Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1374

In that case, it's better not to get married.

Qiye learned this trick from Leonardo DiCaprio.

He has been devoted to supermodels for 100 years, even if he is old and out of shape, he still keeps his original intentions in mind.

Even at an age that is twice the age of every girlfriend, Leonardo's pursuit remains the same.

Qiye planned to do the same, although it was a bit immoral, but at least it wouldn't break the law.

After all, there is no such thing as hooliganism in European and American countries.

Anyway, Qiye felt that her choice was at least more reliable than Lily's opposition to "monogamy".

However, Qiye couldn't talk to Mr. Wei Ting.

Because I have an improper relationship with many women, I am not going to get married in my life?

Ryan and the others will accept this statement, but Mr. Weiting will never accept it.

It is not impossible to even put yourself in a sack tonight, and then find a port and throw it into the water.

Actually, Qiye didn’t need to explain more about the marriage. When he said “it is possible not to get married”, Mr. Wei Ting was already at MAX.

"What?! Is it possible that you want to tell me that you and Ryan are just for fun?!"

Mr. Wei Ting raised a fist larger than a sandbag: "Sure enough, a pest like you should be executed directly!"

"No!" Qiye hurriedly begged for mercy, "Ryan decides whether to marry or not! I'm just her boyfriend."

Mr. Wei Ting showed an expression [so there is this saying].

"In other words, if Ryan abandons you at that time, you won't have resentment?"

Qiye's mouth twitched, and he felt that his father-in-law hadn't written [I'm going to separate you].

"Uncle, actually..."

Qiye wanted to explain two more sentences, but the other party didn't give a chance at all.

"Well, let's put the matter aside for Ryan, I will confirm with her then."

Just when Qiye thought the topic was over, Mr. Wei Ting's tone suddenly dropped by an octave.

"Now, let's confirm the matter between you and Lily."

"Is there anything wrong with Lily?"

Qiye pretended to know nothing.

"Huh?" Mr. Wei Ting's eyes became very dangerous.

"Boy, is it possible that you want to deny..."

"Brother-in-law, Dad. We are back~"

Mr. Wei Ting was interrupted by a sudden voice.

It was Lily and Mrs. Weiting who came back.

I saw Lily directly bypassing her father and sitting back on the seat, and then pulled the sleeve of Qiye's suit and said, "Brother-in-law, guess Nolan just now-- ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, brother-in-law, are you talking about things with your brother-in-law? "


Mr. Wei Ting shook his head, but after seeing Lily and Qiye move so intimately, he glared at Qiye again.

"Lily, how can you do such a thing with a man in full view?!"

"What's the relationship~ I have the best relationship with my brother-in-law anyway~"

Lily said, holding Qiye's arms tighter.

Qiye has reason to believe that Lily is adding fuel to the fire, because Mr. Wei Ting's gaze is almost the same as that of Death.

"Ahem, Lily!"

Mr. Wei Ting coughed slightly, and he said to Lily in as gentle a tone as possible: "Lily, you have to pay attention to your image. I have recently seen many media talking about things between you and this kid."

Speaking of this, Mr. Wei Ting deliberately glared Qiye with a murderous gaze.

"Dad, you said those tabloids~ Those tabloids are all gossips that deceive the eye~ We have always been pure brother-in-law and sister-in-law relationship."

Lily looked at her father with a surprised expression, "So, dad, do you believe in gossip media better than your daughter?"

"This... of course not..." Mr. Wei Ting was speechless. He coughed slightly and said, "I just think you should pay attention to some influence."

"Besides, you are so credulous in outsiders, in case they have ulterior motives..."

Obviously Mr. Wei Ting couldn't believe in Qiye character at all.

Qiye really wanted to cry about this.

[Heaven and earth conscience, my father-in-law!The person with ulterior motives is not me at all!

It took me a lot of money to endure and not say anything to her.

"Forget it, forget it. Isn't that good, Lily, she is happy."

Mrs. Wei Ting finally made a sound for the fight.

"Lily, she's still a child." Mrs. Wei Ting said with a smile, "It's better to watch for seven nights than she is alone."


"Nothing. Overprotective. It will only make my daughter hate you."


Mr. Wei Ting trembles his facial muscles, and seems to be quite critical of his wife's words, but he can't think of how to refute it.

"I believe Qiye will take care of Lily. After all, he is Ryan's husband-in-law." Mrs. Wei Ting took a deep look at Qiye.

"I think Qiye will do well, right?"

"Yes... Auntie."

Qiye chuckled, he felt like he was seen through.

It seems that compared to Mr. Wei Ting who is angry, Mrs. Wei Ting who smiles very softly is higher in hierarchy.

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