Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1366

This makes him uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the progress behind Qiye is not serious, at least if you step up a little bit, you can still get the progress back.

Behind schedule is a problem that every director must pay attention to.

After all, although Qiye and Jiufeng are the main force of FGO project investment, there are still a lot of funds for the whole project from other places.

As a director and producer, Qiye is responsible to the owner of the money.

Of course, if you are James Cameron, you can delay the change indefinitely. That is your skill.

Qiye’s current directorship is certainly enough to make him so self-willed, but FGO is an overall plan that lasts several years.

Of course Qiye couldn't really indulge herself like that.

But even if he had to make progress, Qiye would not fool things.

After all, from the first one, my film is to be as refined as possible within the budget.

Qiye couldn't get past this hurdle by perfunctory to the movies he made.

According to the shooting plan before Seven Nights, 3 to 4 pages of the detailed script should be shot a day.

But now, in order to catch up with the progress, Qiye has reduced the daily task rules to a five-page script.

It is not only necessary to ensure the quality of the video material shot, but also to ensure that the crew can catch up with the previous progress.

So in the next period of time, the FGO crew naturally added several days of classes.

Fortunately, Qiye's prestige is high enough, and the core members of the crew are all old people who have followed Qiye for a long time.

Therefore, there were no cases where crew members were talking outside.

Don't laugh, this is a serious matter.

Why Megan Fox lost the almost-appointed "Transformers 3" heroine, not because he couldn't control his mouth.

For an actor or artist, questioning one's own senior management (such as the director) is a very serious dereliction of duty.

Of course, Qiye didn't intend to treat her crew members as cattle.

After catching up with the schedule again, Qiye gave the crew a period of vacation.

It was not that Qiye conscience discovered that this was originally a holiday within the shooting plan.

As for why Qiye is not in front of it, it will be easier to catch up during the holidays in these few days.

That's because these days are said to be a holiday, but in fact, the crew cannot be activated because of the absence of several leading actors.

At this time, the time is approaching July, and the two super movies "Inception" and "Avengers" are ready to be released, ready to be released one after another.

Because of this relationship, the three actors, Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, and Lily Waiting, have to return to their respective crews for sprint promotion.

If only the three actors are not present, then the crew can still work without them.

But as the boss of Marvel, Qiye, an important movie like "Reunion", of course also helps to promote it.

Therefore, when the director and important actors are not present, the crew naturally has to take a holiday.


pS1: The wicked IOS audit, if it weren't for Apple's card audit, today's Japanese service should be able to open 252._

Therefore, the captain is really dead. He has lived through the New Year and Qingming, and Apple is still guarding him.

emmm... It seems that Chapter 2.5 may end the possibility that this product will run away._(:з∠)_

In comparison, the doctor who couldn't even pass the new year...

Hey, the treatment is a bit bad.

But I like Ayaka's attire so much, I really want to lick it!

I don't know if there will be any linkage activities in the future.=w=


pS2: According to the latest Japanese regulations, all dubbing studios are temporarily closed.

It seems that games and Xinfan will be stopped for a long time after the inventory is finished._(:з∠)_

Chapter 753 How do you play a superhero if you are not in shape?

Although it was said that Qiye was going to promote "Reunion", he first came to England with Lily.

It wasn't that she took Lily home to see her parents.

Qiye didn't have the guts yet.

Of course, even if she really wanted to see her parents, Qiye would definitely come with Ryan.

Surely nothing will happen to Lily.

The reason for Seven Nights to come to the UK is very simple, because the premiere of "Inception" will be held in London, and he wants to be Lily's male companion to the premiere.

This is what Lily said before to help Qiye cover.

Since he agreed to do it, Qiye would naturally not let Lily dove.

It's just that Qiye really didn't expect the premiere of "Inception" to be placed in the UK.

Qiye basically didn't pay much attention to the specific situation of "Inception" in the previous life.

After all, this movie is an original movie, and I didn't pay much attention to it seven nights earlier.

After knowing and seeing this movie in the theater, Qiye began to pay attention to this movie.

But Qiye pays more attention to the box office performance of the film and the related content of the film's main creation.

Qiye really didn't pay attention to where the premiere will be held.

Of course, another reason is that the film "Inception" was literally translated as "Foundation Laying" by the Chinese media before it was officially introduced.

This caused Qiye to miss a lot of news related to Inception.

As for why the premiere will be placed in the UK, I think it should be because the director Christopher Nolan is British.

But there should be one more reason in this life. One of the leading actors, Lily Waiting, is also British.

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