Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1367

It's just that Warner's buildup will not end there. The crew of "Inception" will start with London and hold premieres in important cities in various countries around the world, and will eventually end in Los Angeles.

This is also no alternative. As an original film, "Inception" is naturally much larger in scale than the adapted film.

Fortunately, Qiye doesn't have to follow the other crew in such a circle, he can return to the United States after attending the premiere in London.

Although Lily herself really wanted Qiye to follow her through the whole journey.

"Welcome, Qiye."

Qiye just walked into the VIP room of the premiere venue. As the host, Nolan and Qiye hugged as a greeting.

"Where is Lily? Where is our female star?"

Qiye simply explained: "She is still outside for interviews."

As an important member of the crew, Lily of course must complete her mission.

So she still stayed in the interview area to be bombarded by reporters.

But compared to the movie itself, these reporters are obviously interested in Lily on the recent apartment invasion.

It's just that Lily is no longer the baby bird.

For reporters asking various questions about the invasion, she always cleverly guided them to Inception.

In this respect, Lily is undoubtedly a competent actor.

"The little girl from the beginning has also grown up, now that I think about it, life is going very fast."

Qiye let out a sigh of emotion: "The little girl who clearly followed my butt called'Brother, Brother' has finally become her own."

[Where are you a hard-working old father?

The corners of Nolan's mouth twitched, and the English man was not very good at Qiye's humor.

"I heard about you, those people really did too much."

"Yeah, it's really scary to be monitored for so long."

Qiye didn't need to deny it, anyway he was a victim in this matter.

"I know that public figures and media reporters have a mutually reinforcing relationship, but their actions are clearly beyond the bottom line that everyone can tolerate."

"Good and evil will be rewarded."

Qiye shrugged: "It's time for them to pay."

Nolan deliberately lowered his voice: "I heard that Murdoch might be sentenced?"

"Probably, I am not very clear. But what I know is that the total amount of compensation issued by the various companies is already higher than the market value of News Corporation before the accident."

There are too many people involved in this wiretapping case, and most of them are people with good looks.

After the evidence of the wiretapping case was conclusive, everyone issued an indemnity form against News Corp.

"You alone asked for 1.5 billion U.S. dollars, Lily asked for 500 million compensation, and Miss Jiufeng asked for 3 billion compensation."

Nolan looked at Qiye with a strange look, which obviously meant that Qiye's price was too high.

Qiye didn't feel embarrassed.

Qiye didn't even have the thought of "repaying the money by asking prices all over the sky" for compensation for News Corp. It was purely for fun.

Anyway, News Corp will pay Fox to itself.

Of course, this is just Qiye's own thoughts.

The other people who called out sky-high compensation, they really planned to make News Corp bleeding.

Because of the recent turmoil, the old Murdoch, who had been hidden behind the scenes, finally stood in the foreground.

Unfortunately, reality is not a game.

The appearance of the boss behind the scenes does not increase the difficulty of Jiufeng's collective raid on the copy of News Corp.

When things got to this point, Old Murdoch couldn't even wipe his ass for his son.

Because according to the results of the current investigations by the British and American police, there are countless evidences that Murdoch is deeply involved in the wiretapping incident.

Even if he is not the messenger, he is at least an insider.

For the old Murdoch, the only good news is that the current police charges have not yet reached him.

But everyone in the outside world believes that it will be sooner or later that Murdoch was arrested.

Some people even speculate maliciously, if the old Murdoch really wants to be arrested by the police, will he be so angry that he will have a heart attack and die?

Qiye really didn't want this to happen, after all, he and Shion had to buy Fox from the old Murdoch.

Even if this old gentleman is really driving Hexi, at least he has to sign the words for selling Fox.

"Okay, let's not talk about the mess on my side." Qiye said to Nolan with a smile, "I heard that this movie has a very good response to the preview?"

"Where." Nolan said modestly, "As long as the movie can sell well."

Qiye said affirmatively: "Trust me, this is definitely not a problem."

After "The Dark Knight", Nolan has a very lofty status among some senior movie fans.

This allows Nolan to achieve a peculiar phenomenon that directors have never achieved in the past-the director himself as a selling point.

It has been said countless times that the traffic caused by the first fans of modern commercial films is very critical.

Therefore, in order to make the first round of the film's box office performance excellent, film companies can only choose projects that are born with their own traffic.

The highest-ranking ones are naturally those adapted films, which have the basis of fans of the original, and the first round of the box office results of these films are usually not too bad.

The big-name celebrities followed closely behind.

And Nolan, as a director, can actually bring his own superstar traffic.

It is no exaggeration to say that after an original movie project was put on the brand of [Director Nolan], its popularity has become as popular as a second-tier popular adaptation movie.

This is a result that even James Cameron has not achieved.

Qiye is still very envious of this. Although he has a lot of diehard fans, these people first follow Fate and "Maiden", and then he is the director.

And Nolan's fans, they are looking for Nolan this person.

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