Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 934

"I always feel a little upset."

Qiye shook her head helplessly, and then closed the window.

After going to the bathroom to wash up, Qiye slowly returned to the room and changed into her pajamas.

Then, Qiye slowly walked out of the bedroom, followed the spiral staircase to the first floor, followed the smell of breakfast, and entered the kitchen.

Ryan wore a large men's shirt, showing straight and slender legs indifferently.

Her casual dress was in stark contrast with the two neatly dressed maid sisters.

I know, I understand that Ryan is helping the two maids prepare breakfast.

I don't know, I thought it was something unhealthy.

After just one glance, Qiye found that the piece of Ryan's clothes was in the closet.

Ryan raised his head after hearing Qiye's footsteps.

After seeing Qiye's face that was not fully awake, Ryan smiled: "Qiyae, you can go to the restaurant. Breakfast will be ready soon."

"How do you wear this dress?"

Qiye looked at Ryan's upper body and said with a little confusion.

"Am I going to be naked without your clothes?"

Ryan rolled his eyes.

Before Qiye understood what was going on, Ligelite on the side began to explain.

"Mrs. Lane didn't bring a change of clothes. If you don't wear Qiye's clothes, she can only wear the dress of last night."

It sounds reasonable, but this is not the reason why Ryan only wears a shirt.

Despite removing the shirt, Ryan is still wearing underwear.

But this looming feeling is more excessive than wearing nothing!

As for Ligelite's "Mrs." name, Qiye had already gotten used to it.

Qiye tilted her head and thought for a moment, but finally decided to ignore this "little matter".

"need my help?"

"No, we'll be ready soon." Ryan shook his head, "Just go to the restaurant and wait for dinner."

"Then it's better to be respectful than fate."

Qiye turned around and walked towards the living room, when he suddenly looked back.

Ryan's unusually bright smile greeted him.

This smile, like the sun, swept away the haze caused by rain in the morning.

Not long after sitting at the restaurant table, Ryan walked over with food.

Ryan and the two maids prepared a toast fried egg and a bowl of cereal oatmeal for Qiye.

Very simple western breakfast, but it tastes very good.

"Are you trying to lose weight?"

Qiye noticed that Ryan only had a salad and a glass of skim milk.

This made Qiye frown slightly.

Ryan is not an actress who needs a photogenic effect.

It stands to reason that she does not need to pay such a price.


Unexpectedly, Ryan admitted happily.

"It's so good to eat at home during the New Year. I felt a little struggling to wear a dress yesterday."

Although it may be a bit impolite, Qiye feels that Ryan is not eating well in Britain, but eating too oily.

Because of the climate, the British mainland has always been relatively wet and cold.

So standard British food is the kind of high-calorie things, such as the famous [Fish and Chips].

Qiye tried that thing once.

After eating it in one bite, there is really no taste except the mouthful of oil.

Just when Qiye guessed what kind of food tragedy her "girlfriend" had suffered in her hometown.

Ryan sipped the milk, but her eyes kept spinning on Qiye, as if thinking about something.

"Can I ask you a question, Qiye?" She put down the cup.

Qiye looked up at her and nodded gently.

Ryan asked a little hesitantly: "How can a young and beautiful actress achieve a breakthrough in acting? Or can it be recognized by the critics."

"This question is not what you want to ask, right?"

Ryan is not an actor, and she certainly does not pay attention to this kind of problem.

And there is only one young actor who will ask Ryan to ask questions.

"Yes." Ryan nodded and admitted, "Lily, she told me about this matter last night. She hopes her acting skills can go further."

In fact, Lily never asked.

But Ryan could feel his sister cared about what the critics said was not good acting.

But at the same time, Ryan also knew that Lily would not tell anyone around him.

Especially the one in front of you.

So Ryan took the initiative to seek answers from Qiye.

Ryan's idea is simple, she hopes to make some compensation to Lily.


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