Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1375

Under the persuasion of his wife, Mr. Wei Ting's anger dropped slightly.

"Then... OK. Since I have said that, I can only open one eye and close one eye. But—"

Mr. Wei Ting reminded Qiye: "Boy, if you dare to do some strange behavior to Lily, I will take you immediately

Pour cement and throw it into the English Channel!"

Looking at Mr. Wei Ting's expression, Qiye knew that the other party was serious.

[If you can, I hope it’s Tokyo Bay~ at least closer to home.

Qiye thought of Buddhism.

Tonight was really exciting. In just a few minutes, he felt that he was going to escape.

"Wow~ you deserve to be a mother, really strong!"

Seeing that her parents had decided the victory or defeat, Lily was very happy.

"Brother-in-law, it's great~ We have no worries anymore~ Huhu"

With a very happy voice, the blonde girl with a ponytail completely put her arms around Qiye.

"Hehehehe~ Brother-in-law's taste..."

Lily said in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

[Girl, I think you have misunderstood your mother's meaning...]

Qiye was completely speechless.

"Ah, you two are also very good match, just like two real brothers and sisters."

Mrs. Wei Ting said this with a smile.

"It's a pity that Ryan is not here, so there is really a family of three. It's a pity~~"

[Madam, I strongly suspect that there is something in your words!


On the other hand, although what his wife said could not be refuted.

But Mr. Wei Ting still used his method to protest-watching Qiye with murderous eyes.

Fortunately, the eyes of this world cannot kill people, otherwise 10,000 deaths in Qiye would be enough.

[Heaven and hell coexist said that this is the case?

Qiye was enjoying the softness of the blonde girl with a ponytail, while bearing the murderous aura of the devil muscle man.

At this moment, in the face of this feeling of duality between ice and fire, he just wanted to say something.

"Two, Jean. I have a urgency."


pS: According to the news that Sony has taken a stake in Station B, it seems that Sony still attaches great importance to the mainland market.

But Michan hopes Sony can do a good job of smartphones!

Sony's phones are really useless._(:з∠)_

In fact, Michan has always been a dog in the area of ​​electrical equipment, with the exception of mobile phones.

A mobile phone that can't even be turned on by FGO is really useless._

Of course, in the field of games, Mi Jiang has always been Ren Dan.╮(╯▽╰)╭

Nintendo is the master of the world!!!

Chapter 757 The Essence of LivestockAdd 39/40

With this feeling of duality between ice and fire, Qiye was finally able to escape after the movie began.

I probably think that it is more important to Mr. Wei Ting than staring at this wild boy and watching his daughter's performance on the screen.

In short, when the lights in the theater finally went out, after the film officially started.

Qiye realized that the sight that had been increasing her pressure had disappeared.

This made Qiye breathe a sigh of relief, and thanked Nolan by the way, and then watched the movie intently.

Nolan's films are one of the few commercial films that deserve to be reviewed many times.

Although "Inception" has been advertised as a science fiction movie during its promotion.

But to be honest, this movie has very little science fiction.

To be precise, the so-called science fiction elements exist only as the premise for the occurrence of movie stories.

In this movie, there are neither spaceships nor high-tech weapons such as laser guns.

The only science fiction element in it is the ability to enter the dreamland of others.

But it is precisely because of this that the movie "Inception" can bring the audience a sense of reality that other science fiction movies do not have.

However, compared with other realistic movies, "Inception" gives a sense of illusion.

This feeling of true and false is more in line with the elements of movie dreams.

In the past life of Qiye, many people said "Inception of Dreams" was amazing.

Many people even think this movie is obscure.

To be precise, it should be a bit of exaggeration to promote that the film is difficult to understand, in order to praise Nolan, and himself who thinks "understand" the film.

In Qiye's view, "Inception" is a standard commercial film that can no longer be standard.

The core of the story is the standard "the protagonist learns [fact] from [lie]".

Nolan even showed the protagonist, the [lie] of "Pirate" Cobb in a very intuitive way to the audience.

As for the main axis of the story, it is equally simple. Although the multiple dreams may seem complicated, as long as they follow Nolan's rhythm, there will be basically no deviation in the understanding of the plot.

If summed up in one sentence, the story of Inception is that the Inception team headed by Cobb accepted the employment of a wealthy Japanese businessman and gave the son of its rival the idea of ​​dissolving his father's company.

Such a generalization will find that the story of "Inception" is not much more complicated than Michael Bay's "Transformers."

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