The roar of weaving resounded throughout the dormitory building, leading to various rumors circulating in the crew in the next few days.

At this time, Qiye was full of fun at night but didn't know it.


When the action started on Jiufeng's side, the thief in the apartment didn't know it.

According to the client's instructions, he needs to install multiple eavesdropping devices and pinhole cameras in the apartment.

So after installing the wiretap in the living room, the other party went to the bedroom again, preparing to install a wiretap under the bed.

Although this portable bug is easy to install, the internal battery cannot operate for too long.

Basically, there was no electricity in a week and stopped working.

But the installer obviously doesn't think these gadgets will work that long.

If nothing happens, the evidence should be available within three days.

Just when the man was lying under the bed to install the equipment, a large number of FBI had already gathered downstairs in the apartment.

"That, please..."

The security guard on duty in the apartment saw several black SUVs suddenly stopped at the door, and then countless people in FBI uniforms jumped out of the car.

Seeing such a large group of people, the security gave a shock.

If it is one or two, perhaps he will think that someone is joking or doing COS performance art.

But with so many people at once, it is almost impossible for others to pretend.

But the security guard would rather believe that someone is deliberately teasing himself.

After making such a big move, it is estimated that it will make headlines tomorrow.

This is not a good thing for him.

To be on the safe side, the security guard still asked tremblingly: "What's the cost?"

"We received a report that room 504 was illegally hacked!"

The FBI who led the team took out his credentials and went in without saying anything.

The security guard didn't dare to stop, and immediately opened the door after making sure that it was correct.

There was a [Trier] operation staff in the crowd. After opening the door, he took the FBI directly into the building.

The security guard looked bitter, and he quickly followed at the end of the team.

At least he wanted to know what happened.

"Stop! Don't move!"

The door of Lily's new apartment was suddenly opened, and a group of FBI rushed in and dragged the shocked intruder out of the bed.

The entire arrest process was so swift, when the other party reacted, he was already in handcuffs and sat in the SUV.

At the end of the day, the black man didn't want to understand why he wanted to hold himself in such a big battle.

Thirty FBIs.

Is the taxpayer's money used by you in this way?!

On the other hand, Joan Will is anxiously waiting for the result of the infiltration.

"Isn't it okay?"

He looked anxiously at the time on the phone, and he clearly agreed that the other party should call himself.

"Could something happen?"

A subordinate asked anxiously.

"Don't Crow's Mouth!"

Joan Will patted the other person on the head, but he felt a sense of unease in his heart.

"Pack up things, we are going to evacuate."

After struggling for a while, Joan Will finally chose the safest method.


The subordinates nodded, and gathered their things as quickly as possible.

It was originally a temporary base, and everyone didn’t have much luggage.

It takes ten minutes to complete and prepare to evacuate.

It's a pity that Joan Will ordered it late.

When he took people out of the stronghold, he was greeted by countless FBI police officers with live ammunition.

"FBI! Don't move!!"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Joan Will weakened his legs and collapsed to the ground.

At this moment, there was a thought in his mind.

It's over, it's fucking over.


pS: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was transferred to intensive care because his condition deteriorated.

The Prime Minister is really "leading by example".

Ironically, outside the Prime Minister’s ward, more than 80 media reporters are eagerly looking forward to reporting on his death...

Sure enough, the paparazzi in Britain is really not just talking._(:з∠)_

Chapter 749 Counterattack Begins [Add 37/40]

Little Murdoch sat in his office with a pale face.

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